Personal Introduction:

This story was started in 1998 after I had a dream. It is always in some various stages of editing and one day I hope to have it published. It has been copywritten and all characters belong solely to me.

The Chosen, A Novel

By Kristine Pedersen

June 9, 1998


Chapter 1:

The air was heavy with the scent of gunpowder. Quinn's ears were ringing madly. Her breathing was ragged and shallow. Around her glass tumbled to the floor and wood shards were settling on the linoleum. She could feel the dust and debris clinging to her hair and skin. She knew who was standing at the door, gun in hand. She had seen his face so many times over the last few months. She hated him.

Her eyes raced around the room looking for an exit, or a weapon. Blood dripped slowly from her damaged skin, but she could still hear it pulsing loudly through her body. The only thing lying near her was a protractor. She stifled a hysterical laugh. In order for that to work as a weapon she would have to make it to the man before he blew her away. Suddenly, from the hallway she heard screaming. Her captor took off running and she sobbed as she realized she had escaped once again.

Rising slowly, Quinn peered around the desk, no sign of the Chosen. She scrambled across the room and looked quickly up and down the corridor. Lockers hung on their hinges and long-forgotten team banners hung haphazardly from the wall. She could hear the cries of her roommates as they were herded towards the soldiers waiting outside. Those few who refused to be removed were being murdered where they stood and the dull thuds they made as they hit the floor echoed miserably in Quinn's memory.

No time for mourning now, she raced towards the back door. Two of the Chosen appeared as if from nowhere and spotted her, blocking her path to safety, "HALT!" It was only a moment in time, but to Quinn it seemed much, much longer. She memorized their faces, their uniforms, and their distinguishing marks. She had to recognize them if she saw them again. They were both young, all of the Chosen were young. Both were good looking men of Hispanic descent, both were enjoying their job immensely and Quinn immediately decided she despised them both and would kill them if she ever found them alone.

Quinn scrambled out the window to her right and ran across the courtyard. She could hear the men on her tail, but they were having a tough time maneuvering their larger bodies through the window. She re-entered on the opposite side of the school and found herself just outside the school auditorium. Her heart was pounding; her head was throbbing madly. Her ankle was swelling and she knew she was lucky she could still run. She entered the auditorium and skittered down an aisle. She knew she had a chance now; there were so many places here to hide. She knew this room better than any area of the school.

It was agonizing to think about the school. Her home for the past few months now lay in ruin. The Chosen had been sent to demolish all the old buildings so that the Masses would have nowhere to live, nowhere to seek shelter. The people she had lived with for the past few months were now scattered to the winds once more. Some were dead, some now belonged to The Man and some had escaped. Her destiny seemed, as yet, undecided.

She glanced around more cautiously, looking in the shadows for faces that might be looking for her. She was looking for the one called Xander. She had been haunted by him, actually, hunted was more appropriate. He tracked her mercilessly everywhere she went. She had moved around many times in the last year, staying put meant risking the lives of the people she was living with. She realized she was the reason so many of her friends were gone. The guilt would have eaten her alive if she would only let it, but there was just no time.

She visualized Xander and threw hateful killing thoughts at him in her mind. He was not an unattractive man and under normal circumstances she would have found him very much her type. She looked him up and down in her mind's eye. He towered over her, taller than most of the men she knew. His thick hair was the color of maple sugar, hanging in waves around his shoulders, as Quinn remembered it, there was always one stubborn lock hanging into his eyes. "Mmmmm, his eyes," Quinn semi moaned to herself. Xander's earth colored eyes were wide set on his fierce face, they were possessively protected by long, thick, black lashes. His skin, freckled and dark from years in the sun, was slightly scarred; no doubt they were wounds from an old battle. However, this only served to make him more attractive. It was his beautiful lips that caught Quinn every time she looked at him. They were full, sensual and covering the most stunning set of white teeth she had ever encountered. His square shoulders and rugged body were quite enticing. Oh yes, he was quite handsome. He had no doubt been sent to find her because of his looks, his unmatched battle skills and incredible intelligence.

The Chosen were an exceptional lot. All men between the ages of 17 and 35, they were mostly ethnic. They had been trained to fight by the remains of the United States most elite mental forces. They were schooled by the unparalleled brilliance of doctors, professors, lawyers, physicists and many more. She envied their training, their knowledge, and their skill. Quinn had no training; the intelligence she possessed was a collective from the many people she had known in her few years.

Chapter 2:

He awoke quickly. Jumping from his bed he glanced wildly around him. He was sure someone was in here trying to destroy him. Slowly, reality oozed into his mind and he realized he had been dreaming again. It was always the same. She was there in his mind like a little Hitler. She hated him; she wanted to kill him and he knew she could if she tried hard enough. If she ever became as smart as she was capable of being, his days were surely numbered.

He wanted her in the most base and physical way. He wanted to suck her spirit from her body and consume her. He wanted to ravage her body with his own until she screamed for him to stop. He craved her so strongly it made his blood boil. She had been in his dreams, in his mind and in his reality for so long now.

He could not make her go away. He could not hate her. It was her strength and determination that made him love her. Yes, he realized he loved her. It was so damned ironic. He knew she would come to love him too. He would make her. He could if he tried hard enough and once she loved him he would destroy her. He would crush her mercilessly under him until she was dead, dead, dead.

He looked at himself in the mirror. He, who had no name and no friends, he knew he was handsome. He was their leader. He was known only as "The Man." He was giving them what they longed for, and what they feared. He was becoming the one they feared. Prophet called him "Sir". In public he made up any name that suited his purpose. He stood about 6'1" and had thick shining hair and radiant eyes. He turned this way and that, admiring his features. He felt no peace when he looked at himself. He did not feel at home in this body. He felt trapped in this city, this country. He knew what his mission was, and it did not allow room for self-pity or self-doubt. His job was to create a perfect world. They had given him their orders and he knew if he did not follow through with them he would be disposed of and there would be another.

He could travel among The Chosen, the Masses or the Subdued Ones at any time because only Prophet knew who he was. Sometimes he would travel with them as a newcomer. The Chosen spoke of him in hushed tones, fearing he would somehow hear them...and he did. They were the only ones who even wondered about him. Most of The Subdued Ones were happy in their new life. His most trusted, his Chosen, spoke of him and feared him and some even hated him; but they never suspected who he really was. He could spend days among them and still they did not question him. He laughed aloud. They were fools, every last one of them. Only his mystical woman had some intelligence. He roared. He had ways of finding people. He could track down anyone. He could not always sense what they were feeling, but he could find their location. Using his trance-like dream state he could always see the future accurately. He could see where she was; he could see what she saw. He would send word to Xander, but so far Xander had been too slow. The Man couldn't see her face, he couldn't hear her voice, and he didn't know her name. He could smell her, almost taste her sweet skin, but he could not catch a glimpse of her face. He knew her mannerisms, had studied her so long in dreams he felt he could even create a new her. Only her eyes, her lips, her hair, and her voice remained unknown. "Why can't I see them?? Damn it all!!" He screamed at himself.

He began pacing his room in a brutal way, assaulting the wooden floor with his harsh steps. He felt Prophet coming his way and stopped. He swung around and stood facing the door. His anger radiated around him buzzing like a small swarm of bees. Prophet rushed in, still in his pajamas. "Sir?" Prophet questioned. Prophet looked on The Man's face and filled with terror. He had never seen such maddness. "I must find her. I must find her quickly," he said to Prophet. "I am going insane with the need to have her here NOW!! Send word to Xander, tell him time is running out and I need him to complete his mission." The Man ordered. "Yes Sir." said Prophet and he backed demurely out of the room.

Chapter 3:

Once he had closed the door and was safely down the hall, Prophet exhaled. He looked at his reflection in the window and was shocked to see his blanched face. He breathed slowly, in and out. His mind was racing, "What kind of monster do I serve?" He wondered aloud.

In the old world Prophet had been a very religious man. Prophet had been a good man. He had worked hard, loved his family and tried to find favor with a higher power. Prophet had a wife, Elise. He also had two daughters named Lauren and Lynne. They were his life. When the changes had begun Prophet was ready. He had taken his family and raced inland. It seemed like the right thing to do; but in the end, Prophet had made some very bad choices. His decisions resulted in the deaths of his family. He, however, had been left very much alive.

He had watched as his daughters were torn apart by the wild animals, starving and ferocious. His wife had killed herself the next morning. Elise did not want to live in a world with no hope. He could see her smiling face in his minds eye, but he could not look at her for long. He was not the same man anymore and an evil seed of hatred and guilt had grown deep inside his belly. He had not known it was there until The Man appeared to him one day. "Appeared? Yes, damn it that's how it happened." Prophet said to his reflection. "He was just there all of a sudden. I listened to him. I believed he could do everything he promised. He looked into my soul and said to me, `You are my assistant. Through you I will create a new and better world. Do you choose to work for and with me, or do you choose to die now?'"

Prophet discovered he was not a courageous man and the seed of guilt was not big enough for him to choose his own death. Now Prophet knew The Man. Prophet feared The Man and suspected there was a power higher than The Man at work. He followed instructions and questioned nothing.

Prophet was the leader of The Chosen. He gave the orders. He delivered the punishments. No one questioned his authority, most of The Chosen were glad to have a leader again. They were not free thinkers after all; they preferred to be led like sheep.

Chapter 4:

Xander knew where she was. Hell, he had taken off in the other direction to get her to himself. He knew her so intimately he could have picked which corner she would hide in. He had been right on her tail for months. It had been easy enough to find her. A torturing here and there, the threatened murder of a loved one and people were eager to talk. Before he had actually met her, he had wanted to capture her and get her right back to The Man. After all, he was an excellent soldier. However, now he had personal reasons for delaying her capture. He loved to terrify her. He loved to watch her fight for her own life. He loved the way she looked at him with so much hatred even when she was facing her own capture. She captivated Xander. He was so entranced by her that he knew now he could never hand her over to The Man.

He would never kill her, but she did not know that. Xander would wait until he got his orders from Prophet. He had been trying to avoid getting them lately. He would capture her or kill her eventually, he knew that deep down. He would not disobey orders. If he did it would mean his life. He was not willing to trade his life for this amusing little gal. He could hear her coming and he knew the moment she opened the door to the auditorium she would feel safe. He certainly would miss the fun they were having together.

Chapter 5:

Quinn felt her heart steadying its rhythm in her battered chest. She flexed her ankle to see if it was broken, but it felt fine. She checked her body for bleeding and found only minor cuts and bruises. Her ears were picking up a slight sound. She stood still like an animal and cocked her head trying to pinpoint the sound. She looked around her with an insane light in her eyes. She didn't know what to expect next. Only a matter of seconds passed before Xander stepped out of the shadows. "Quinn." he said firmly. His thick, velvety voice shook her to her soul.

"NO!" she cried, stamping her swollen foot. She cried out in pain and collapsed on the floor. Defeated, she put her head in her hand and laughed gently. "I should have known you would be here. You are always there aren't you? What do you want from me?" "I'm not alone." Xander said. She looked up, still half-smiling. Xander pulled a small form to the front of his body. The little child looked toward Quinn with wide blue eyes, his blonde hair was tightly held in Xander's enormous hand. "Quinn!" The little boy called, "help me Quinn, please...he's hurting my head." Quinn's face contorted in anguish. She was able to protect herself. She was able to avoid capture and torture, but she didn't know if she could save someone else. "No, Xander, don't want to do this! Please, not Simon!" Quinn pleaded, trying not to sound as desperate as she felt.

She hauled herself to her feet and took a step toward them. "Did you just say please? Oh, I love it. Come to me and I won't kill him." Xander purred. She looked at him, tried to read his eyes. What she saw there surprised her. It seemed her impression of Xander had been a little off. He did want her, but not in the way she had first thought. That was clearly desire in his eyes.

Steeling herself, Quinn bargained, "Okay. I'll come to you. Let him go first." "How about you come over here and I don't kill him?" Xander cocked an eyebrow at her, his gaze never flickering. "I never said I was letting him go." Xander replied coolly, "Make your decision now Quinn." "Quinn, please help me!" Simon cried. Quinn felt like she was being ripped apart inside. She had never had to make a decision like this so quickly.

Quinn's face was etched in desperation. Simon had no mother. Simon loved to hear old songs about America. Simon dreamed of someday trying sugared cereal. Quinn saw Simon on her lap as she taught him how to read. "How did you know to pick him you son of a bitch?" Quinn whispered. Large tears were streaming down his face and Quinn knew she had no choice. She immediately began walking to Xander. He felt a warm swell rising up in his body. She looked, for all intents and purposes, harmless. Her head was hanging in defeat and her body was rather limp. Xander felt as though he was winning a great battle. However, he could not see the burning of her eyes. To Xander it appeared as though she was coming to him, of her own will. He savored the moment. "She can't get out of this one," Xander thought to himself. "It's over Quinn. I have enjoyed the game." Xander said with a smile.

Quinn slowly raised her head and immediately her eyes darted behind Xander where there was movement. She was almost within his reach. She looked right back into Xander's eyes; afraid she had already given away too much. "I don't think the game is completely over yet, Xander." Quinn lowered her eyes, and then looked back up at him demurely. "I really don't think I'm ready to give up just yet." Quinn had seen in an instant who was behind Xander.

It was an old man they called Joe. He was the grandfather figure of the little "family" she had been living with. How did he get here? Joe was very old and could not move quickly. For that matter, he couldn't hear very well either. But his vision was "cracker jack" as he put it and apparently he had seen enough. Joe, spending hours entertaining them with his stories of how the United States had been; and his memories of the wars and the flag and Coca-Cola and pizza and going to the movies on a Friday night. Old Joe who had been through it all and lived to tell about it. How could he risk his life so foolishly? Quinn asked herself.

As Joe swung his weapon at Xander, Quinn rushed forward to grab Simon. The weapon was a chair and it hit Xander powerfully. An angry snarl spread over his face as he fell forward and all but threw Simon to Quinn. Joe stumbled over Xander's feet and almost fell. Quinn's breath caught in her chest as she watched; at the last moment Joe caught himself and it looked as if they might escape. She pushed Simon toward the doors at the back of the auditorium. Simon's face was glazed with shock as he catapulted up the aisle.

Suddenly, 20 or more of The Chosen rushed through the back doors. Quinn recognized the two she had seen earlier at the front of the gang. Her breath caught in her throat as they raised their weapons. She looked behind her and saw Joe's resigned expression. Joe smiled at her briefly, and the goodness within him was reflected there. Xander, still flat on his face, grinned triumphantly at her and covered his head. Quinn knew at once what was going to happen and she dropped to her stomach, the front row of chairs protecting her.

Once again, bullets flew, things exploded, Old Joe was blown away. The bullets ripped through his body and tore it apart. His face contorted in agony as he fell slowly to the floor. Quinn lowered her head and sobbed as she watched.

With great gusts of ribald laughter Xander rose and held up his hand to stop the massive gunfire that threatened to bring the place down around them. The men immediately lowered their weapons and looked to Xander for further guidance. He glared and snarled at Quinn who felt a fleeting stab of fear. Simon was now in the possession of another of the Chosen. He was screaming and struggling, but he would not be killed. The Chosen needed male children. Quinn felt some relief at that. Xander was lumbering toward her and she turned, not sure where to go. She could feel him coming at her. She felt a sudden stab of anxiety as she realized she was completely trapped. He was so big he could easily rip her apart. She turned to face her certain death.

"NO!" The word ripped through the auditorium silently and yet with such a force that everyone looked for the owner. It was so powerful that there was an immediate understanding that this voice did not belong to any one of the mortals currently inhabiting the auditorium. Suddenly the floor began to vibrate slightly beneath their feet. It came from nowhere. The room filled with wide-eyed looks as the occupants cowered in fear. The wind began to howl around them and terror struck everyone. The disasters had not struck severely in years, but this certainly seemed to be one. The grown men dropped their weapons and fell to the floor, holding chairs and walls for safety. Simon bolted. He didn't care if he was killed in this disaster or not, he needed to be free. Quinn did likewise. It saved them both.

They exited the auditorium through separate doors. They could hear moaning and fearful cries as everyone near the building huddled for safety. Quinn ran for the hills, literally. She battled forward through the growing winds and clambered up and up. She reached the relative safety of the tree line before she glanced back. She turned just in time to see a tornado falling from the sky. It landed directly in front of the school and seemed to vacuum up the entire building. Threading its way around the open field it continued on doggedly until, just as quickly, it disappeared again. Quinn blinked several times and shook her head at what she had just witnessed. It was, by far, the strangest event she had ever encountered. Turning tail, she forgot the school and the city surrounding it.

Quinn fled. She ran for what seemed like miles. Her body was well shaped by years of running and moving. After a time, even she could not guess how far she had gone. She couldn't breathe, she could not feel her feet but she kept running. Trees slapped at her face and pulled her hair but she didn't notice. Rocks poked up through the earth twisting her ankles this way and that and still she continued to race on. She was not a coward, she would stay and fight if there was a chance of winning, but that had been too close, even for her. When the fear that was driving her abated, she drew upon her losses and they empowered her.

Chapter 6:

As soon as the storm subsided, Xander gathered the last of his men together and they began moving into the hills to find Quinn. The twister had taken many of his men. Many more were required to transport the captured to Central City. He and a skeleton crew were going to find that damn girl today. He would not let another day pass. He fixed a level stare on the hills before him and tried to find her just ahead. The horses would be much faster than Quinn and that was good. However, she was small enough to hide many places that men on horses might pass by, oblivious to her presence.

His men were silent. They were in shock from that little "surprise" storm and frankly, many of them were ready to head for the hills themselves. Xander gave his men a final, cursory glance and decided he would have to find something to buoy their spirits. He was not a loving leader, he was gruff and ruthless, his leadership was tinged with menace and the men knew better than to mess with him. They also knew he was furious about Quinn's escape.

He needed to regroup, but time would not allow him that luxury. "Xander!" The yell had come from one of his newer soldiers; he thought his name was Paul. "Sir, there are fresh tracks over here. They look to be the size of your girl." Xander rode quickly over to where Paul's horse had stopped. Indeed, there were fresh boot tracks, about a size 7, obviously made by someone in a big hurry. "Shall I continue ahead and track her?" Paul inquired. Xander thought that was an excellent idea and it would give the rest of the group time to relax a bit. "Fine." He said brusquely, "I will expect you to ride ahead one hour, and then ride back to us. I warn you, if you lose these tracks you will lose your life." Paul's lips twitched and he felt a sudden twisting in his gut. "What have I gotten myself into." he wondered. "Yes sir." he answered in a constricted voice. He turned his horse once more and headed up the incline following Quinn's tracks.

Chapter 7:

Quinn stumbled over a large root and fell flat on her face. With a "whoosh" the air was knocked out of her and she gasped loudly for another breath. She beat the ground with one angry fist, and then lay her sweaty face on the ground. She lay there for a moment considering what to do. Her heart was pounding rabidly in her chest as if it might explode in protest. Her hair was soaked with her own sweat. Her skin was red, in places it was cut and bleeding, but most of the color was her body overheating. She knew they would be after her. She could hear water nearby and longed for a drink. "I could probably use a bath, too." she thought, "but no time for that right now."

She raced to the water's edge and began to drink in hurried gulps. Immediately, her stomach rebelled and she threw up. Quinn, Gagging and crying, wiped at her eyes trying to center herself somewhat. She should have known better. What was she thinking? How many times had she heard of people doing just what she had done, and then vomiting? After a moment she took another drink, this time much more slowly. Happily, the water remained ensconced in her tummy this time. She gazed at the stream in front of her.

She weighed the pros and con's of escaping in the stream and decided they would find her no matter how she went. The water would most likely slow her down and she could just picture the arrogant smirk on Xander's face when he caught up with her. She visualized herself standing knee-deep in the water, her shirt clinging to her body and her hair hanging in clumps around her face.

He would be up on his horse, ogling her and she could not handle that. "No way!" she said aloud, "I am not going to be that stupid again." She sat up and looked around her. She was in a glen. There were birds overhead singing, and the branches of the trees were waving slightly in the afternoon breeze. Just behind her the sun was splitting the darkness in shafts of warm light. It was actually a beautiful little spot and she sighed wistfully, sad that she could not linger to enjoy the moment. Once more she bent over the stream and washed her face.

She was looking at the hill on the other side of the stream when she spotted the opening in the earth. It was half hidden by overgrowth, but it looked big enough for her. If she could get in there, and then cover the entrance back up, she might be able to lay low for a few days until Xander and his men had cleared the area. She felt her spirits rising. Her inner voice, which was often extremely harsh and critical said sharply, "Don't get carried away Quinn, you don't know for sure if it's safe over there. Even if it is, you might not fit. There may be wild animals living in there. " Her inner voice seemed to be taunting her. Whose side are you on??

She clenched her fists at her sides and stomped through the stream with sudden resolve. The water was chilly and it was deeper than it had appeared. She was up to her chest by the time she cleared the middle; luckily, there was not much of a current. A fox was drinking on the shore and it looked up at her as if to ask what she might be doing in the middle of the stream all by herself. "Good question." she said to the fox that turned and ran away when he heard her voice. She giggled, feeling a little giddy.

Moments later she was pulling herself through the overgrown reeds and grass to clear a way into the cave. It sat on the shore, slightly in the water. As soon as she could see inside she realized that it sloped immediately upward and was not really wet inside at all. Hurriedly, she climbed inside and turned to adjust the "natural" look behind her. She sat near the opening for about fifteen minutes. Her heart began to slow and she was breathing normally again. Her eyes rested on the sunlight in the glen she had so recently vacated. She sat quietly, listening, watching.

In a moment of desperation, she began to cry. She allowed the sorrow to wash over her, and she sat pitifully sobbing her heart out. She felt so trapped, so hopeless. Her dear friends were gone. She was sure she would never see them again. Her small body was racked with grief and she did not try to control herself this time. She cried and cried and snuffled and hiccuped until she was all dried out. She felt a little like a small toad crouching here in the entrance to this little cave. A small part of Quinn longed for surrender and an end to it. However, most of her was still fighting to be left alone.

With renewed energy she moved a little further into the cave and tried to look at the opening objectively. "Does it look like a half-drowned woman just crawled in here?" she asked herself. Her inner voice began to speak up again, but Quinn cleared her throat loudly and the voice subsided. That decided, she turned once more and began to survey her surroundings.

The cave was small near the opening. It was damp and dark; and the earth beneath felt soft and cool. The "walls" and ceiling were rock. "This must have been hollowed out years ago." Quinn muttered as she caressed the area over her head. She could not stand upright; she was sitting on her butt with her legs extended in front of her. She was having the all too womanish thought that perhaps this place was loaded with bugs and snakes. She reached behind her and felt the floor and up the walls. Nope, no sign of any bugs at all, how relieving. She crab-walked backward a little further and noticed that the air was warmer back here. The opening was getting smaller and smaller and Quinn began to feel much like Alice in Wonderland. It was also getting much darker and as Quinn's eyes adjusted to the darkness she did not see the horseman who was approaching the stream on the opposite shore.

Chapter 8:

The Man had made his decision. He was leaving Central City for a while. He was tired of waiting for Xander to return with his prize. He knew the area Xander had been in last and felt certain he could locate the girl on his own. He would pretend to be another traveler and win her friendship. Perhaps she would lead him to areas filled with people who wanted freedom and not the structure he had created here. Those people, the Masses were his target; he wanted everyone to belong to his way of life. He wanted her by his side, with or without her agreement.

The Man had the feeling that he was disappointing those who had sent him here. He did not want to be replaced, and yet he could not help feeling like he needed to do this thing on his own. He carried only a ratty looking back pack for the journey. He looked every bit a man who had survived in the wild. He had told Prophet of his plans and Prophet had looked more worried than usual. "What if something happens to you?" Prophet had asked. "I will be replaced if something happens." The Man had answered. "And if something goes wrong here?" "I will know." Prophet nodded, he understood what that meant.

He headed out of Central City and nobody noticed him leaving. He looked so very ordinary. He did not stop to eat, only pausing to pull food from his pack when he was famished. He slept sporadically, a few hours here and there when the day grew too hot. He encountered no living beings and this was just as he wanted it. He did not want to make any friends; he wanted only to find his lost woman. He traveled on foot for many days, finally reaching an area that felt familiar.

The familiarity was more of a "sense" that he was in the right spot. To date, The Man could not remember having any redeeming feelings. He felt lust, hatred, and unfortunately for some, disappointment. He believed that he was being led in the right direction, and following this belief, he "felt" that this was the place he should stop.

He set up a camp of sorts, lighting a fire and sitting yoga style near it. He spent a day in his trance-like state looking for Xander. He could sense Xander's spirit long before he could see him. When he finally located the soldiers' camp a stony expression came over his face. What he discovered made him very angry. Xander had lost the girl once more. He could feel Xander's inner turmoil much more acutely from this proximity and The Man realized for the first time that Xander had fallen in love with her.

His mouth contorted grotesquely and his smoldering eyes blazed murderously. He would like to kill Xander he decided. He would do it in person so Xander would know why it was happening. It would be a slow death, slow and very painful. He decided there would be a large amount of blood involved. He smiled wickedly, that decision made.

Chapter 9:

Quinn moved slowly, further and further into the cave, the small opening widened into a large room. It was incredibly dark, but her eyes seemed to be adjusting as she moved and she could see around her fairly well. This large room was dry and although it was warm it did not feel stuffy. The walls were made of solid rock, which was jagged, and rough. It was about 10 feet to the top of the room she decided. From where she was now standing it looked like one large room with no other entrance or exit. "Hello??" she hollered. "Hellooo?? Hellooo??" it echoed around her and she laughed nervously, "I thought I had decided not to be stupid anymore!" she said to herself and half-heartedly slapped her head.

Wishing for a torch or lantern of some kind, Quinn squinted into the darkness trying to make out the boundaries of her new home. She turned around and looked back down the passage she had just crawled through. The outside light seemed miles away and was no more than a tiny pinprick in the distance. For the first time in months she felt a sense of calm come over her. This was an ideal place to live. She would have to be careful to cover her tracks, but at least there were no other people to be captured or injured if anyone found her.

Chapter 10:

Paul's horse stopped at the edge of the water and began to drink. Paul's eyes darted nervously around looking for the girl. He had tracked her to the clearing behind him and it seemed she had come this way, but the shore was rocky and there were no footprints. Normally, from his horse he could see quite a distance, but the surrounding foliage made it difficult to see more than a few feet in any direction.

He dismounted and lowered his hot face into the cool stream. He was a storm cloud of emotion. He knew if he lost Quinn again he would be severely punished. Frankly, he was sick of looking for her. He could not understand Xander's obsessive desire for this particular girl. There were so many out there hiding from them and waiting to be captured. Some of the women even seemed relieved when they were finally found. Some were very grateful to be in the company of well-groomed men again and those women showed their gratefulness readily.

Paul smiled. He loved his job. Well, normally, he loved it. Right now he was hot, tired, pissed off and terrified. Lately, he hadn't felt the same thrill when they were murdering innocent people. He didn't really enjoy torching the old buildings anymore. He didn't care much for Xander either. He didn't want to admit that to himself, but it was the truth. He sat on his haunches staring hungrily at the fish swimming near the shore. On a light breeze he heard it..."hello...." It drifted to him and he stood upright immediately. His horse stomped nervously next to him. "Shhh!" he commanded the animal. He closed his eyes and breathed slowly listening to the world around him. There it was again! "Hellooo." He felt a sudden intoxication of his spirit. He had found her! "Who's the man?" he asked his horse. The horse's look seemed to say, "You haven't found her yet asshole."

Paul mounted and moved slowly into the stream. He felt sure the sounds had come from the opposite shore. The stream became deep rather quickly and the horse, although well trained, was not at all happy about this. Paul realized he had to make a decision, dismount and walk the horse across or look for a shallow place to cross.

He chose the latter. The horse whinnied his thanks and Paul patted his mane, "Yeah, well, if we lose her buddy we're both maggot food. Keep that in mind." Paul listened intently for more noise around him, but all he heard was the disheartening sounds of nature.

Chapter 11:

Quinn lay down for a moment on the warm dirt floor and before she knew it she was sound asleep. She slept for a long time and when she awoke she could tell it had become night. The cave was darker than ever, though she never would have thought it possible. Her clothing and hair were dry once again and, even though she knew she must look frightening, it was nice to be warm and comfortable.

She sat quietly, leaning against the immense stone wall behind her. It was odd, this feeling of blindness. She did not feel afraid, in fact, for the first time in longer than she could remember she felt a strong sense of peace and wholeness settling over her. She could not hear any noise within this tomb of rock. "No, not tomb, more like womb," she whispered aloud and imagined the walls around her hugging her closer. "I feel like a fetus tucked safely within a womb." Quinn smiled at the thought. She was so hungry and yet she felt sure that she did not want to leave the cave just yet.

She pulled her hands through her matted hair and tied it up with a piece of cloth. Her mind was buzzing about what she "should" be doing, but every other part of her felt completely satisfied sitting here in the pitch black doing absolutely nothing. Soon her breathing became slow and rhythmic and she slid slowly down the wall curled up like a baby and slept like the dead.

Chapter 12:

The Man decided to stay put for a couple of days until he felt like himself again. He needed a good meal and some rest. His disheveled appearance was starting to alarm him. He needed to be handsome, and this look, this ragged, homeless look was more than he could stand. He stopped to bathe in a river and set up camp for the night.

When he was clean and had washed his clothes, he hung them on the branches of the surrounding foliage and let them dry. Next he gathered some dry limbs and began to make himself a fire. He cleared an area on the top of a small rise and made himself a bed of pine needles. While the fire gained heat, he lay down on the freshly made bed and took a small but much needed nap.

When he awoke it was nightfall. He decided it was time to stoke his fire and find something to eat. He set out with no weapon, but before long he had killed a multitude of small animals for his meal. He collected some wild raspberries and rhubarb for some dessert. "I am truly in touch with my Hairy Man.," he said to himself. The idea of himself as an outdoorsman was laughable, but here he was skinning his own meat.

He buried the remains of his animals far from his camp to avoid a run-in with any of the larger woodland creatures. Then he returned to his fire with a fresh armload of wood and prepared to cook his meal. He wrapped his dessert in a spare T-shirt and lowered it into the stream so it would be clean and chilled when it was time.

When the main course was crackling merrily over the fire, he leaned back and looked at the ever-darkening sky. He was amazed at the constellations, at what he knew was there but could not see. He felt a moment of regret, of pity for himself. He actually felt a little lonely for the first time since setting out, and all he needed now, he decided, was some companionship.

As if he had materialized from thin air, a man came plodding over the hill. The outlander squinted at the fire in front of him and smiled. It was a wide, warm smile and the positive energy radiating from the transient reached out like a wispy spider web and caressed The Man. The Man bolted upright and sat considering this foreigner. He closed his eyes momentarily and reached out to the stranger. What he felt was good and pure, white light. It made the Man furious. He wanted to kill this mortal without another thought. He felt there was already too much good still existing on this world. However, considering his thoughts of only moments before, it suddenly occurred to the Man that this do-gooder was here for a reason.

He smiled broadly at the Man, and so the Man stood and walked to meet him. "Hello there!" said the wanderer. "Hello yourself." replied the Man. "Something smells good," the transient added, nodding toward the fire. "I've got some potatoes and carrots I could add to that meat." "Well, it's about ready, would you care to join me?" the Man invited. "I was hoping you would ask," the do-gooder said, grinning. The grin was like the glow of the sun and the Man felt his hatred bubbling in him like a stew of another kind.

"My name's David." said the Man; "Mine's Lucas," said the other man. The Man was not sure why he had said his name was David, but there it was. Introductions having been made they both settled in to eat.

Chapter 13:

Xander's evening was going much the same way, however, he was surrounded by friends, co-workers...all of them men. He was feeling a little sorry for himself too. He had thought that this evening would be spent with Quinn. He wanted to be angry, but he could not deny her the right to want her own freedom.

He was also lying under a blanket of stars. He was thinking how they looked much the same way as they had in ages past. The Earth had been ravaged, tortured, ripped and shredded and yet the constellations still followed their same course night and day. It spoke volumes about the importance of mankind on what was left of this planet.

Xander placed his arm behind his head and closed his eyes. He was really a striking figure. He had taken off his uniform and lay rather vulnerably in only a loincloth. One leg bent, one straight out on the ground, he looked as if he were posing for a painting. Behind his closed eyes, however, he was anything but calm.

His mind was racing, "Where is Paul? Where is Quinn? Where are my orders from Prophet?" In his mind he could clearly picture each of them. Xander knew wherever Quinn was she was undoubtedly gloating. He hoped Paul had been able to stay on her trail and corner her like a wild rabbit. Paul was already in deep for not returning in an hour as he had been instructed to do.

Xander imagined The Man's face and he cringed with fear. He could not imagine the fury he would be subject to. He, in turn, would pass that fury along to Paul. He might even show Quinn a thing or two about what it meant to keep running from him. Xander began to dream. He dreamt of things that had occurred in his lifetime, things that had formed him. Xander's heart was a good one. He wanted to be a decent man, the circumstances surrounding his life made him cruel. He had been born in an era when the Earth of the twentieth century was being devoured by the forces of nature.

Life had gone on in its slow monotonous way for many years, and then one day everything changed. All over the world twisters fell from the sky, the ground shook violently and often, fires raged beyond human control, tidal waves struck the shores and all of mankind was left in shock.

In the years following the disasters, the Earth was a very desolate place to live. The natural disasters had wiped out all vegetation and insect life. The result of these deaths brought on many more. The food chain as it was known was virtually destroyed. The humans who survived were few. Their collective came to be known as The Mass.

Xander chuckled lightly in his sleep, "The Mass," what a joke. The Mass was in no way "massed." They roamed the lands in a solitary way and tried to find hope for a better tomorrow. The disasters had no preference, they murdered whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, Catholics, atheists. . . anyone who was not lucky enough to avoid them. The natural disasters brought other terrors. They created looting, homicide, genocide, rape and other man-made "disasters."

Eventually, the land mass known as the United States could hold together no more. It released its hold on Canada, which floated, becoming an island. South America tore away taking half of Texas with it. Earthquakes and shifting of the Earth's tectonic plates moved California and land up to the Rocky Mountains clear out into the ocean. On the East Coast, things were no better.

Coastal flooding and tidal waves slapped at the land until it eroded to sea level. The remaining "United States" was not very united. The land that was left became loving called "Our Haven." Though most of the outer shell of the United States had been desecrated, the Midwest had been left strangely untouched. Very shortly after the disasters stopped, plant and animal life in the Midlands became astonishingly renewed. Xander recalled that most people had raced inland for the safety of the heartland. It was impossible to tell how many people were still alive.

As Xander looked back on it, it seemed the events that followed were almost normal. Due to the volume of people arriving, a leader was set in place. It was a natural decision and occurred without any ado. The new leader's name was Prophet. Prophet was one of the first men who had arrived in that place. He kept the law, such as it was, and meted out the punishments as he deemed them necessary. Prophet made it clear that he was only the voice of the true leader. A man with no history, no name and no face, he was only to be known as "The Man."

Crime was dealt with swiftly and in the name of "The Man." It didn't take long for the people to realize that this new world order was not as it once had been. People did what they were told and things went well. The Man was greatly feared because he always seemed to "know" when something illegal was going on. Under Prophet and The Man, a new "capital" was established. It was in a place that had once been named Omaha. It was now called Central City.

Xander had spent his boyhood alone. He did not know if he had any family, if they were alive, he had no idea how to find them. He rarely even thought about them anymore. When he was younger he had dreamed that one day they would track him down and he would know the love of a family. It was not until he was grown that he found the kind of love he was looking for, that was only when he became part of The Chosen.

The Chosen were a motley group of half-hearted soldiers. All of which were men, most of which were ethnic. Prophet initially formed them. He gathered the strongest, fastest, bravest, most intelligent young men in Central City and "initiated" them. They carried out the justice in Central City. No one questioned his or her authority.

However, The Man had a much higher plan for his army, a secret plan. It appeared that they were to operate as any normal army would. However, the strongest and most intelligent were placed as the leaders. They were trained apart from the other men. They were told things the other soldiers did not know. Xander was strong and brave. Xander was also a genius. Xander knew the secrets, which darkened his soul and created him.

His dreams were angry and guilt-ridden, filled with the faces of those he had killed. He dreamt that he killed his own mother, even though that was not how it had happened. This night Xander dreamed of Quinn. He was dreaming of tracking her, finding her and killing her. In the dream he was smiling, but in the real world dispirited tears were sliding down his cheeks and dripping into the dry ground beneath his head.

Chapter 14:

Xander's men slept nearby. All of them rested around a large fire. They spoke among themselves in whispers. None of them knew what would happen next. The tornado had seriously shaken their faith. They did not want to die after all this time. They were considering mutiny.

They watched Xander as he dozed and their apprehensive looks said it all. Xander did not care about carrying out The Man's wishes anymore. He was being driven by a need that was consuming him. It was love or lust they weren't sure which. Xander's only passion was in catching Quinn. After that, hell, none of them knew.

The conversation this evening was centered on the little event at the school earlier today. The men felt as if it had not been such a coincidence, that perhaps Quinn had something to do with it. Many of them were religious, or had been. They believed there was a higher power at work in everything. At first many of the men had felt that The Man was the higher power; their faith was dissipating rapidly.

What God would allow such mass murdering? What being greater than they would allow such barbaric treatment of fellow human beings? These were the thoughts of Xander's men as they watched his troubled sleep. They could understand his attraction to Quinn; many of them were quite lonely and missing women. On the other hand, there were so many other women to choose from, women who were not wanted by The Man.

As the camp settled into slumber there was a heavy feeling of discontent lingering around them. Many of the men were feeling a dull, empty ache gnawing at their souls. Some were thinking of their mothers or sisters, long since vanished. Some were wishing they had wives and families and steady jobs with good pay. A minute few even dared to ponder running away and disappearing with The Mass.

Of course, they knew there would always be others. There were so many men who still found killing a pleasure. If they left The Chosen, many of the men knew their deaths would be so much worse for having been a defected solder. Yet these thoughts did not override the thoughts of leaving it all behind them.

Overhead the stars watched it all.

Chapter 15:

David and Lucas were both stretched out on the ground around the waning fire. Their bellies were filled to overflowing and they lay silently looking at the sky. After a time, Lucas raised himself up on one elbow and looked to David. "You know," he began, "I feel as if I know you from somewhere. Have we met before?" David, moaning, pulled himself to a sitting position and looked squarely at Lucas across the fire. "No, I don't believe we have. I'd remember a mug like yours." Lucas smiled and scratched his nose in a mindless way, "Just seems like I recognize you. Oh well, must be my full stomach talking for me."

"You know, when I was a boy I lived near the ocean. I just can't get used to this life inland. I want so much to be by the sea, but the damn thing is so volatile these days... I don't know. I just get so mad sometimes that we got screwed out of a good life... you know what I mean?" David nodded slowly and tipped his head to the side as if considering this. "I've always lived in wide open spaces myself. Never near the ocean, but you know, in the plains...never holed up in a god-forsaken valley like this one. I don't know, just something about seeing the mountains off there in the distance makes me feel like I'm on the edge of the planet. I guess I think it's a little scary." Lucas raised one eyebrow, "Are you headed to the mountains?" "Why do you ask?" " Well, I'm just asking because I'm headed that way and I guess I thought it might be nice to have someone to travel with. Of course, if you're headed into Central City then I guess that's fine by me, I'll just head out in the morning."

"Actually," David said slowly, watching Lucas closely, "I'm looking for a woman." "Aren't we all?" Lucas laughed. "No, this one is special, my friend." David reached into his pack and pulled out a slightly marred piece of paper. "I'm not much of an artist, but this is sort of what she looks like." He handed the picture over to Lucas.

Now due to the "scrambler" that had been put on David's senses where Quinn was concerned this drawing left a lot to the imagination. In fact, it wasn't very close to what she looked like at all. Lucas studied it momentarily and then handed it back to David. "No, I'd remember if I'd seen a beauty like her," he said with a mischievous grin. "Hey, I told you, I'm no DaVinci!" David teased back. "Well, since you're headed to find her, you might want to look in the mountains. So, does that mean you may want a traveling companion?" David wanted to answer back, "No you asshole, drop dead, let me help you!" He hated Lucas' clear eyes and shiny hair. He hated the lovely goodness that shone around him like a neon light. He was looking at the fire, but Lucas could see the clenching muscles in his cheeks and wondered what his deal was.

"Let me sleep on it," David offered. "Fair enough," Lucas nodded and settled down to sleep, "thanks again for sharing your meal." "Yup." David said and rolled away from the fire, trying to move his mind as far away from Lucas as possible.

Chapter 16:

It came to David in a dream it was so simple. Lucas was so good. Quinn was so good. Surely they would be drawn to each other like magnets. If he traveled with Lucas he was sure to find Quinn. He wasn't sure how he came by this knowledge, but it seemed plausible and it made up his mind for him. His dreams were haunted with visions of her but he couldn't really see what she was doing because it was so dark around her, he could not make it clearer no matter how hard he concentrated. He awoke feeling frustrated and grouchy.

Lucas was all packed up and under some nearby trees doing what looked like yoga. David watched him hatefully wishing him dead. Of course, it didn't always work that easily and sometimes, like now, it backfired. Lucas turned and gave that damned open smile again, "Bon Matin mon ami!" He yelled. David raised an arm in greeting and set about making some breakfast. He could hear Lucas coming up the hill behind him so he put on his most pleasant face and turned to him. "I was an ass last night, I would like the company of a traveling companion. I'm just not used to having anyone around and I guess I forgot how to be nice for a while." Lucas laughed out loud seeing the pained look on David's face as he forced the apology from his lips. "Apology accepted," Lucas said shaking his head and bending over to his pack so David wouldn't see his laughter. David glared at the back of his head and stomped off to get the berries out of the stream.

Chapter 17:

Quinn crept out of the cave for the first time in two days. She could not wait one moment longer to satisfy her ravenous hunger. She felt like a beast, as if she could eat a small animal raw. The daylight stunned her as she poked her head out of the cave. She gasped and shielded her eyes with her arm. After several moments of tearing and blinking her eyes finally adjusted to the bright sun. She crawled clumsily out of the hole and fell headlong into the stream.

Gasping for air as she came up she felt like screaming at the top of her lungs. Instead she peered back into the water and noticed the fish swimming curiously around her. If she reached out slowly she just might be able to catch one. However, the curious fish were not in the mood to be eaten just now and they swam nimbly away from her outstretched fingers. "Come on!" Quinn yelled and drooped her shoulders in defeat. "Meow." Quinn raised her head and looked across the stream to the shore. "Meow." There sat a cat, one lone cat, surrounded by about 10 fish still flopping wildly on the bank. Quinn squinted and whispered, "No way." "Meow." Quinn felt as if she was being invited to a feast by a king. "Okay, I'm coming." She said to the cat, feeling a little odd responding to him.

The cat licked his paw and leisurely cleaned one ear as Quinn moved slowly through the water toward him. As Quinn stepped onto the shore and stood dripping the cat moved familiarly in and out around her legs. "Meow." Quinn chuckled at the insanity of the situation. She walked over to the brush to gather some firewood and the cat followed, sometimes dashing between her legs so that she almost fell over him.

"Meow, meow," the cat said as if directing her to the best pile of wood. "Yes, yes, I hear you...I'm moving as fast as I can with you running around my feet!" Quinn laughed at the creature. When she had started a small fire she began skinning the fish and the cat sat right next to her "meowing" when he felt that he had something to say. Quinn talked to the cat because he was the first companionship she had had in two days. The cat sat patiently watching her, his tail swishing back and forth behind him. She tossed all the innards to the side and the cat walked to the discarded pile and began eating, picking the parts he liked best. "Ugh," Quinn wrinkled up her nose in disgust, "are you sure you don't want to wait and have some of the good stuff?" "Meow." the cat answered and continued eating his fill.

When Quinn had finished eating she looked longingly around her at the glen. "I wish I could just camp out here with you cat." "Meow." "Yeah, I know how you feel. I don't want to go back into that dark old cave, but I guess I don't have much choice." Quinn stood slowly and gathered up the remainder of fish she had cooked and not eaten. She also had some roots and berries she thought might taste good. The cat ran `round and `round her legs, meowing incessantly. "What cat? What?" She reached out and picked him up, snuggling him under her chin. "You smell so good for a cat that eats raw fish," Quinn purred to him and he purred to her in return. She kissed his head and set him down, "Thanks for the food Mr. Cat. I really have to go now."

She picked up her food and began moving into the water again. The cat sat on the shore watching her, his tail swishing behind him. "Meow." he said finally, as she reached her hole and began to climb in. "Bye!" Quinn yelled and waved to him as she crawled into the darkness feeling more morose than ever.

She waited in the entrance to the cave until her eyes had once more adjusted and then she found a makeshift "countertop" to put her foodstuffs on. She sat down and leaned back on the now familiar wall feeling a dark depression coming over her. She started to cry quietly in the dark

Chapter 18:

"Damnit David, we've been that way a millions times already!" Lucas yelled, throwing down his pack and pulling his sweat soaked shirt over his head. "Three days and we are making no progress! I've had it with you and you're "I know the way!" syndrome! You don't know your way from a hole in your ass and I am taking the lead.... got it?" He swiped the dripping shirt across his face and dropped down to the ground. Reaching for his pack he dug around inside until he found a canteen full of warm water. He took a long draw and then dumped some over his head. Finally, he raised his eyes to David who was still stubbornly standing in front of him.

David was glaring angrily at Lucas, not for the first time in the three days they had been together. David knew Quinn was in this area and he knew eventually Lucas would draw her to him. He didn't know how to keep this knowledge a secret anymore since Lucas had figured out that they were traveling in circles. "Listen." David said in a low menacing tone, "Don't try to tell me what I AM going to do you asshole." "NO," Lucas said standing immediately up in David's face, " I am telling you what I am going to do, and that is walk away from you and your "eat shit" looks. You continuously have a bad attitude! You and that damned glare you have been giving me since I met you. I don't know how I ever imagined this would work itself out. You're a jerk, 100% jerk. I've had it ... so long buddy." Lucas turned to walk off in his own direction.

All David could think to do was stop him, and the only way he could think to do this was to tackle him, so he did. Lucas was caught off guard, but he instantly rolled atop David and looked at him as if he had lost his mind. "Are you insane? What the hell?" David slammed his fist furiously into Lucas unsuspecting face and threw him backward. The two began to scuffle in an animalistic way, grunting and groaning, cussing and screaming. Threats were bellowed out in booming voices, gradually degenerating to a guttural rasp from both men. They were beating each other relentlessly and it seemed their strength was equal.

Lucas, his face flushing with indignation, rose from the dirt and dust and tried to remove himself from the quarrel. David came at him once more, his eyes bulging from their sockets, his veins standing out in livid ridges. "What is wrong with you?" Lucas shouted and shoved David back with all of his might. David landed hard on his posterior and looked about wildly for something to throw at Lucas. "Stop, for God's sake, stop it!" Lucas screamed from where he stood some distance away. "We're tired, we're upset, come on David, let's just cool it."

David's breathing was ragged and he sat with his teeth gritted, a dark smoldering look on his visage. Sticking out his chin defiantly he said, "Fine, leave if you think you can manage it on your own. I was only trying to help. It's not my fault everything keeps bringing us back here. Maybe there's some metaphysical reason we're supposed to be here, did you ever stop to think of that?" Lucas rested against a tree with his hands on his knees. He was trying to calm his racing heart and return his breathing to normal. David's statement did make perfect sense.

He lifted his tired head and met David's arrogantly impassive gaze. The sweat was burning his eyes and he blinked again and again trying to clear his vision. "You're right man, I'm sorry." Lucas said, "I wasn't trying to blame you, it's just that we've been working so HARD at getting nowhere. I am so exhausted and we have nothing, not one single mile to show for it." David pursed his lips, "Well, why don't we sleep one more night on it, and if, in the morning, you still think you should take the lead then I will follow you. Fair?" "Yeah," Lucas nodded and sank slowly down the length of the tree, "whose turn is it to get some dinner?" "Mine," David said, giving Lucas a pitiful look of appeal, "what would you like, squirrel or rabbit or fish?"

Lucas gave David a shameless grin and rubbed the side of his temple with his finger as if in deep thought, "Well, honey, I've been hankerin' for some rabbit...I just love the special way you fix it for me." Assuming a posture of superiority, David's eyes danced as he replied, "Maybe after dinner I can give you a real treat!" Lucas laughed heartily and put his hands up to ward David off, "I think I've had enough physical contact with you for one day!" David felt invigorated by the brawl and walked off with a lilt in his sep as he searched for some dinner. "I am a genius!" he thought to himself, feeling quite sure that Quinn was no more than a breath away.

Chapter 19:

Quinn lay quietly breathing in and out, in and out. It was one of the ways she tried to keep her sanity in the complete darkness. She would imagine music, playing to the beat of her heart, moving in time with her breathing. Sometimes a feeling of hysteria would arise in her so strong and so deep that she would have to dig her hands into the dirt below her to resist the wave that felt as if it would overcome her.

This day had been long. Twice she had crept to the opening and looked longingly out at the sunlight, but she had felt strongly that she should not venture out. So, after some inner struggling she had returned to her sleeping spot and played the breathing game. "Meow." From out of the darkness near her she heard it. She smiled to herself, now she was imagining the cat in here with her.

Oh, well, the power of the mind will do strange things she imagined. Momentarily, she felt a warm flood of fur pass over her cheek. She howled in fright and swiped at her face. Sitting up her eyes scanned back and forth for the offending object. "Meow." It was right in front of her. She put her hand out slowly and felt the cats' face as it rubbed on her hand. First a cheek, then a hint of teeth, then the other cheek as it familiarized itself with her. "Hello cat." Quinn said softly, "How did you find me?" "Meow." Now he was stepping into her lap, touch, touch, touch with his paw, and then one leg...then touch, touch, touch, with the other paw and both front feet were on her legs. She leaned her face down and took the massive snuggling he gave her. His purrs were louder than her breathing had been and she was so relieved she scooped him up and kissed him for a solid minute. When he had enough of that he pushed his way out of her arms and walked around her, rubbing and caressing her with his body and tail.

"Are you here to stay then?" she asked him. "Meow," he replied and she knew that meant, "yes." "Then I will have to name you, or do you have a name?" Quinn asked as she lay down on her side and allowed him to continue his snuggling of her. "Meow," the cat replied once more with feeling and she knew his name was Solomon. "Solomon the wise?" she asked, and his purring grew louder as he realized she knew him.

Quinn had never been so happy to have company in her life. He was just what she had needed. After an appropriate time of loving he settled down a little way from her and began cleaning himself. She could not see him clearly, but she could hear his tail in the dirt, swish, swish...swish, swish and strangely enough it was music that matched her breath. In, out, swish, swish, in, out, swish, swish. She sighed in utter contentment and dozed once again.

Sometime later Solomon woke Quinn from her nap with his loud insistent "meowing." He was starving; she was starving. She knew she was going to have to venture out again and find something to eat. Thanks to her new friend, and her little nap, she felt ready to take on the world once more. She began to make her way down the crawlspace when the aroma of a grilling rabbit hit her nose. She almost salivated. "Where is that delicious smell coming from?" Quinn wondered aloud. "Meow," said Solomon, still inside the cave.

"Solomon, come on, it's outside." Quinn insisted. "Meow," said Solomon and she heard him growing farther away from the opening. She sniffed down the crawlspace, but oddly, the smell seemed to be coming from behind her...from inside the cave. "How did Solomon get inside the cave without getting wet?" Quinn wondered aloud, and it seemed ludicrous that this was the first time she had wondered such a thing. "There must be another way in and out!" She crawled back inside the cave and called softly, "Solomon, where are you?"

"Meow..." it echoed slightly and seemed to come from the opposite side of the cave. She did not want to be stupid, but she knew her hunger was much too strong to keep her from exploring a little more. She retraced her steps to the middle of the cave. It looked the same, but the smell was much more intense here. "Hmm, maybe it's some kind of air hole and the smoke is drifting in from the hill above me." She moved to the nearest side and began walking her way around with her hands.

About midway around the room she discovered something she had not seen from the opening, there was another entrance. In fact, as she kept going she found three more entrances to this large room, which she thought of now as the antechamber. The smell was definitely coming from the middle entrance. "Curiosity killed the cat." She said to herself. "Meow." Solomon protested from in front of her. "Sorry," she said giggling with a sheepish grin. The thought stayed with her, but it did not stop her from going down that middle walkway.

Quinn crept along the passageway as quietly as she could. Her stomach was gurgling and growling loudly. She could see a light ahead, but it didn't really look like sunlight or firelight. Solomon was being completely still, and she could feel him weaving in and out around her feet. She was so damn inquisitive and so damn hungry! Nothing was going to keep her away from that light.

She peered around the end of the passage and because the light had grown imperceptibly stronger, she was able to see that it lead to yet another choice of hallways. She chose the one to the right, "The road less traveled..." she thought to herself. How she wished she had a book with her in the last few days. "Not that I could have read it in the dark anyway Solomon," she giggled again and tripped over Solomon as he did a quick reversing figure eight around her feet, "oh, I need to stay focused!" she reprimanded herself, "I need to be alert and here I am dreaming of Robert Frost and talking to you Mr. Cat!" The smell of cooking meat was about to do her in.

As she rounded the last bend an ethereal feeling overtook her. It was as if she was about to be face to face with destiny and she needed to look it in the eye or run immediately in the other direction. She paused for a moment, her foot hesitating midway in step. "Meow," Solomon said insistently from in front of her. What he meant only heaven knew, but what it sounded like to Quinn was "Now or never sweetheart."

Chapter 20:

The two young men had been wading down the river for what seemed like days. It had only been about 4 hours, but it was the chilly water that was making it seem so much longer. They were chatting quietly and looking intently for Quinn. They were uniformed men, strong and well trained. They had come silently following Paul; Xander did not know they had left. It was ideal. They were sure they would find Quinn first and then they would receive the rewards the Man had planned for Xander. It seemed like such a simple plan.

The taller of the two men walked right by the open weeds, not noticing from his vantage point that they were slightly mussed. He was busy talking about what they might receive in return for Quinn. He was oblivious to the moment. However, the shorter one stopped dead in his tracks and stared. "Here," he said softly. The taller turned and waded back. They peered into the hole for a moment and then began climbing slowly inside. Quinn heard pleasant melodic male voices singing. It was coming from the fire, she was just sure of it. She could envision a camp of The Chosen, lead by Xander all about to eat...perhaps eat her. Maybe they had known she was in there and were just tempting her out with their damned food. She felt fear gripping her insides like a frozen fist and she was about to turn back.

"Oh, stop and think about it Quinn, how many do you hear?" Now the voice seemed to come from inside her head, but after a stunned moment Quinn realized Solomon was talking to her. She looked down at him, her eyebrows knit with confusion. "I hear two or three," she replied to the cat. "Then I really doubt it's an army," Solomon replied matter-of-factly. She smiled at him, then impulsively bent and rubbed his head. "You are so smart!" she told him. Now it might have seemed like a strange exchange for someone who had not been living in a cave alone for a week, but to Quinn, it somehow seemed normal and she never thought twice about the fact that a cat was speaking to her and she was understanding him.

However, what the cat said made perfect sense, and her interest piqued, she peered around the rock wall. She could see one of the men as he bent over the fire, which was cooking that delectable meat. There was an otherworldly quality about the way the light was outlining his body, he appeared almost like an apparition.

He stood up and stretched his arms heavenward. "She's my dear my darlin' one, her eyes are sparklin' full of fun. No other. No other, could match the like's o' her." he sang out loudly to the surrounding fauna. "Ever heard that one?" he asked his companion. "Can't say I have," the other man said laughing. The first man strummed his fingers lightly on his chest, but did not turn. She took a long and hard look at him.

He was incredibly tall, at least six-two or three. He was lean and athletic looking. His bare back was tan and well muscled, but he did not look like the wild bull, Xander. His legs were long and lithe; his arms were rippling with toned muscles. "Mmmm..." Quinn sighed, "I hope the rest of him is as good as the back."

She was plucked from her daydreaming when a lovely voice called out, "Will you be joining us or are you planning on lurking in the shadows all evening?"

She gasped in surprise. The question had come from the man she could not see. The man near the fire finally turned his comely face in her direction and his attractiveness was inspiring. His eyes were cerulean blue; she could see that from where she stood. His blonde hair fell rakishly to either side of his face and looked as soft as goose down. He smiled and cocked his head as if asking, "well?"

She took a deep breath and ran a shaking hand through her own tangled hair. Gathering every ounce of courage she had, she stepped toward them. Lucas was star struck the moment she came into view. "She's an angel," he thought to himself. Of course, they had heard her coming for quite a while now. Her stomach was growling so loudly... they had kept blowing the smoke in her direction. He sensed somehow that she would be angry if he told her this. She didn't appear to be a girl who needed or wanted too much help.

He hoped they didn't look too frightening. It had been weeks since he'd combed his hair. His hands were still bloody from cooking and he felt sure he was a mess. He noticed she kept running her delicate hands through her long hair as if she, too, felt like hell. She stood there, one step out of the cave. Her eyes met his directly and then fell to the ground in front of her. Was she shy or afraid? He wasn't sure.

David was thinking much the same thing, and realized after a moment they must look very overwhelming, the two of them frozen in place as she moved toward them. David wiped his face with the back of his arm and peered around Lucas' legs, trying to get a closer look at the lovely woman.

What he saw made his heart race. He knew in an instant it was her. He felt his blood pumping loudly through his veins and he was afraid he was going to explode. He recognized her shadow, her body.... and now he was going to see her face. He was tempted to tackle Lucas again, merely to move him aside so he could see Quinn. He was in awe of the fact that Lucas had, indeed, drawn her literally out of the walls.

"Hi, I'm Lucas. Umm, you're welcome to join me, er, us for dinner if you want to." Lucas said rather quietly. She looked toward the fire ravenously and he could tell she really wanted to eat, maybe not join them, but definitely eat. She took a couple of steps toward him and he noticed the cuts and bruises on her face and arms. "No wonder she's afraid." Lucas said to himself.

"You don't mind David, do you?" he asked. David was shaking his head slowly from side to side and gawking at their guest. There was something in his face that made Lucas feel the slightest bit nervous, but he couldn't pinpoint it. He turned back to the woman and motioned toward the fire, "Please, join us."

David took her in from head to toe. He closed his eyes for a moment so that when he looked at the crown of her head it would be like awakening from a dream and finding his dream woman in front of him. The sun was glinting off of her hair, it looked reddish brown in the sun, and there were gold highlights making it hard to discern the exact shade it was. It was wavy and fell way below her shoulders. She had it tied back but most of it was falling out and around her face like a beautiful frame.

Her bangs were short and straight and just under them were the most indescribable pair of eyes. They were huge, shaped like dewdrops, and flecked with every shade he had ever seen in an eye. He did not know how he could tell this when she was still over six feet away, but he knew it all the same.

They were emerald, then sandy, then obsidian, then dove grey, then indigo...all at once, yet not at all. Her cheekbones were high and well formed and her skin, though far too pale was creamy and smooth. Her lips were slightly parted in awe, surprise, he wasn't sure, but he knew if they were closed they would form a delicate rosebud on her angelic face.

Her chin was stubborn and set in a defiant way. He had expected this... and he wanted to laugh aloud because she was just what he had expected, and yet she was so much more. Her frame was diminutive and lissome, yet she appeared athletic and sleek; her arms and legs seemed to fit perfectly on her, although they were moving nervously just now. Her hands were delicate and manicured, even though they were scratched and obviously sore. David moved slowly back up over her form, enjoying her curves and her nervousness. He met her eyes and felt a shock to his soul. It was as if she had just looked into his deepest core and seen him for who he really was. This thought terrified him and he looked at the ground in uncertainty.

Lucas backed away a little bit and then sat down with his back to her. He hoped she wasn't a psychotic killer. "We don't have anything to give you, other than a meal." he said to her, or rather, in her direction. "A meal would be wonderful." she returned and sat herself down a little way around the fire.

She smiled at the man she hadn't seen before. He was darker than Lucas, although she thought he was maybe even more handsome if that was at all possible. There was a five o'clock shadow on his face that she found extremely attractive. His eyes were blue, or gray, she wasn't sure. They were radiating a light that felt almost hypnotic. "Hello." he said and she felt it vibrate in her. "I'm Quinn," she said to both men at once. "Quinn," the Man was buzzing with his excitement as she sat there, so damn close he could have grabbed her. "You are a sight for sore eyes." He took a long hard look at her.

She was so much more elegant than he had ever dreamed. Her heart-shaped face had maintained an apple blossom appearance even though she had surely spent a great deal of time in the sun. Her honey colored hair fell not so much in waves as in fuzzy ringlets around her temples and neck, creating a dizzying vision. Her eyes, so captivating...he was fascinated. She stretched her hands out toward the warmth and moaned lightly. "It's so good to feel a fire and smell food," she said more to herself than to the men. "I think it's really nice to have some companionship for dinner." Lucas countered. She smiled at him and he thought for sure he'd blush so badly she would see it. "Oh my God, she is something else." he thought to himself.

"Solomon," Quinn called over her shoulder and her feline friend immediately appeared from the shadows. He ran to her and sat next to her, wrapping his tail protectively around her. "Watch these two, Quinn," Solomon said, but what the men heard was, "Meow."

Lucas was noticing her lovely rosebud lips and her lavishly endowed body. He observed that her feet seemed tiny in comparison to his, and he guessed that she stood no higher than 5'3". Her hands returned to her lap and she clasped and unclasped them unconsciously.

"I hope I'm not barging in, by the way," she said rather shyly. She didn't feel very shy, but for some reason that's how it sounded. "Well Quinn," David said robustly, "Let's eat some dinner and then we can chat, maybe you can tell me how you got all cut up?" She looked up in alarm, but his smiling face told her he was teasing. "Rough fight with raccoon." she said dryly, "what's your excuse?"

David and Lucas looked at each other, both of them deciding this was not the first impression they wanted to make, and laughed aloud. Quinn guessed by their nervous looks that they had been fighting with each other, and she smiled to herself. She idly reached down and caressed Solomon as they began serving up their meal.

Chapter 21:

"God-damned horse!" Paul shouted at his unlucky partner. The horse was stopped dead in his tracks. She was not moving. Paul tugged and pulled and then pushed and kicked. The horse stood silently and refused to budge.

They had been in the same spot for nearly an hour. It was as shallow as Paul could find and he would be damned if he was going one step farther for that blasted girl. He was starving. How had he ended up with the most stubborn horse in the country? He threw the reins around a branch and sat down dejectedly next to the horse. He sighed a loud sigh and tiredly put his head in his hands.

The horse shook it's mane playfully and trotted over to an appetizing patch of grass. "Sure, now you move you little..." Paul moaned. He rested his hands on his knees and stared out at the stream and the hills around him. He was feeling very unhappy and very restless.

His periwinkle eyes were haunted by some inner anxiety and he pulled repeatedly at his lower lip with his teeth. He was having thoughts that were going to get him into big trouble. He liked it out here. He was enjoying his freedom, the first in a long time. He was enjoying making his own rules.

When he had first arrived in Central City he had been a scared kid. His family had disappeared and he had survived like an animal until he ended up with The Chosen. He wondered now if maybe his family was out there looking for him. That stung him just a little bit. He wondered what his mother would think if she knew he was out here searching for a young innocent girl just so he could turn her in to The Man and get her killed. He wondered what she would think if she knew how many innocent people he had murdered for no reason other than he was told to.

He had a sister named Samantha and a mother. His father was dead. "No great loss." he muttered to himself. He now felt like maybe they were still alive. He could somehow sense his mother in the rustling trees and smell his little sister in the fragrant berry bushes around him. He began to ache inside.

His stomach knotted and fluttered as he began to ponder leaving The Chosen once and for all. He did not want to live in a society ruled by one man. He did not want to go around killing innocent people and herding the others back to Central City like brainless cattle.

"You may have the right idea you stubborn nag," he said to his horse. The horse shook its mane and continued to eat. Paul lay down onto his stomach and gazed into the water. Just below him there was so much life going on in secret.

Water spiders and dragonflies moved busily around fulfilling their life's path. Minnows raced along in and out of the rocks and much further down, down where Paul could not see, there were fungus and bacteria that had more of a goal in life than him. He crossed his arms under his chin and closed his eyes; he had some serious thinking to do.

Soon he was sleeping deeply and having dreams that would change the course of his life. "At times I almost dream...I, too, have spent a life the sage's way...and tread once more, familiar paths. Perchance, I perished in an arrogant self-reliance an age ago, and in that act a prayer went up, so earnest, so..." Lucas looked up... David was listening intently and Quinn's eyes were closed as she listened deeply, drinking up the words with her soul.

Hell, even the damned cat seemed to be listening to him. He smiled at Quinn's upturned face and continued, "Instinct with better light let in by death - that life was blotted out not so completely, but scattered wrecks enough of it remain dim memories as now, when seems once more the goal in sight again."

As Lucas closed the book Quinn smiled slightly but did not open her beautiful eyes. "It is such a shame that all of the books have been lost." David said sadly shaking his head. "Give me a break...what kind of disgusting drivel was that anyway?" David thought to himself. The cat was looking at him. He really didn't like how the cat was looking at him just now. "Damned cat!" he said to himself, and the cat hissed at him.

"That is the most `right' thing I have ever heard." Quinn said as she gently laid her head on one shoulder. Her eyes opened slowly and she found herself staring directly into Lucas' pools of blue. His mouth was slightly open as he gazed at her. For a moment the gaze held and then both looked nervously away as if realizing they barely knew each other. "Yeah, I love Browning." Lucas declared after a moment of silence. "Somehow it just feels right to me too." Quinn nodded and stared into the fire. She realized Solomon had curled himself up in her lap, and she began to stroke his silky fur.

"Where did you get the book?" David asked. "It was my mother's." Lucas said quietly. "She made me promise to keep it forever and I would die before I gave it up." "I'd really like to oblige this jerk." the Man thought to himself, "pompous ass." "May I see it?" Quinn asked shyly. Lucas handed it over to her and she caressed the cover with her hands. David moved closer to Quinn looking at the book over her shoulder. "It is such a miracle. Each and every book that survived this disaster is a true miracle," Quinn gushed.

The cover was burnt orange with gold trim. Selected Poems was all it said. She opened the front cover as carefully as if it were made of glass and peered inside. "Oooh, it is so wonderful." she squealed. "Dickinson, Frost, Browning, Thoreau, Emerson, even Berryman and Stephens!" She looked up at him in awe. He was smiling so widely it felt as if his skin were going to rip at the corners of his mouth. "I'm glad you like it. I'll tell you what, if you agree to stay with me for a few days I will read some of it to you each night after dinner." He raised his thick eyebrows and made a noise, "Hmm?"

"I don't think that's a good idea." Solomon said to Quinn. She looked at him and frowned as she stroked his head. She slumped and let out a little "whoosh" of air. David felt a little stab of jealousy and said (a little too loudly), "Quinn I think it would be wonderful if you would join us on our quest for freedom." David (as The Man now thought of himself) found himself hardening his jaw as he waited for her response. He gave her an affected smile and leaned back on one elbow. "Oh, brother, what a ham." Solomon said to Quinn and Quinn smiled at him in a familiar way.

"I don't know if that's possible," she said dejectedly. "Wherever I go, people die. The Chosen are after me, and I am not paranoid, I mean they are REALLY after ME." "I haven't run into any of them in weeks," David said seriously. "I think I can take care of myself." Lucas said proudly, "and I am sure you and David can take care of yourselves. I think we'd make a good team." "Can I think about it over night and let you know tomorrow?" she asked hopefully. "Yes, now give me back my book." Lucas teased. As they set about cleaning up after the meal David finally asked, "Where did you come from anyway?" Quinn looked over her shoulder at the cave. She didn't know if she was ready to give away all of her secrets just yet. "I came around the hill," she lied. "I smelled your dinner and had to check it out." Lucas had stopped what he was doing and was sort of gaping at her. He had seen her emerge from the cave, but didn't want to call her a liar. She caught his look and sucked in her top lip nervously, wondering if he would betray her. But Lucas only returned to what he had been doing and let her have her lie, for whatever reason.

Quinn wanted desperately to return to the cave to sleep. She felt no sense of safety out in the open. However, she knew she could not just disappear without drawing their attention, and she had a strong feeling that Lucas knew exactly where she had come from. She was not ready to share her sanctuary just yet.

David pulled a spare bedroll from his pack and handed it to her. As she took it he moved his fingers just slightly so that they caressed her hand. She paused and looked at him, his eyes were on hers and she felt as if she was being magnetically held to him. "Was dinner okay?" he questioned. "Yes..." Quinn moaned softly. She felt all kinds of wild erotic feelings running through her from his simple touch, and that frightened her deeply. Solomon rubbed her legs roughly and meowed loudly, trying to distract her.

"I hope you aren't afraid of us. You have no reason to be you know. We can keep you safe from The Man, from The Chosen. Quinn?" She nodded mutely, "I know David." "Are you afraid of us?" "No..." It was no more than a whisper, it was all she could manage. David pulled his hand away from hers and returned to laying out his own bed. Quinn blinked slowly and drew in several breaths. She turned back to the fire and glanced at Lucas, but he was busy and hadn't seen a thing. She wondered why she was feeling guilty.

She settled herself in between them and they lay around the fire in semi-silence. Solomon had burrowed into Quinn's blanket and lay curled at her feet. "Quinn?" "What?" "Do you have a last name?" Lucas sat up on one elbow and looked over at her. She raised her eyebrows and tried to think. "I don't know. I mean, I'm sure I do, but I don't remember it. Isn't that funny?" "No," Lucas said, knitting his eyebrows together, "I don't remember mine either. I guess there's no reason to have a last name anymore." He returned to his blankets and gazed up at the sky. "I can remember the names of the constellations, but not my own name. I'm not sure I feel comfortable with that." Lucas said after some time. He was laying with one arm crooked behind his head and after his final statement he covered his eyes with his other arm and appeared to fall asleep.

Chapter 22:

Paul dreamed that he was walking on the beach. The sand was warm and tickling his feet, and the waves were roaring in and out in their usual fashion. He stopped and looked out at the water with no particular thought in his mind, except that the view was magnificent. He had his hands in his pockets, and no shirt on. He felt a warm glow all over and wasn't sure if he was dreaming or wide awake.

When he looked to his left he found that his horse was there, patiently waiting for him to take up her reins again. As Paul looked further to the left he could see a group of people gathered around a bonfire. Out of curiosity he looked to his right and saw that there was another group of people gathered on that side. He moved toward the group on his left because they seemed closer.

As he walked it became night and he felt a strong sense of urgency and panic rising in him. He turned to see if his horse was following him, but she remained where he had started, not budging from her safe spot. He moved closer until he could see the shapes of the individuals around the fire. They were in uniforms and looked like some of the people he had come to know in The Chosen. Oddly enough, they were all turned away from him. They stood at attention with their arms folded behind their backs. They were perfectly spaced and unwavering.

"Hello!" Paul called out, feeling as if he knew at least some of the men. There was no response, and so he continued on his way. As he neared the ring of men he tapped one of them on the shoulder, "Hello friend," he said. The man did not move, nor did he respond to Paul's attentions. Paul elbowed his way through the men, and only then did he notice the people sitting around the fire.

There were hundreds of them, though Paul did not know how that was possible. He turned to ask one of The Chosen what this gathering was all about and was startled when he realized the soldiers had no faces. There was an opening where a face should have been, but all that was there now was a swirling mass of gases. He turned back to the people sitting around the fire, looking for someone he recognized.

The fire seemed much hotter now that he was inside the ring of soldiers. He walked to an old man who was seated near him. The man seemed to be reaching continuously into a bowl and pulling something from it. The bowl was gold and it sat on the sand between the old man's feet. Paul bent and looked into it, what he saw was confusing and horrifying.

It appeared to be some bloody mangled mass of meat, rotting and giving off a repulsive smell. Paul looked at the old man's hands to see if they were bloodied with this mess. Oddly, the man's hands were clean, save for a small object which he gripped tightly and then flung into the flames. "What are you doing?" Paul asked the old man. The man ignored him and reached into the bowl again. Paul shook his head and walked around the circle a little way.

Here he came across a lovely young woman. She was participating in the same ritual as the old man. In fact, it appeared everyone was doing this same odd thing. "What is everyone doing?" Paul asked a little louder. "We are burning..." the woman said in a ghostly tone of voice. "Burning? Yes, I can see that you are burning something. What is it? What is in those bowls? Who are you people?" "We are the past," she sang as she dipped into the bowl, gripped and then threw...over and over. "We are the dead and buried...we are the ghosts of Christmas past, we are the condemned, we are nothing, we are no one."

Paul looked at the other people and it was strange, but apparently he could only see their faces as he stood directly in front of them. He moved around the circle some more and came to rest in front of a small, blonde, boy. "Simon?" Paul asked incredulous, "Are you Simon from the school?" Simon stuck out his lower lip and glared at Paul. "I was, and now I'm not. I'm nothing, I'm no one." "What does that mean? Are you okay? Did you get away? I thought you got away?" Simon pulled an object from his bowl and Paul reached down and grabbed it from him.

The minute Paul touched it a buzzing began inside his hand. He opened his palm and realized he was not holding an object as he had expected, it looked like he was holding someone else's memory. It was Simon and a young, beautiful woman. He was holding her hand and she was telling him a story. Paul didn't know how he knew this exactly, but he was experiencing it as if it had happened to him. Suddenly he felt ill and he closed his hand violently, as if squishing the memory. "Here," Paul said, startled by the memory, "take it back." "I can't," Simon said dejectedly, "throw it in the fire. It doesn't belong to me anymore."

"I don't want to throw it into the fire. Can I keep it?" "I don't know..." Simon said as if this thought had never occurred to him. "You can try." Paul took the strange buzzing object and placed it inside his pants pocket. He could feel it trembling against his leg, and although it was disconcerting, he did not want to be rid of it. "Why are you burning all of your memories?" Paul asked, more than a little confused. "Because he wants us to." Simon replied. "He? He who?" Paul asked, looking around but seeing no one who looked like the mysterious "He". "Him..." Simon sobbed pointing up the beach to a cliff nearby. Atop it a man stood with his arms wide open. It looked like all of the smoke from the fire was wafting up through the air and directly over to The Man on the hill.

"The Man..." Paul said softly. "Does he know I'm here?" "He knows," Simon said looking directly into Paul's shocked eyes. "Okay, well, come on then, lets get out of here." Paul began to pull on Simon's arm and the boy shrieked in pain. Paul looked down at him, disbelieving, and realized the boys legs had been attached to the log he was sitting on. They were being held in place with spikes that had apparently been driven through his legs.

"Can you stand up?" Paul asked. "Yes," said Simon, "but nobody wants to." "Why?" "You'll see if you stay here long enough." "Does someone sit in that seat?" Paul asked pointing to a spot next to Simon. Simon looked down at it and nodded. "Who?" Paul asked. "You do." Paul felt his body grow numb. "Me? No, that can't be possible." "It can be..." Simon said, turning from Paul back to the fire.

All of sudden the lovely young woman stood up screaming, "NO! Not that one! I won't give you that one!!" She stood in one spot as Paul looked on, horrified. She appeared to hover above the sand for a moment and then began to sink, quickly, into the very sand she had been standing on. "NOOOOOOooooooo!" She screamed as she sank. In a few seconds her face was in the sand as she coughed and sputtered. Paul, who had been frozen in one spot, ran to her and tried to pull her free.

It was as if she weighed a ton, he could not pull her up and she seemed to be sinking deeper and deeper.All of a sudden The Man was standing there, directly in front of Paul. He had no face, but his body was real enough. "LET HER GO!" he demanded of Paul. "No!" Paul yelled into his face, "I want her memories, I want to save her, let her go!" "She is not yours to save you fool." "I can!" Paul insisted, "I can save her, I will save her, oh HELP ME!" Paul yelled in agony.

The crowd of men around him laughed and laughed and their noise hurt Paul's head. The people seated around the fire were moaning in pain and Paul noticed blood dripping from the stakes in each and every pair of legs. He was in hell, he was sure of it. He wondered if he was causing this anguish by trying to save this woman. He wasn't sure, he knew if he asked he might not get an answer, or worse yet, he might get an answer that he didn't want to hear.

The old man to whom Paul had first spoken looked him in the eye. "Give him one of yours." Paul paused and spit, "What?" "Give him one of yours." "SHUT UP YOU OLD FOOL!!" The Man screamed insanely. "Can I?" Paul asked The Man, "can I give you one of mine in return for her?" The Man was furious, Paul could tell. He was so afraid he was sure he had wet himself, but he didn't know what else to do. "Yes," The Man purred, "give me a juicy one and I will let her go."

"Juicy? Okay..." Paul thought about it for a moment, "I can give you any of my memories, any one at all, as long as it's an important one?" "Yes." Paul smiled, "And you will have to let her go?" "Yes." "Okay then, I give you one. I give you my memory of ever having been a part of The Chosen, of ever having wanted to be a part of The Chosen...choke on it." The man was in a rage unlike anything Paul had ever seen.

Immediately, the woman in his arms was gone, in a burst of lovely blue light. Paul stood up and faced The Man. His heart was beating fiercely in his chest and he was not sure he would live to see another day. "I assume that means that you will take it?" "DONE!" The Man raged and Paul suddenly felt himself falling, falling , falling.

Chapter 23:

The two Chosen climbed into Quinn's home very quietly. They did not hear anything, but since they could not see anything either they were very wary. The taller of the two was an Italian man named Pietro. He was smart as a whip and tough as nails. At least that's what he told everyone. Women loved him for his dark good looks and charm. He had a way of seducing them, from teenagers to old maids, and he was proud of this fact.

The smaller man was named Alejandro. He was from the old world of Puerto Rico. He was just as devilishly good looking as Pietro, but not quite as smart. He was good with animals and had a way of getting what he wanted from his commanders. They were good friends, and made an excellent killing machine.

Alejandro was in the lead and Pietro was behind him huffing and puffing and cursing occasionally as he smacked his head on the ceiling. Alejandro chuckled as he thanked God that he was a small man on this particular day. He fell out of the opening into the main chamber of the cave. Pietro pulled a candle from his pocket and lit it, peering uncertainly around the cave. "No one here." "Well, she'll be back, I'm sure. Look, it looks as if she's been sleeping over here." Both men stood and looked down at the spot Quinn had made with her body in the dirt.

"So, we wait." Pietro said, turning to finish examining the cave. Alejandro was inspecting the area Quinn had been sleeping in, looking for something, he didn't know exactly what. Pietro walked to the opposite wall and found the entrances to the three hallways Quinn had discovered earlier. "Come here, Al." Alejandro stood peering into the three hallways looking for something interesting. "What?" "Why don't we wait for her down one of these. It doesn't look like anyone has walked in this one." "Works for me, man." Both soldiers moved quickly down the opening and finding a bend not far from the inner cavern, they settled in to have a rest and wait for Quinn.

Chapter 24:

Quinn gazed up at the stars overhead. They seemed such a welcome sight after the many evenings she had spent in the pitch black cave. However, it was worrisome to her that they were so vulnerable. She looked over at David and found him sitting in the lotus position in front of the fire. He was apparently meditating, so she looked him over. He was exceedingly tan, but his skin looked ageless. She had no idea how old he might be. His hair was thick and shiny, she had been longing to put her hands deep into it all day. She watched as his chest rose and fell, and imagined that she could smell his breath as he exhaled. "Calm down up there, your energy is disrupting my sleep!" Solomon complained from the bottom of the bedroll. Quinn laughed, surprised and embarrassed. "Sorry sweetie."

Chapter 25:

David opened his eyes and looked at her. For a few moments they stared deeply at each other and Quinn realized if he ever held her in his arms she would melt against him like a piece of ice in the sun. Her fantasies were unbelievable, her desires, things she didn't even know she had wanted, all of them seemed to bubble near the surface of her mind. Her breathing was ragged and shallow. David was feeling much the same way. The flush on her pale cheek was like the flush of sunset on snow and his lips ached to kiss her. Mentally, he reached out for her and pulled her passionately against his body. She gasped, but her gaze never wavered. He closed his eyes and continued his mental lovemaking. He held her head in his enormous hand and gently parted her lips with his own. He felt as though he might spontaneously combust when she put her arms around his neck and returned his passion with her own. His other arm was wrapped protectively around her and pulled her closer and closer. Twisting in his arms and arching her back she struggled to put as much of her body in contact with his as possible. David was in awe of her passion and fire. He had never dreamt that she would make such a perfect partner. Aroused now, he drew himself closer to her and began to prepare himself for a much more satisfying mental moment. "David, would you grab a couple more logs for the fire, since you're up?" Lucas asked quite innocently.

Quinn blinked slowly and then, embarrassed by what had just transpired, she rolled quickly away from the fire and hid beneath the covers. David was... beyond furious at this interruption. He stood and stomped stiffly into the woods. "I will kill that man, I'm just not sure when." David screamed out of clenched teeth.

Quinn put her hand over her mouth and tried to calm herself. "Oh, my God, was I kissing him and rubbing myself so shamelessly on him?" she asked herself. "How was that possible when I am still here, we didn't touch. What does he do to me?" "I warned you," Solomon said rather stiffly from her feet. "Shut up." Quinn told him, giving him a slight kick.

Lucas was vexed. He didn't know why. He had been fast asleep, and then, feeling that something was going on, he had awakened just enough to find that the camp was filled with unspoken sexual energy. He knew he had not been involved with the transaction, but Quinn and David were still in their respective places, so he was not sure what was going on. "I won't be the first one asleep again, I can tell you that much." he said to himself, "I wouldn't be surprised if I end up kicking David's ass again real soon." He lay there angry for several more hours before finally fading to sleep.

David threw the wood angrily on the fire and sat back down. He began to breathe deeply and return himself to a state of calm. He reached out with his mind and tried to strangle Lucas, but found that Lucas' mind could not be penetrated as easily as Quinn's had been. He found that a little odd, but a sense of danger nearby drew his attention. He breathed deeply and reached out to the universe to show him what was going on. It was then that David sensed the two figures hiding in the cave opening.

Immediately he joined Alejandro's mind and he realized they were thinking of storming the cave to kidnap Quinn. Although they were two of his own men, he knew they did not know he was nearby. They did not know he was with Quinn and did not want her captured right now. He decided to pay them a visit.

Chapter 26:

Pietro and Alejandro were tired and cramped. They had remained in the opening for hours now, not knowing when Quinn would return. They could smell the food and they were hungry. They could hear the laughter and that made them angry. By the time Lucas and Quinn were sleeping they were ready to kill them all and be done with it. "I say we just kill her, the two men, and report back to Xander with the bodies." Pietro offered. "Sounds good to me," Alejandro agreed.

From out of nowhere there was The Man standing in front of them. They both looked around like frightened deer. It was not so much that they could see him in a physical was more a feeling. A dark and evil feeling had settled over both men and they felt paralyzed. They stood there with their mouths slightly open, drool running down their chins.

"Don't do it." a voice said. "Don't you dare kill those men. Don't you think about touching the girl. If you do...." and suddenly their minds were filled with the most unthinkable acts, things that turned their hair gray; thoughts that made them scream inside. "No, no we won't." both men moaned together. Both men had let their bladders go, they did not notice.

"I am watching you. You will watch them. You will follow them. You will not touch any of them." David said to the trembling men. They tried to tell him they wouldn't think of it, but all that came out was gurgling moans. Both men thought they were in hell. And then it was gone. As suddenly as it had come, the feeling left and both men began to cry quietly. Hell was holding a spot open for each of them.

Chapter 27:

When Quinn woke up the next morning she realized she was alone. She sat up quickly and pulled her blanket to her chest. She looked around and her breathing eased as she realized she was okay. She lay back down and stretched languorously. She smiled and folded her arms under her head. She couldn't remember a night she had slept so soundly. Her stomach was urging her to rise so she acquiesced.

David was the first thing she saw as she climbed out of the darkness of her sleeping roll into the bright early morning sunshine. He was squatting in front of the fire and poking it relentlessly with a tree branch. "Good morning," Quinn said brightly as she sat down next to him, "am I too late for breakfast?" David continued to stare into the fire and Quinn leaned in front of him, waving her arm back and forth. "Hello?" Finally David smiled and turned, catching her unaware with those magnetic eyes of his. "Hello. I really did hear you, I was my own little world." David chuckled deeply and reached out to pull a stick from Quinn's hair, "Is this a fashion statement?"

"Hey, I wondered where my pet stick had gone!" Lucas cried playfully, grabbing the stick from David before Quinn could respond. "Hello my little darling," Lucas crooned to the stick, "I missed you so much, did you miss me too?" Quinn laughed delightedly and David resumed poking their fire. "Lucas you are too much!" Lucas pulled a handful of berries from behind his back and waved them in front of Quinn's nose. "I know where there are some delicious berries if anyone is hungry..." Quinn closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, "Mmmm, they smell wonderful."

David grabbed Lucas' wrist and snatched several of the berries from him. "Unless you want to take a short nap you never wake up from, I wouldn't suggest eating these." David held up some bright purple berries before Quinn's wide eyes. "These are very poisonous. Luke you should be more careful, man." "Oops," Lucas rolled his eyes and made a face behind David's back, "in the future, I shall be much more studious when selecting my berries." Lucas bowed and cleared his throat in British fashion. Quinn smiled but quickly hid it behind her hand when she saw David's eyebrows knitting.

"It's just a suggestion Luke. Eat what you want. Quinn, may I select some edible berries for you?" Quinn looked at David and nodded, as though accepting this offer was the most important move she had made this year. "I would really appreciate that David." "Okay, then, David's cooking," Lucas yelled to the treetops. David gave Lucas yet another menacing look and the three of them moved into the trees.

Chapter 28:

The next few weeks rolled by without incident. Xander and his men kept moving and still Paul did not re-appear. They did not know that Paul had set about making a new life for himself. Xander did not notice that two of his men were missing. Xander had many things on him mind these days, and he just didn't give a damn what his men did anymore.

Xander awoke each morning with a certain sense of dread. He could not put his finger on it, but it seemed that somewhere along the line some plan had gone awry and now things were moving in their own way. It seemed dumb, but he just felt like that was the right way to explain it.

He and his men moved steadily along the pattern that had been set for them. They moved into the cities, or villages and destroyed the old world as they went. Xander ran a tired hand through his mane of hair. He felt upset and disillusioned. "How many people can I kill in one lifetime?" he asked himself. It seemed like many more people were opting for death these days. No one wanted to live in Central City anymore.

The faces of the men, the children...all of them living in his mind's was just too much. The people wanted freedom, more than life. He could not believe it and yet, he wanted the exact same thing. He was dying his own kind of death and he was too chicken shit to be as brave as these people.

All of them felt as if they were individual entities moving in their own universe, and none of them realized they were merely pools of mercury sliding around until the time they would reunite with each other, and that time was coming as certainly as the sun rises and sets each day.

Xander had found an old photograph album in the last city. For some reason he hung onto it. He pulled it out and began to flip through it for the thousandth time. He did not have any photos of himself as a child. He had no tangible history. For some reason this upset him greatly and every time he opened this album great tears of loss filled his eyes.

The cover was beaten and battered by time, but the inside looked almost new. There was a picture of the original family inside the cover. A mother, father and two daughters. Apparently the mother, Hannah, had hung onto the album and chronicled the years of her two daughters. The dates of their births were written inside the cover as well.

There were captions written beneath the photos and Xander had read them over and over in the days since he acquired the album. "Hannah and James, our first anniversary." Xander looked at the couple. They were young and in love and looking at each other with adoring eyes. He hated them and at the same time he longed for his own love, his own wife. "Hannah with Lee, a day in the park." There was Hannah with her gorgeous older daughter, blond and blue eyed. They were laughing and swinging. "James with Lee and Christianne, Christmas in Colorado." Xander longed for the smell of a Christmas tree and Christmas carols. He wanted to become part of the album if only it would make him feel a little happier.

Christianne was the younger daughter, she was dark like James, but every bit as beautiful as Lee. Xander wondered if he would have had to kill this family if the Earth had not done it for him. Would they have wanted freedom more than life? God, how he wished he could ask Hannah.

Xander couldn't stop looking at the album until he had finished every page. It ended with Hannah's burial service. "One of the girls must have put that in," Xander always thought. He closed it and rubbed his forehead in a weary manner. He gazed around him and looked at all of the men with him, all of them lethargic and unhappy. He wondered if they ever wanted to be free. God, he was afraid to ask.

Feeling angry at no one in particular Xander rounded up his men and put them through some drills. He worked them hard and fast, trying to take away their frustrations, and his own. The men appreciated the order, the movement, the control. They gave him questioning looks though, and he could not understand why. He knew he would have to be tougher than ever before or he would lose his authority completely.

That evening he led them on a raid into a small village. They had known about the village for months, and had purposely left it alone waiting for more freedom seekers to find a home there. Xander was pleased that the population had indeed increased. They hit the church and burned it to the ground. As the people ran screaming from their home Xander shot them down one by one. He murdered every man, every woman, every child. He hardened his heart and shut off his conscience. His men felt a renewed sense of terror just watching his heartless acts.

The next building was labeled YMCA and Xander knew from experience that there were many places within to hide. He sent two teams of men in the front, and two more in the back. He told them to take no one. "Kill everyone, kill them swiftly, kill them..." Xander commanded. The men did as he said.

Every house was burned, every building destroyed. The men ransacked the obvious dwellings and stole the food and supplies they could find. The few men of the village who were brave enough to fight were run through with wooden poles and then left suspended for the others to see.

Xander choked back a sob as he moved into the high school... "Quinn..." his mind called out, reminding him why he was here. "Bring me some of the villagers!" He roared and when they were brought to him bound and bleeding he jumped from his horse and pulled them close to his face. "Do you know one named Quinn?" he asked them over and over, "have you seen her?"

Every frightened face belonged to a voice that sobbed, "No, we don't know her, we have not seen anyone by that name, have mercy!" Xander took each one who said "No" and broke their necks with his bare hands. The last villager was a small child. Xander hesitated and then grabbed the boy, "Do you know one named Quinn?" "Yes." came the reply. Tears fell in streams down the child's face, "I do not know where she is though, kill me if you must." Xander threw his head back and railed at the sky, his cries sounded like roars of a wild lion and he broke the boy's nose with one swift blow, killing him.

Xander's men were silent. They wondered if he had lost his mind. "Leave me!" he commanded, and the men left, returning to their camp. Many of the men made a swift decision, and throwing their uniforms to the breeze they ran as freedom seekers toward the mountains. The men who stayed behind decided it was time to find a new leader amongst themselves.

Chapter 29:

Xander sat on the ground, surrounded by the spirits of the dead and breathed. He was fully focused on his breathing because he knew it was all that was keeping him from going mad. He had the distinct feeling that no matter how many people he killed he was still loved. Not by his men of course, that was obvious. However, something kept whispering in his mind's ear, "Xander, you will be loved no matter what you do. You know that, stop hurting others to prove that you are unworthy and unlovable."

He shook his head at the silent voice and pulled at his hair with both hands. When he had sufficiently injured himself he threw himself back onto the pavement. He closed his eyes and smelled the death and destruction around him, trying to find joy or pleasure in it. He sat up again and looked around, "I did this. I killed. I destroyed. I burned. I hate." But he did not believe himself and neither did the voice inside him which laughed at his childish attempt at getting his own way.

Xander pulled himself up and moved into one of the homes behind him. It was not burning well, and in fact, appeared to have resisted most of their attempts to destroy it. He moved through the rooms and felt the presence of the previous owners. He looked around him at lives that were no longer being lived. Suddenly he heard a rasping coming from one of the smaller rooms in back. He moved to the door and found a woman lying on the floor. She was dead, well, not dead yet....but certainly dying. Xander wrinkled his nose at her and tried to feel disdain.

She was an older woman and she was well worn by time. She managed a chuckle at Xander's demeanor and rasped, "You are just a boy." Xander moved over to her and knelt down. "I could finish you off old woman, if you beg me I just might." She laughed again, "boy, you cannot finish me off. Even when this old body stops I will still be moving and changing and you can do nothing to stop me." Xander felt the anger welling up in himself again and reaching out he took the woman's head in his hands and began to press.

The harder he pressed the more the woman laughed at him. "Why do you laugh?" he demanded. "You are having such a struggle over killing a woman who is dying anyway," she rasped and coughed. "You are a good boy, I can see that in your eyes. Why don't you act like a good boy?" Xander pulled his hands away and stood, towering over her. "I am not good. I am evil. I have chosen...I AM THE CHOSEN!" Xander bellowed.

The old woman looked into his eyes and spoke softly, "I am told that I should reveal myself to you. Do you think you would like to know who I am?" Xander paused and regarded her with some seriousness. "Who told you? Are you insane old woman?" "That is none of your concern. I ask again, and I warn you, do not dawdle, do you think you would like to know who I am?" "All right," Xander said with resolve, "I would like to know who you are...will you tell me?"

"My name is Lee. I am told you are in possession of my photo album. I am also told you have taken quite a liking to my family and our photos." Xander stood in shock. There was no possible way this woman could know he had the album. There was no way she could have guessed at a name. "Why? Why is this important?" Xander stammered. "Oh boy," Lee said with some exasperation, "do you not realize that each person you kill is more than just a body? Each person you kill is a piece of a grand puzzle. Each person is a part of history, someone who was loved by someone else. In your heart you know this and yet you do this last great act of evil as if it has some value. You know it is your last act of evil don't you?" Xander nodded mutely as she continued. "Heed me boy, you will no longer be allowed to perform acts of such evil. If you try you will be destroyed where you stand and you will pay eternally for your choices. They want to know if I have made myself clear?"

Xander was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. He was shaking his head and nodding and mumbling and crying all at the same time. "Do you hear me boy?" "Yes, yes, yes, I hear you. I understand. Lee..." he paused and looked up at her with heartbreaking decisiveness, "was your family as good as it looked? Were you happy and loved? Was everything always perfect?" Lee smiled a tired smile and said, "Yes, I am, I was, and yes, my life was always perfect." Xander smiled as if he had known what the answer would be.

"Xander. I am to tell you one more thing, one thing which you already know. You are loved no matter what you do." And with that Lee quietly died. Xander stared at her for a long while and they returned to his horse. He mounted the animal and rode it fiercely into the woods while he thought.

He stopped a short way from the river and rested. He pulled Lee's album from his pack and slowly looked through it. It seemed more perfect and wonderful than ever now that he knew Lee. Cautiously, he opened up his mind and placed mythical lives with each person he had just murdered. It was much too much for him to be doing so soon and he was overcome with grief and sorrow.

He sobbed and pounded the ground, but the visions would not leave his head. He saw face after face and suddenly he knew the life of each face he saw. He was being granted some sort of look into the white pages of eternity. "Alice Jensen, 27, mother of Jim and Katie. Daughter of Sonja and Phil. She like pizza, old movies, sugar babies and snowy mornings." Faces, one by one, filtering through his mind with a synopsis of their life.

Xander had never had such an understanding of his actions. He had never seen so clearly what he could do to the balance of the universe by taking one life. One life...and he had taken thousands. It was too much to bear. And yet every time he tried to feel shame and guilt, or exasperation at himself it was soothed away and the words kept coming to mind. "You are loved no matter what you do." Soon Xander had no energy left and he slept.

Chapter 30:

Many days passed while Xander slept. He did not know this. His soul needed time to strengthen and heal, but soon the demands of his physical body overcame the need for spiritual healing and he woke. He was ravenous. He ate everything in sight and ate some more. When he began to feel like normal...for the first time in so many months, he picked up the photo album once more.

As he looked through it, the pages held no more pain. There were no other faces coming to other pain. Xander flipped through from start to finish as always and as he closed it he smiled. "Good book." he said to himself and stood up.

He replaced the album in his pack and headed to the river. He stripped and dove in. It felt like a baptism of his spirit. The sun was setting and he looked at the palette of color across the sky.

He swam out into the river with easy strokes. It felt soothing to be naked and it also felt like heaven to be using his body for something natural and good. Stroke, stroke, breath....stroke, stroke, breath....on and on he swam letting his mind concentrate on his breathing and his muscles. He swam until he felt his muscles beginning to ache and the pull of the undertow began to scare him a little. He turned to look at the shore and realized he was a lot further out than he had intended to go.

He did not recognize the shoreline and had the terrifying thought that he had been swimming downstream even as he had been swimming across. He began to head back in and suddenly he felt his leg muscles which had gone unused for many days beginning to clamp. "Ah!" he screamed as he struggled against the current and his pain. It seemed he had been spending too much time on his horse and not enough time keeping in shape. "What a terrible time to find out," he thought to himself.

Xander had a fleeting terrible thought, "I am going to die and I am utterly alone. No one knows where I am; no one will miss me." his face was contorted in anguish as he realized he did not want to die. "Help me!" he screamed, "dear God, somebody please help me!" He felt a certain pang of sorrow as he realized he might be meeting Hannah and Lee sooner than he had expected.

Chapter 31:

Paul had traveled through many cities destroyed by The Chosen. He was on his way to the mountains. He was looking for Susan. She was a guide, a helper of The Mass. She had supplies and maps, checkpoints, and knew how to find the areas that were steadily filling with free people.

Paul had come across many of the Free Ones. Some were happy and some were scared, but all felt a certain peace about their freedom. Paul also felt that way. Paul was no longer one of The Chosen. It had not been a difficult decision really. Once he discovered that it was what he really wanted to do, it had been easy to leave that life behind. He had spent his last few days in an old school building in Western Nebraska. It was there he had the dream.

Actually, it was more of a vision than a dream. He had "felt" that he was supposed to begin a journal. He was to chronicle things. He was to write about his life and the lives of those he met. He was to keep a history of all he knew and learned. For the first time in his life he felt that a hand had guided him down the right path.

He was now collecting paper and pens and pencils. They were not easy to come by. He had traded his expensive uniform cloth for rougher hand-made clothes and an entire unopened package of a pen called Bic. He had a large leather pouch on his horse and on one side was blank paper, on the other was the beginnings of his writings.

He had decided to name his stubborn horse LuLu. She seemed to like having a name and they were getting along much better. As they paused for a rest and a nap LuLu was eating contentedly in a nearby pasture. Paul took out some paper and began to write some more of his thoughts. Today his thoughts were on Central City. He wanted to keep a correct recording of all that he remembered from that horrible place. He did not want to forget one thing. As he wrote, his facial muscles twitched nervously.

An IQ test was given to each and every living soul in Central City, both those just arriving and those who had come on their own. Not one person ever asked where it had come from. Nobody cared. Everyone wanted some form of normalcy. Everyone wanted things to be "like they were" again. There was talk of forming a government, law enforcement or something of that kind.

Then some things happened. Things that might have been considered "unconstitutional" in the old world. Things that might have been considered morally wrong or indecent. But these things happened just the same and no one questioned the motive behind them and no one argued with the outcome.

But let me backtrack just a little. The men who would become The Chosen were some of the first to arrive in Central City. They were tested and "ranked" in some rudimentary way. They were given directives and the directives were carried out.

All of the women were immediately sequestered. Their living arrangements had been created ahead of time. Nobody questioned how they had been created or when. All of the women were given the IQ test. The smartest women were put to work solving problems, creating things and basically doing busy work to help The Chosen out.

No woman was ever allowed to leave their living quarters. All of the other women, women who were of average intelligence were given tasks. The tasks they were given were very old fashioned. The women became quilters, bakers, chefs, cleaners, designers, decorators and child-bearers. Each job was assigned dependent upon the level of intelligence and it all worked out nicely.

Someone had decided that tattooing was going to be the new method of "census" in Central City. The women were tattooed. Each tattoo coinciding with their job, they were registered in a big book and no one even argued. The most ignorant of the women had big hearts, and it was their duty to care for the children. The female children.

The male children who found their way to Central City were removed from their female family members. The other male children were removed from the mothers at birth. The men were raised and lived in an area called simply, The Tank. In the Tank resides all of the true intelligence left on Our Haven. Professors, doctors, lawyers, philosophers, architects, engineers, teachers etc. are all imprisoned in The Tank. Their duty was to teach the male children and the Chosen. They were tattooed according to position as well and were only allowed as far as their status allowed. No one raised an eyebrow.

All government personnel and military or law enforcement personnel were conspicuously absent. Nobody seemed to notice. Some of my tenses may seem obscure here, and this is because it happened and yet it is happening even as I write this.

Sex was not an issue because it was forbidden. A man would have to obtain an "assignment" or woman who was either as intelligent or preferably, more intelligent than himself. The ignorant women were sterilized without argument. They became whores to the ignorant men, by appointment only. In this new world, race was not an issue. All lived together in a dumbfounded harmony. Intelligence was the leading factor, and your entire future was based on your tattoo. Each person methodically doing his or her new task as they were instructed to do, when and how they were instructed to do it.

The Chosen knew that most of what was occurring was being done for The Man and by The Man. Most of us, The Chosen, were too scared to ask why. We were afraid we'd be murdered where we stood.

When his society had become properly formed, The Man sent his forces, The Chosen, out on a huge search and destroy mission. The directive seems impossible as I think back on it, and yet, at the time it seemed to make perfect sense. In order for some part of the old way of life to go on, The Chosen must find all the people who have not found their way to Central City.

We were led to believe that everyone would want to come with us; would, in fact, be dying to find their way to Central City. However, we were also instructed that those who did not wish to come with us would surely become trouble makers in the not so distant future. In order to avoid future uprisings we were instructed to kill them where they stood.

Does this sound horrible? It didn't to me. It sounded sane, reasonable, just like the things I was looking for in life. You may wonder how I could kill someone in cold blood for wanting their freedom and I tell you this, it is easier than you think. If you see that person as a threat to your future happiness and security you can kill them quite easily.

Anyway, The Chosen were sent to the outermost edges of Our Haven and told to raid each and every town they came across. It was like an enormous ring around the edges of our little continent. Imagine how many men that would take. Oddly enough, there were plenty of men willing to do this. They were to abduct any of The Mass who were trying to live in freedom. If they would not come peaceably, they were to be shot on sight no questions asked.

The troops formed a tight ring around the edges of Our Haven and systematically "squeezed" their way inland. During the disasters, many of the houses and smaller buildings were destroyed. The Mass had taken to living in schools, gymnasiums, office buildings, churches, shopping malls, etc. They lived in a communal sort of harmony, moving often and watching each others' backs. When the Chosen started to infiltrate, no place was safe. Many people were captured, many were killed...many escaped.

Upon entering Central City the new residents would be tested, tattooed and put to work. Any who disobeyed or tried to resist were murdered.

Paul shuddered when he re-read his own words. He could picture it so clearly and he did not want to relive it. He felt as if a trapdoor suddenly opened in his belly and he was about to fall through it. He looked up at the clear blue sky above him and breathed deeply. "Samantha, Mom, I'm coming." he whispered to the treetops.

He put his writing back into LuLu's pack. "I can expand later I guess." he said to LuLu. She smiled at him with her gentle brown eyes and bumped him with her head. "Okay, okay, I hear you, let's get going." Paul cooed to her as he mounted and they continued on their way.

Chapter 32:

Many days had passed since Lucas, Quinn and David first met. It had not been an easy time. Quinn was drawn to Lucas and also to David in an indescribable way. She could sit and listen to them talk for hours on end. They were both filled with fascinating, and yet utterly different information. David knew things about Central City and The Man that were unbelievable. Lucas said he didn't care about either of those things because he was not being run by fear. That had made David extremely angry and Quinn had tried desperately to soothe both men's egos. Sometimes, she thought, it was easier being alone.

Both men were beautiful to look at, and Quinn felt herself falling in love with both of them. David was dark, brooding and temperamental, but he was also passionate, intense and mesmerizing. Lucas was good natured, sweet spirited and funny, but he was

also jealous and teasing.

Quinn's initial fears about being discovered by the Chosen has dissipated and she was feeling more and more at home as they days slipped by. The third day she had spent with Lucas and David was the day she decided to share her secret. She told them about the cave and explained her reasons for not telling them earlier. Both men were understanding, and also excited at the prospect of having a secure place to sleep.

It was, of course, no great surprise to David. His men were still living inside the cave and keeping an eye on what was going on outside. The first night they spent inside the cave was heaven for Quinn. She was warm and safe and also surrounded by two men that she found comforting, like an old security blanket.

The days began to follow a routine, as life is prone to do. Each morning they would get up and eat, taking turns with meals. Although the meals were uneventful, they varied by the individual cook. The day would be spent gathering wood, finding food for the evening meal, disposing of their trash, restoring their water supply and of course, idle chatter.

They got to know each other pretty well, and although there was some bickering, and a lot of disagreement, they decided to hang in there with each other. Quinn's cuts and bruises were healing nicely, and Lucas was waiting for her to be completely healed before he mentioned moving on to the mountains. It would be time for that any day now.

On this particular evening, after sharing their dessert, they worked to put out the fire and then made their way back into the cave to sleep. Quinn lay quietly trying to fall asleep with Solomon curled up at her feet as usual. She could hear Lucas breathing deeply. He was near her, and yet not so close as to be alarming. She could almost see him in the darkness and she made herself look away before she started thinking unrealistic thoughts about the two of them.

David was on the other side of her and he was lying with his eyes open. She could feel him studying her and it was making her a little nervous. She turned to face him and was taken aback by the admiring gaze. "," Quinn stuttered before she could help herself, "you have truly magnificent eyes." "Thank you," David said quietly. He could smell her breath as she exhaled and he was overcome with a desire to be closer to her.

"Do you have family you are trying to get to?" He questioned in his most earnest voice. "No, I don't think I do." Quinn said rather tristely. "I only want to live in peace. I'd like to live with others in safety and find a husband, someday..." she trailed off.

She wanted so badly to stay with them forever. Both men watched her from time to time, but she did not mind, she had been watching them too. She realized, not for the first time in her life, that it takes a long time to get to know someone; even longer to become a friend. However, in these times, when life was so unpredictable it was in everyone's best interest to have as many friends as possible.

Quinn thought back over the last few days. There had been plenty of time for conversation. It was discovered they all liked books and schools. Lucas hoped one day to be able to teach if the world ever became organized enough for anyone to have jobs again. David was more interested in building things. She wanted to teach and perform. They had shared some stories of the old world, and sang a couple of songs each had learned.

Then there was Lucas' lovely book. Each evening he would read to them. Her enjoyment of the poems and essays seemed to go so much deeper than either Lucas' or David's. They liked the poems, they found them pleasantly distracting in the long evening hours. However, she could feel him reading as if she had known the words all her life. Each evening, she closed her eyes and felt his voice, energized by the words, moving within her body and soul like a welcome traveler.

"The way he looks at me sometimes," she thought, "my god I feel like I am looking into myself." She rubbed her eyes fiercely and tried to get her good sense back. Quinn had never been in love before. Life had not allowed it. She had seen men she thought were handsome and some who were sexy but none of them had compared to Lucas, or David for that matter.

She smiled, thinking about these men who were so obviously enamored of her. When they looked at her she felt like a goddess. They never put her down or criticized her. They always listened as though what she had to say was infinitely important. They could talk so easily about anything...but what had they really told her about themselves? She had no way to verify anything they had told her about their lives before they had come together. She didn't like to think about the fact that they could be lying to her. It was, of course, quite possible, but she just couldn't afford to think that way.

With these horrible thoughts in her head she didn't even feel like falling asleep. Almost immediately she felt guilty. Lucas was snoring lightly, he trusted her and he hardly knew her. "Hmph." she chuckled, "I guess I have to trust someone someday. It might as well be these two." She turned to look at David once more and found him lying on his back looking up at the ceiling. He seemed to be deep in meditation so she closed her eyes and nodded off.

David was trying to find his guidance. He was trying to find his center. He was becoming too enmeshed with this human body. He was feeling too many human emotions. He was feeling a sense of desire so strong he was not sure how to ward it off. He felt like killing Lucas immediately and then maybe raping Quinn. He smiled. He reached out looking once more for Xander and found that he was asleep and out of his human form.

Chapter 33:

"Quinn, wake up..." Lucas was gently shaking Quinn's shoulder. "Quinn?" Quinn gasped and sat up. She found herself in Lucas' face, their noses inches apart. "What?" "I think you were dreaming. You kept yelling "No No" and reaching out to stop something. Are you okay?" Quinn rubbed her hands across her eyes and pulled her hair back from her face. "Yes, I'm okay now." Lucas did not move back, he was really enjoying being so close to her.

Quinn glanced at David who was sleeping soundly. "Was I being loud?" "No, I just wasn't really sleeping yet." "How come?" "Well, I was just....thinking...and stuff." "Can you tell me what you were thinking about or is it top secret?" Lucas smiled and ran his hand nervously under his nose. Quinn had noticed he did that a lot when he was feeling self-conscious. She smiled. "I was thinking about how we are going to get to the mountains. I was thinking about us...I mean, you, me and David." "What about us?" Quinn sat up straighter and leaned closer to Lucas. She could smell him and it was a wonderful, warm, secure smell. She reached up unconsciously and pushed his hair away from his eyes.

Lucas stopped in mid breath. He had opened his mouth to speak, but the touch of Quinn's hand had taken him completely by surprise. "Go on," she urged. He glanced down and tried to reorganize his thoughts. "I have heard that there is someone who can help you get to the mountains safely... I even know where to find her. I'm just not sure if I completely trust ..." he faded off. "Who? Who don't you trust?" "It's not really anyone, it's more like anything. I don't trust anything. Life is just not reliable like it used to be and I am getting so comfortable here I don't know if I want to try to leave anymore."

Quinn chewed her lip as she thought this over. "You know that if we stay here too long, we can count on Xander and his men finding us, don't you? I mean, they won't leave me alone. I feel like they are tracking me down. If we stay here, Lucas, you know there's a strong possibility we could be killed...or worse." "If you mean being taken to the city...they'd have to kill me first. No way I am ever going to the city. I know Xander will come through here again, that's why I am so damned confused. I feel responsible for you and David..." "Hold on there," Quinn said indignantly, finally pulling away from Lucas. "I told you I never wanted someone else to be responsible for me. I mean that. I live my own life and whatever choices I make...I have to live with the consequences. No one makes my decisions for me Lucas, you should know that by now."

"Calm down little one," Lucas chuckled, "boy aren't we feisty! I just mean that I won't be traveling alone like I was before. I would really lose it if something happened to you guys." Quinn softened visibly and kissed Lucas on the cheek, "I feel the same way Lucas, but I really think we should go...soon." "Well, that's enough of that talk for today." Lucas laughed, cutting her off, "I think we need to get some decent sleep and we can talk to David about it tomorrow. Okay?" "Yes," Quinn nodded, "good night Lucas." "Good night." After a moment of hesitation he leaned forward and kissed her softly on the mouth. There was a moment of delay, a moment when both thought of moving forward, of turning back.

But in the end it was just a small kiss, hardly passionate. Pulling away Quinn looked down feeling just a little embarrassed. Lucas held her face in his hand and watched the emotions traverse her face. He sat back, feeling like he should apologize but not sure why. In the end he simply said, "Pleasant dreams." His heart was hammering wildly in his chest; he felt like a divining rod quivering with vibration. Each lay down quietly and rolled away from the other. It was a long while before either of them got any sleep.

Chapter 34:

Several days later Lucas made the decision that it was time to move on. He could feel it in his heart, but also knew it within his mind. He looked at Quinn and David who were sitting near the fire, both looking peaceful and content. David glanced up and saw Lucas gazing at them. He raised his eyebrows in silent question, but Lucas shook his head as if to say, "It's nothing."

Quinn was telling David a story apparently, her face was animated and her arms were waving about. David laughed, sounding sincere, but Lucas saw him looking back in his direction. Suddenly, he realized that David always sounded sincere, but when you went beneath the surface a little there was never anything there. That scared him quite a bit. He went back to digging for roots and let him mind wander aimlessly.

As usual, Quinn was the first thing to come up. It seemed like every move she had ever made was ingrained in Lucas memory. Her facial expressions, her scents, and of course her laughter. He didn't think he loved her. But maybe he was just being foolish to believe that. She was the best thing he had ever known. He couldn't wait to see her each morning and she was the last thing on his mind at night. Every decision he made he wanted her to be a part of. That was one of the main reasons that he wanted so badly for her to agree with him when he said it was time to go.

Solomon moved around Lucas' legs, managing to be a pain in the ass, but also avoiding the kicks Lucas aimed his way. "Meow," Solomon purred in a somewhat condescending tone. Lucas looked him over carefully. "Cat, you are not quite what you seem, are you? Lord knows nothing else is these days…why should you be any different?" Solomon sat down and licked his paw, grooming silently. Lucas rolled back from his squating position to his rear end. He put his head between his knees and wrapped his arms around himself. He was filled with indecision.

David listened intently to Quinn, she was explaining how she had escaped Xanders snare…just one of the many times. David smiled only because he could not believe what a buffoon Xander had turned out to be. This little snip of a girl had outwitted him on so many occasions it wasn't even humorous. Quinn looked around for Lucas all of a sudden. "What's keeping him?" She stood up and dusted herself off. Placing one hand over her eyes to shield the setting sun she scanned the edge of the woods.

David stood and put his hands on her shoulders, squeezing gently, "I'm sure he's fine. Maybe we have eaten everything that was growing close by." "Maybe," Quinn agreed, grudgingly. She patted David's hand and turned to face him. "I know you think that there's something I'm not telling you. But I want you to know that I'm really trying to trust you. I want to say that the more I trust you the more I will be able to tell you." David put his arms lightly around her waist and pulled her close, she could feel his heat surrounding her. "I can wait…as long as it takes."

She put her arms around him and lay her head on his chest. "I lo.." She started to tell him that she loved him…the words had almost escaped her lips when suddenly the screams began. "Oh my God." Quinn yelped, pulling herself from David's embrace. Her face draining of all color. "Lucas!" she screamed. But Lucas was running from the woods a second later and after seeing that Quinn and David were both okay he took off toward the river.

David was also running toward the cries before Quinn could even pull herself together. The mournful yelling reminded her of too many dead friends. She was frozen in place. She knew it was the Chosen. They had found them and now she would have to run again. She sat down hard on the ground, wrapping her arms tightly around herself and rocking back and forth. She had tears running down her face and she was trembling.

The two men turned back for a moment, watching her as she sat frozen. They were both torn by indecision, but then the screaming began again and there was no choice. They took off toward the river.

They could see a form out in the middle fighting for life. David began pulling off his shoes and pants as he waded into the water. "Wait," Lucas called out, grabbing David's arm, "I know who that is...let the son of a bitch drown." David squinted and shielded his eyes, "Who is that?" David asked incredulously. "That is that nightmare Quinn has been having for far too long." David said, sounding half sick. "Let him drown." David was fuming inside, he could barely contain himself. The only way he could think of was to feign surprise and horror at the irony of this situation.

"How did he get out there all alone? Where are the rest of the men? Is this some sort of trap?" He looked around quickly, "Where is Quinn? We should let her decide if she wants the guy to drown or not." Meanwhile the screaming continued and both men stood, indecisive.

The two soldiers were considering grabbing Quinn. They were arguing quietly about it. They had been living sequestered around and in the cave waiting for another instruction from The Man. They were beginning to forget the visions he had given them and they were growing impatient. They wanted to nab Quinn and take off while her male friends were out of sight.

"You know that you have to participate in your life, don't you?" Solomon asked Quinn. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears, "I don't want to be strong anymore. I can't do it." He whipped his tail back and forth, showing his ire. "You know you can do it. Don't give up now. So many people are counting on you!" "What?" Quinn asked, her face full of question, "what are you talking about you stupid cat?" Solomon sneezed, "Never mind that now. The men are waiting for you to make a decision, you must go right away."

Quinn thought Solomon was referring to David and Lucas but actually he meant the men in the cave. He could sense their impatience and stupidity. He knew she was in extreme peril right now and she needed the protection of her companions. Solomon knew that one of the men was as dangerous and Xander, but he could not tell her that just now. Quinn wiped angrily at her eyes and stood up with an ironic smile, "With me, it never ends." she said to herself and turned, running down the hillside after Lucas and David.

Lucas couldn't pull his eyes from the river. "Help me! Please help..." Xander yelled again and again, he could not see them on the shoreline. "I'm sure she stayed at the camp, David. She's terrified of running into the Chosen again, you know that." Xander was coughing and gasping, flailing about in the chilly water. "I almost feel sorry for the poor son of a bitch." David said, shaking his head mournfully. "Survival of the fittest, right?" Lucas asked. David glanced at him and sensed that he was full of regret about this decision to let the man drown, he could hear Lucas thinking, "There is a reason this happened right now. I have to step in, he wasn't just put in front of us to die like this." David rolled his eyes and wanted to gag.

"Yes, oh yes!" David thought inwardly as he gazed into the river and watched Xander drowning. "Should have kept your mind on track shouldn't you?" He laughed and laughed deep inside of himself. Outwardly he continued to look concerned and even as if he was trying to decide whether or not he should save that worthless bastard. He was with Quinn, what did he need Xander for? He was pulled back from his inner celebration when he heard Quinn yelling behind him.

"Oh my God, that's Xander. We have to help him. He needs our help! Come on!" she pulled off her shoes and her heavy pants and dove into the river without a second thought. The men both stood with their mouths open and watched as she swam to him. "She loves him," Lucas said in disbelief, "She loves that worthless bastard. Why didn't I see that? Why didn't I have a clue?" David looked from Quinn to Lucas, helpless to stop the jealousy that was about to erupt from his heart.

It was too much that he had to share her with every damn man who met her. "Are you daft?" he asked Lucas, his eyebrows up as far as they would go. "Do you think she can love anyone? She is a wounded, abused soul. She does not have the capacity to love anyone!" Lucas looked furiously at David, "You stupid ass! What are you talking about? That woman has more love in her than she knows what to do with! You are just so jealous you can't think straight, because you, my friend, are the one who is without love." Without a moment of hesitation David jumped on Lucas, throwing him to the ground.

Quinn grabbed Xander and watched as his face showed shock, disbelief, and fear. "Put your arms around me, do not kick, do not flail or you will drown us both…and apparently you are not ready to die yet." Without wavering, she began towing him back to the shore. She could not believe what she was seeing. David and Lucas were a ball of fists and feet and faces and elbows as they fought along the shore and into the water. "What is wrong with them?" She thought to herself. It was taking every ounce of energy she had stored up these past few weeks to get this big man to safety. "Help me damnit!" she yelled as she approached the shoreline. "David, Lucas, help me!"

Immediately, Lucas pulled from the brawl and ran to help Quinn onto the shore. David stayed where he was, panting and trying to calm himself. "What the hell is wrong with you two?" She demanded.

Xander had been mortified when he saw her come running down the hill. He didn't want to believe it was really Quinn. Here she was under his nose and he couldn't find her anywhere. Why did it have to be her saving his life? What did that mean? He was choking and gasping as she pulled him onto dry land and began rubbing the knots out of his aching muscles. He was still naked. One of the men standing there with her handed him his shirt and he covered himself.

"You know you would've died out there?" Quinn looked up angrily from his legs, her hair was hanging wet around her face and her eyes were burning... she had never looked more gorgeous. "You killed too many of my friends for me to count! You bastard." she spat, "I don't know why I had to save you, but here you are. You owe me!" She rubbed all her outrage into his frozen skin, "You can be my prisoner for a while now and see how you like it. Where are your armies now? Where is the Man now, Xander? Why would I let you die and never share with you the hatred I feel for you?" She stopped suddenly as if ashamed of her outburst.

Xander sat up, wincing as him muscles yelled in outrage. He reached out quickly for Quinn and pulled her to him. His icy lips claimed hers and he kissed her with all of the passion he had been feeling for months. She struggled against him, unable to push him away. Lucas and David stood staring, shocked that this killer had done the one thing they had both been aching to do since the moment they met Quinn. Xander held Quinn's face in his hands and the kissing continued. Quinn felt dizzy and stunned, she felt aroused and embarrassed that David and Lucas were right there. She never wanted the kiss to stop, and yet she couldn't wait to get Xander away from her. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Xander pulled away.

Their eyes met and both pairs were burning with passion, hatred, desire. It was impossible to divide the emotions, one from the other. Quinn slapped Xander hard and stood, wiping her hair back from her cheeks. "Carry him up to the camp, and don't let him out of your sight." she ordered and marched back up the hill. All three men watched her go, all of them blinded with love for her. Right now she hated all three of them. "What a world." Lucas thought aloud as he began dragging Xander's semi-lifeless body up the hill.

David followed at a distance, knowing he would kill Xander if he touched him right now. He was seriously considering killing both of these men and taking Quinn tonight. He had the help of the two men in the cave. It was only a matter of time now.

Chapter 35:

Quinn was stuck. She looked around her at the sorry sight of these three men. She needed to be alone. This was too much commitment. Xander was tied to a tree and he seemed perfectly happy to be here. He watched her and took all of her angry looks in stride. Lucas and David were spellbound. Neither of them could figure out why she had saved Xander. They did not know what to expect next. She had not spoken to any of them since they had come up from the river. Only Xander had seen her in a rage like this before.

She paced back and forth, back and forth rubbing her arms to fight off some chill that was much deeper than the chill of the river. Stopping in front of Xander she placed her hands on her hips and asked, "Are your men behind you? Are they coming to find you?" Xander shook his head, "I doubt it. I think they are all ready to mutiny, come to think of it, so am I." She looked him over carefully. "Let's say, for a moment, that I don't believe a word of what you've just said. Is there any reason you can think of that I should let you live?"

The Man was furious. How could she be so calm after all Xander had done to her? What was all this talk of mutiny? How dare they. That would be remedied as soon as he could get away. Xander, well, he would die before this day was through. Oh yes, he would die by the hand of the Man. He could barely contain his fury, but Quinn was watching them closely as if she sensed that something was going terribly wrong. He needed to move more quickly.

"What do you mean mutiny?" David interrupted. "Are they sure they will be able to get away with that?" Quinn stopped pacing and looked at David. "What do you mean?" David looked directly into her eyes, "I mean will The Man allow a mutiny? How do they know he's not watching every move they make?" Quinn shuddered visibly and rubbed her hands over her face repeatedly. "I can't believe this. I knew I should have stayed on my own, we will all be found and murdered. I knew this would happen. It will be just like Simon and Old Joe...won't it Xander?" She ended on a tight note and looked ferociously at Xander. He wished he could melt into the tree.

The vision of the little boy and the old man were still fresh in his memory. "I will miss our little games." he had said as he murdered her friends. "What kind of animal am I?" he wondered to himself. "I'm sorry..." he offered. Quinn kicked him. With all of her might she struck out against him, "YOU BASTARD! Don't you dare apologize for what you have done to me! Don't you dare ask me to forgive you….because I am kind person and I will have to do it if you ask me to! I don't want to forgive you, I want to hate you. I want you to die and I want to watch." Quinn ended, sobbing on her knees in front of him. Xander wanted so badly to reach out and pull her to him. He wanted to take away some of the pain of what he had done. He knew that was impossible. Her head was resting on his legs, she was exhausted. Her sobs filled the air around them.

"Quinn," Lucas said quietly, "you need to calm down and think about what to do here. We should probably move on anyway. Maybe we could tie him up near the river and someone would eventually find him, don't you think?" "I don't know Lucas, I just don't know what to do. You and David are in so much jeopardy with him here, and yet, truthfully, I didn't kill him because I can't let another human being die while I stand by and watch." Quinn said tearfully. Lucas pulled her to his chest and kissed her head gently.

David and Xander both looked at the two standing there and both men felt angry. Xander did not feel that he had the right to ask for anything, and yet, he did not want to be reunited with his men. David and Lucas kept giving him murderous looks and he couldn't blame them, but he did not want to die either.

He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the tree. "The Man is here." It was a simple thought that came into his head as easily as one of his own thoughts, however, this thought was clearly not his own. He sat up straight and looked around them. He saw nothing unusual. He closed his eyes again and the voice said, "The Man is one of them." He opened his eyes and looked at David and Lucas. The cat rubbed itself against his arm and he started, he had not noticed it here before. "Meow," it said to him. "Don't let down your guard for one minute." Was what he heard the cat say.

He did not doubt the voice. He had almost died less than two hours ago and he felt incredibly close to his higher power right now. The voice whispering to him was gentle and not to be questioned. "Xander," it whispered, "You must save her." He looked at Quinn and found that she was glaring at him. "What is it?" she nearly screamed, "who are you looking for?" "I thought I heard something." he stammered. Quinn's eyes immediately darted around the campground, "Who?" She stood up, looking all around in a panic.

"I'm not sure, I don't even know for sure that I heard anything, I just thought I heard a noise." Immediately, a fox ran out of the bushes and across the campground. Everyone yelped. "We have to get out of here." Lucas said matter-of-factly. No one disagreed with him.

Chapter 36:

Prophet was awakened in the middle of the night by a voice. It was loud and clear as a bell. It had said, "Leave now Prophet or you will die in the bed you have made for yourself." Now he was sitting up in bed sweating his ass off wondering what in the hell was going to go wrong in his life now. He rubbed his tired, burning eyes and as he opened them again he saw Elise, Lauren and Lynne. They were standing at the foot of his bed. Elise was holding Lauren's hand on the left and Lynne's hand on the right. They looked like Madonna and Child to Prophet.

"Lauren," Prophet moaned and moved to his knees. He reached out to her but could not touch her. "You know what they say is the truth, my love." Elise said gently. "This is not a good place. The Man is evil and he will surely fall, do you want to be a part of that?" "No, no." Prophet shook his head emphatically, "I want to be with you and my baby girls." he moaned moving closer to them on his knees. "Not yet daddy, not yet." Lauren and Lynne said together. "First you must put right what you have made wrong." Elise said, "Then you will be with us in the rising of the sun my love." And as quickly as it had come the vision faded away into the night. "NO!" Prophet screamed, "Elise!!" but they were gone.

He put his head in his hands and sobbed. "You must put right what you have made wrong." What did that mean? What did he have to do? "Oh Elise, Elise, my babies, no, no, no..." Prophet moaned and fell forward into unconsciousness.

Chapter 37:

The Man awoke bathed in sweat. He was having nightmares. He had a feeling coming over him that things were not running as smoothly as they should. He needed to meditate and find out what was happening. He sat up and looked at Quinn sleeping peacefully beside him. He let his eyes roam slowly over the other two men in the cave. He was furious with both of them.

He was beginning to hate Lucas with as much of himself as he hated Xander. He realized he could easily kill Xander while everyone slept. For that matter, he could have the two men sleeping just inside the cave entrance do it. He considered this for a moment and then shook his head. They were for another day.

He had been looking for a chance to kill Xander. He needed to make it look like an accident, and he wasn't sure how to do that. He realized with a start that he was no longer considering himself `David' he was now referring to himself as The Man again. He knew that meant that his time with Quinn here was almost at an end. He felt what might have been a little regret that `David' was going away. He had rather enjoyed being David and maybe that was why he felt so out of it right now.

Hardening his heart to everything but his main objective he reviewed what needed to be completed. He needed Xander dead. He almost had the chance when Quinn and Lucas had been down by the river catching fish, but Quinn had called him down and he didn't want to make her suspicious. Xander kept looking at him in the oddest way and he had the distinct feeling that Xander knew something was wrong. He was looking at both of them the same way and the Man thought he could see something in Xander which had not been there before... regret. He was only able to recognize this in Xander because it was a feeling which filled his own soul right now.

He stood quietly and stretched heavenward. He needed some peace and quiet. He left the cave without making a noise and went in search of an energy-filled spot to meditate. He was going to make some decisions tonight. He had many people to keep an eye on, and he had the distinct feeling that things were not going well. He had a busy evening ahead of him.

Chapter 38:

Xander raised his head slowly to watch the two men leaving the cave. One left alone, and then a few minutes later the second one left. It appeared one was intent on some singular purpose and the second was obviously spying on the first man. Xander tried not to make any noise at all. Neither man looked in his direction. He was cramped and sore and wished he could go out of the cave alone, but Quinn had not let him out of his restraints at all.

He supposed he could break free if he really wanted to, but he was trying to convince Quinn that he was a changed man. The cat stirred and moved to his feet. "Don't worry about what those two are doing." Solomon instructed Xander, "Your job is to protect Quinn with your life. It is only when you have protected her from that which she fears that she will begin to trust you."

Xander had been watching both of her companions closely, trying to decide which one of the was The Man, it seemed that both of them were aware that he was looking at them with purpose. "Okay," Xander said to the cat, not for one moment thinking it was odd that this feline was speaking to him. "Okay." He repeated. He looked out the entrance to the cave and then settled back down to sleep.

Quinn hadn't noticed. She was insisting that they leave this camp site and set up somewhere else. She had been nervously watching the woods waiting for someone to surprise them, but Xander knew his men would not be coming. He didn't even know if he could call them "his men" anymore. He had sensed that they were considering a mutiny before his little disappearing act a week or so ago.

Now that he thought about it he had to suppress a laugh. He had completely changed sides, why not all of his men? He realized that it had been happening slowly for the last few months to most of the men he was with. However, it was not until he thought he was going to drown that he realized his life was too short to spend it being so evil. The Man would surely kill him when he got the chance, but for now he was with Quinn and he was free of the dark cloud that had made his life unbearable for the last few months.

Chapter 39:

Quinn's dreams were dark and strangely eerie. She was dreaming that someone was trying to tell her the purpose for her existence. She couldn't hear whoever was talking to her and it was making her more and more frustrated. She kept trying to move closer to the voice but it moved further and further away. She heard a noise behind her and when she turned around it was Xander standing there. At first she thought it was the old Xander, he had his gun out and was aiming it at her. "I will miss the games we play together," he was saying. But then she saw a subtle change falling over him, it was as if a dark mass of ants had been covering him and as they retreated down his body she could see the new Xander. He was smiling at her and holding out his hand to her.

She didn't want to trust him, but the warmth in his eyes was unmistakable. She walked toward him and suddenly Lucas was in between them. He looked a little odd to Quinn and he kept saying, "No Quinn, choose me, choose me, stay with me Quinn." She tried to look around him but everywhere she went he was in her way. As he faded away she moved forward again and then David was there blocking her way. David did not implore Quinn, he merely gazed at her and she read his mind, "Quinn, you must not trust Xander, you must not believe him. It's all a lie Quinn. Lucas wants to hurt you, Xander wants to take you for himself and then take you to The Man. Please believe me Quinn." She stopped short and shook her head in frustration.

When she looked up she was alone at the top of a mountain. She could see the land for miles below her. To her right there was a presence...but when she looked she saw nothing. "Find your way home, Quinn." the vision said. "Where's home?" Quinn asked, and the wind seemed to sweep her words away before they left her mouth. "Where is HOME?" Quinn yelled.

The presence was disturbing and illusory. She turned full circle trying to find the voice and when she had gone full circle she was no longer in the mountains. She was on a beach. The waves were crashing in and the wind was whipping through her hair. She felt so sleepy all of a sudden. She sat down on the sand and it was still warm from the afternoon sun. "Find the man who has chosen the light and let him lead you home." the presence said. "Yes," Quinn muttered as she lay down on the warm sand, "the man who has chosen the light will lead me home."

Chapter 40:

The powers that be were not at all happy with what was happening in Our Haven. They were exceedingly irritated with the humans, and even more so with The Man. "He does as he pleases." they thought, "he cares not for the higher goal, he has chosen his own path. We must send another." The opposing powers did not agree with this assessment, "He does as you created him to do," they said, "you have not given him much to work with."

"Are you not angry with your own?" the darker power asked. "Have they made you happy?" "Yes," replied the light, "they have done just as we thought they would. They are human, they have the freedom to choose and they have made the right choices." "You are only happy because we are losing so many," the dark power raged, "give us one of yours so that we may feel like you are playing fairly!" "Never," whispered the light, "we will never give one of our to you." "Then we will send another, we will send one who will destroy all of yours!" the dark sputtered.

The light was not disturbed by this revelation, it was, in fact, what they had expected.

Chapter 41:

Paul entered the little city known as Paradise. LuLu was nudging him wearily forward, hoping to find a stable with some fresh hay. Paul stepped across the town line and was immediately met by a band of men. They all seemed to glow with a strange inner light. They looked at him and the youngest one stepped forward, "We have been expecting you." he said with a smile. Paul smiled in return, "Thank you, we are glad to be here."

The town was inhabited, not overpopulated, but no longer a ghost town. There were many men, women, children, even animals. There was organization, and people with jobs and farms. Life was going on in a replica of normalcy. Paul was led to the city hotel. It was nothing more than a primitive bed and breakfast, but it had water and food and a bed. "Where is she?" Paul asked the youngest man. "She will meet with you in the morning." the young man said, "you do know that she will send you back out?" "Yes," Paul said rather tiredly, "I know it." His eyes brimmed with unbidden tears at the thought of leaving, and yet he knew what he had to do. He wiped at them with a resigned hand. Being settled in his bed with clean sheets, a clean body and full stomach was like a dream come true for Paul. He stretched out and pulled his journal onto his lap. I am here, I have made it to "Paradise" ha ha. Tomorrow I will meet with Susan. I know now that she is not the one, but she is a key player in this little game of ours. She knows where I will find the one.

Maybe I should back up. Right after I started having the dreams I dreamt of Paradise. I immediately knew how to get here, though I cannot explain how that happened. I met no one. It took me about two weeks time to get here and all the while I had the dreams. I cannot help but feel that there is something greater that is in control here. Let me see if I can explain the dreams although they do not make much sense even to me.

I am alone in this void of space. No light, no sound, only thought. Words come to me in a language unlike any I have ever heard. I feel what is being said more than I understand it. All of these emotions flow through me and they are overwhelming and yet not unpleasant. I know now that I have to find the one called Quinn. She is the one who will save us. I have been told that she does not know she is the one. Right now she is in great danger from many people. I was not following my guidance before. I should have kept after her until I found her when Xander sent me after her.

The dreams told me to find Susan. She is the one I must meet here. She has the plans and the resources to get me where I need to go. She is the gatekeeper to the West. All who will live freely must come here and go through her. I do not understand why, apparently nobody else knows either, and yet, as usual, it is not questioned by anyone! I find that so strange in this day and age when we should be questioning everything!

I know that Xander has changed in his heart. I saw the change as it overtook him and I was glad for him. He may live now. I wonder if I was privy to that knowledge for some pre-destined reason? Oh, all of these unanswered questions! But, I digress from my original purpose here.

Tomorrow I will meet with Susan and she will send me back out into the world, ha ha again, what's left of the world. I will find Quinn and explain what must be done. What is that? you may ask. I don't know! I do not know what information I carry inside of me like a secret time bomb, it will be revealed when the time has come. That is what I was told and am I angry? Yes I am! But herein lies the real bitch of the matter, I will not be reunited with my mother and sister until the time comes when my job is done. How do I know? The dreams of course.

And so tonight I find comfort and warmth and I am sated by the food I have eaten. Tomorrow I meet a new ally and once again I go forth alone to do, God only knows what. For tonight I am at peace in this world...for tonight may be all I have.

Chapter 42:

The Man went into his dream state quickly. He thought of Prophet, and there was Prophet...laying in a puddle of his tears and snot. "Disgusting." David thought to himself. He entered Prophet's mind and saw what had transpired. He was overcome with rage. "Bitches!" he spat at Prophet's family. His face filled with malicious delight as he filled Prophet's mind with some new and insane thoughts. "That should keep you busy for a while my good man," David said, mentally kissing Prophet's head. Prophet moaned and then vomited in his sleep.

The Man searched for some troops who were still true to the cause. He found them and filled them all with a desire to kill. He took away their pain, their loss, and loneliness. He was beginning to understand that these were the crutches of the human heart. He filled them with greed, desire, murderous intentions and hate. Some of the men looked distraught, some of them smiled. The Man was happy.

There was a blinding center of light in his world, but the Man could not seem to find it. He sensed it, he knew where it was, but he could not reach the man on the inside of the light. This infuriated him further and he continued on...looking for more.

He found the two sleeping soldiers in the cave and told them what they were to do. They nodded mutely as spittle fell from their open mouths. David laughed as he realized how frail the sanity of the ignorant human was. He began to lose the feeling that his cause was hopeless. Suddenly he sensed danger in his immediate future and he leapt back into his human form.

Chapter 43:

Lucas could not believe what he was seeing. David was perched on the edge of a great canyon, squatting, apparently he was sleeping. Lucas was not sure what he had expected to find, but this certainly was not it. He wondered if David was dreaming. Lucas walked up to him slowly and reached out to pull him back.

Just as he was about to touch David's shirt, David turned and what Lucas saw in his face was not a man, not a was so much worse. Lucas screamed with all his soul and the thing in front of him smiled, the fanatical gleam in its' eye was unmistakable.

Before Lucas could react David reached out and grabbed the front of his shirt. David pulled him forward with an inhuman strength. Lucas was dumbfounded, but he realized he was about to be killed and he began to fight half-heartedly. "No, David, what in God's name are you doing?" Lucas' face was a mask of terror as he realized this was not David, and he was about to die. "Good-bye Lucas, see you in hell." David, or the thing posing as David, growled.

He heaved Lucas forward and over the edge of the canyon. Lucas fell screaming. His life, too short, passed in front of his eyes and all at once he understood that he had failed Quinn. He knew instinctively that she was the one he had been sent to protect and by leaving her, he had destroyed himself. Lucas had the fleeting thought that he had just come face to face with The Man. And then all thought ceased.

Chapter 44:

"LUCAS, NO!" Quinn shrieked as she bolted up and out of the cave. "Lucas, Lucas where are you?" she yelled into the night sky. The stars winked a knowing smile back at her, but gave no answer. Quinn stumbled back into the cave. "Where is he, Xander? Where is Lucas?" Quinn asked hysterically. She was pulling on Xander's shirt repeatedly shaking him. Xander sat blinking, trying to clear the fog that had overtaken his mind.

"Where is David?" She sat down hard in front of Xander and began to sob. "Lucas, oh Lucas, he's dead Xander, I saw it happen." She rocked back and forth, back and forth, sobbing harder and harder. Xander stared at her with is mouth hanging open. "How did you know he was gone?" he whispered. Quinn looked up and her eyes were ravaged with her loss, "He is gone, isn't he?"

Xander told Quinn he had seen David and Lucas leaving. He told her how he had pretended to be asleep and yet, how he had seen it all. Quinn rubbed her eyes and sniffed over and over as she tried to contain her sorrow. "Why didn't you wake me, Xander?" she questioned. "Why would I? It was not malicious, I just didn't know how soon they would be back." Xander answered apologetically, "Truly, Quinn, I had no idea." "Neither did I," Quinn sobbed, heartbroken. Xander could not stop the internal flogging he was giving himself. "Stupid mistakes! Over and over I keep making stupid mistakes!"

"What did you dream?" Xander questioned. "What?" Quinn looked up, confused, "I..I..I'm not even sure I remember it all. I know it was as if I was looking out over a lovely canyon and I was feeling so happy. I heard Lucas coming up behind me and I turned, but when I looked at Lucas he was afraid. I drifted out over the canyon and saw a man pull Lucas over. He threw him down into the hole like a rag doll. I saw his poor body crush on the rocks. But I couldn't see the man, no matter how hard I tried. I don't know who it was." Quinn looked at Xander with such sorrow on her face he didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry. If he's dead, I'm sorry for not telling you he left." Xander moaned miserably, "Quinn I'm sorry for so many things." "I think I might know who killed him." Quinn said, not hearing Xander at all. "We have to find David." "Do you think David killed him?" Xander asked, incredulous. "No!" Quinn yelled, shocked that Xander would ask such a question, "but I think David's in trouble." Quinn muttered, nodding her head, "Yes, I think David's in trouble and we need to find him right away."

Quinn moved around behind Xander and released his bonds. "We have to leave. Xander, you say you have changed. I don't know if I believe you, but I need you. I need you to protect me." She laughed sardonically, "Protect me, if you can. We have to find David before something happens to him too." Xander didn't think it was a good time to mention that his intuition was telling him that there was a damn good chance that it had been David who did the killing.

He rubbed his raw wrists and flexed his tired muscles. "Thank you." Xander stood up and for the first time it dawned on Quinn that Xander could have easily broken those ropes and killed her. He gazed down at her. She felt her breath heaving in and out of her as she remained under his attentive eye. He was so massive he could crush her in an instant. Quinn blinked, trying to re-focus her tired mind. She felt the sense of urgency, but she was looking at Xander.

His hair, those eyes…how they had changed since she had looked into them last. If only she had taken a moment to really LOOK at Xander over the past couple of days. But right now Quinn couldn't take her eyes off of him as he flexed and moved about the cave. He would destroy her if he was lying. Although she knew she had to find David and do what she could for Lucas, Quinn was having decidedly unsettling thoughts about Xander. She could not, would not, be attracted to this man who had made her life a living hell. And yet, that seemed to be what was happening.

"We need to pack things up here. I don't want to come back, even if we find David." Quinn said. "Okay." Xander quietly agreed. They packed up the few belongings that had accumulated in the cave, including Lucas' book of poetry, and headed out into the night. Quinn felt an overwhelming sense of lonliness leaving the cave behind. "Come on Solomon!" Quinn called and he was soon weaving in and out of her feet.

This was the closest she had felt to a home in a long time. "Find the man who has found the light and he will lead you home." Quinn thought to herself. Did that mean Xander? She didn't feel like he was the right one, and yet he was all she had at the moment. He put a steadying hand in the small of her back and they moved on into the shadows.

Chapter 45:

When Paul awoke he found a tray filled with delicious breakfast food outside his door. He ate heartily and relished every bite of this rare and delectable meal. He had dreamt again last night. One of Quinn's protectors was now dead. The Man was working hard to re-establish himself with his people. Paul knew time was running out for Quinn. He now knew The Man did not want to kill Quinn, rather, he wanted to own her. He wanted to take her soul and make it into an evil raisin.

Paul put down the last of his toast and got dressed. His clothes had been cleaned and mended while he slept. He smiled and thought of how much he would like to stay here. Sighing with the inevitability of it all, he put on his boots and headed out the door. Several men were waiting to escort him to Susan. He felt a little nervous about all of this. It would be the proof that his dreams were not just dreams, and he was not sure he could handle that.

They walked a few blocks down the street and entered an old building. They climbed the stairs to the third floor and then the men left Paul alone in an outer office. He sat down and looked around him. It amazed him that any buildings were still standing and of some use. He had thought the Chosen would have destroyed nearly everything by now. Suddenly the door opened and Susan walked in.

She was so normal that Paul felt nothing but shock at first. She was a very large woman. Not so much tall as she was wide. She was smiling warmly at Paul, so he stood and put out his hand. "No sir, you gonna hug me Paul!" Susan moved forward and embraced him. He felt a loving energy surrounding her and moving through him and it occurred to him that he really didn't care if she was obese or not. "I have been waitin' so long to see who they was gonna send!"

Susan sat herself down on a couch across from Paul and looked him over. "You sure a good lookin' boy." "Thanks," Paul replied, feeling a little embarrassed. He had the distinct feeling that she was seeing so much more than his phony outer shell. He had never felt so exposed in his life.

Susan was about 50 years old. She was a buxom woman and her plump arms and legs seemed to make her seem a little larger than maybe she actually was. Paul looked into her eyes and for the first time really saw her. In her eyes he saw that she was really only 35, but the years had not been kind to her. He saw a great deal of loss and pain hiding under all of that skin. He saw love, and compassion, warmth and intelligence. He immediately loved her.

"Do you know why you are here Paul?" she prompted quietly. "Yes, and no." "Well, we gonna set things straight right now. You here to save mankind." Paul's slack-jawed expression told Susan he really had only the vaguest idea about what he was doing there. "I know all about you Paul. You were not a nice boy for a long time. You was down right bad. But somethin' touched ya didn't it? Somethin' made ya feel like you could be good, and by God you was gonna be good." Paul nodded vigorously and Susan continued, "Then them dreams started comin' as vivid as could be. You was told to put it all down on paper. You's like the Apostle Paul now!" Susan laughed. "I'm sorry, I gets a little crazy sometimes. Did you find, Paul, that when you started writing it all down that a big part of your soul opened up and something began to fill it that made you feel like things might turn out all right with a little hard work on your part?"

Paul nodded again, and felt a little funny as he noticed that her voice had grown sweeter, her language had straightened out, and by God if she didn't look like she was getting thinner right here in front of him with each sentence.

"Paul, things are serious now. I hope you realize this. We have done what we can to make things good and pure, but the evil is still there. It is angry that things are going so well for us and now is not the time to be weak." Her voice purred like warm honey and she now looked to weigh just a tad bit more than Paul himself. He couldn't take his eyes off her. "Quinn has gotten confused. She has blocked the knowledge she once possessed. She refuses to see who she is. She is with men who aren't good for our eternal good. Paul, you need to get to her. You need to protect her. You need to make sure nothing happens to cause her grief. Can you do this?"

Paul grunted weakly, "Yeah, I can. I mean, I want to. I will." Susan smiled and suddenly Paul looked around and saw that they were floating in what appeared to be outer space. Susan was now a brilliant white light, shining so bright she was like a sun. Paul's eyes did not hurt when he looked at her. He was amazed at what was happening in his life. "Now I will tell you how to end the game." Susan purred.

Chapter 46:

When Paul left the room 10 hours later he realized why everyone in Paradise looked so happy. He felt like he had just been born. He glowed, although he did not know it. He went straight to the stable where he knew he would find his bags packed and waiting for him. He was not wrong.

LuLu was so happy to see him. She was even happier to see the sugar and apples he had brought from the hotel. They rode out of town together, and Paul had the oddest feeling that LuLu knew where they were headed. She galloped along without any direction from him. "The amazement never ends," he thought to himself. He laughed out loud and leaned back into the wind, enjoying the ride of his life.

Prophet opened his eyes to a new day. He did not want to open his eyes at all. He had tried for hours to wish himself dead. It obviously had not worked. Here he was in all of his misery. He pulled a gun from under his pillow and turned it on himself. He gazed down the barrel without much fear. The fear he was feeling was mostly for his immortal soul. He still firmly believed that people who committed suicide were not granted access to heaven. This posed somewhat of a problem for Prophet.

He knew The Man had been moving in his mind. He could feel his sanity hanging on by some miracle. He knew he could easily choose to lose it. But then he would be no better than the ignorant masses moving daily below him. He wanted more. He wanted something better and he supposed The Man knew this too.

Prophet hoped that if he moved on The Man would find someone else to take his place. He didn't feel confident that this would happen, however. He had a sneaking suspicion that The Man would come after him and 1.)kill him or 2.)drag his sorry ass back here and make his remaining years a living hell. Prophet wasn't sure he could live with either of those choices, and that was why he was staring down the barrel of this damned gun.

Chapter 47:

The Man stood quietly staring down at the shattered pieces of Lucas. He had a beatific smile on his face; he was feeling quite joyous. His only regret was that it was Lucas lying on the rocks and not Xander. Or, best case scenario…Lucas AND Xander bleeding and shattered on those lovely rocky cliffs. Xander dead would be a banner day, the kind you don't forget anytime soon. "Oh well," The Man sighed contentedly, "it's a start." He brushed his hands together over the edge as if to say, "I wipe my hands of you" and turned toward the hills behind him.

He knew instinctively that Quinn would be coming soon. She would be coming to find Lucas, and himself. He had a few other things he wanted to take care of, though, and Quinn was not part of that plan. He decided he would fall back and follow them in a few days. He would be able to locate them with no problem now, he would just "wish" for Quinn and somehow he would know where she was.

He hurried down the hill a ways and looked for an ideal spot to hide until Quinn and her doomed companion, Xander passed right by. He found just the place he was looking for on the other side of the hill. It was another opening to the cave they had been staying in, but this particular entrance was not at all inviting. The hole was swallowed by darkness and a putrescence that was indescribable. David's nose scrunched up as he entered the foul haven.

He could hear the bats around him but could not see them. There was a high shrieking sound coming from the air high above him and he could only guess at how many of the little vampires were hanging up there dropping their bat guano by the truckload. "What a lovely place I've discovered!" David exclaimed to himself. He crouched down just inside the opening and allowed himself to begin meditating.

He felt his spirit vibrating strongly within its mortal shell; and just as suddenly it began to rise high above him. He was floating and flying through time and space. In the blink of an eye he was wherever and whenever he wanted to be. There was never enough time to waste these days, he was always on a mission. Today he was determined to find the one named, Paul. Paul had just seemed like a meddlesome little peon at first, but things were getting a little more serious now. Paul had been to see her and Paul was now on his way to Quinn. The Man knew he had to stop him

Chapter 48:

Quinn and Xander raced down the hill toward the place she had seen Lucas fall. Xander was glancing around nervously, expecting God only knew what. Quinn stopped at the edge and looked straight ahead. "Please, God, please let it not be true," she said fervently. She put her hands over her eyes and bent her head down. After a few moments of silence she slowly pulled her hands away from her eyes. "Ohhhhh, nooooo!" she screamed and fell to her knees.

Xander had not gone to the edge; he knew what she would find. He ran to her when she fell and engulfed her in his arms. He rocked her slowly, keeping a tight hold on her precious little body. She was sobbing hysterically again. Xander peered into the depths and spotted Lucas. There seemed to be a trail of blood from the first jagged edge down about the next fifty to a hundred feet. The rocks were splattered with blood and skin, in some places Xander could see hair and what he thought looked like brain tissue clinging tenuously to the terra firma.

Lucas' body had stopped on a ledge of rock which was jutting forth like the hand of God had reached out to catch him. It was there Lucas ended his visit to Earth. His legs were bent at a strange angle, suggesting that they had broken on the way down. His clothing was torn and stained. His blonde hair was now drying in a burgundy color and Xander could see the flies on him. His eyes peered sightlessly into the heavens, a glassy coating already making its home there. "Like natural UV protector," Xander thought to himself and almost chuckled.

Quinn's crying had subsided and she hiccuped against his chest now and then. She had not looked a second time. "Less than a month ago I would have been terrified to be in this exact position," Quinn said humorlessly, "now it doesn't seem so menacing. What happened to you Xander? Is this some kind of sick game? Just another ploy to capture me?" She raised her head and looked at him, the distress in her eyes unmistakable. Xander was shaking his head back and forth, his mouth trying to utter the words he wanted to say. He couldn't stop looking at her, his eyes roving over her features, his hands caught up in her hair. He could feel her warm breath on his neck and her tiny body almost surrounded by his own. What could he say? There was no way to describe what had happened to him. "Xander?"

" changed me." He finally managed to pull the words from deep inside of him and they came forth like taffy being pulled from his guts. "I couldn't stop thinking about you. Wanting you, almost needing to hunt you to feel that I was still alive. I never wanted anything so bad in my life. I would see the hate in your eyes and it seemed like at least someone felt something for me. I was thinking of you that day I was in the river and that's how I lost sight of where I was." Xander stopped finally, realizing he had been rambling. Quinn's mouth was open just enough to betray her surprise. She lowered her eyes to look at her hands in her lap... clasping ...unclasping.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what to say to that. I guess maybe I should have made a plea to you. I didn't think you could have a heart. I didn't think anyone who was with the Chosen had a heart. I misjudged you, I apologize."

"You apologize? I just told you that it was only a drive to be with you that kept me going day after day and you apologize? I don't think that's the response I wanted." Xander choked on a laugh, "I am sorry for what I put you through. It was like every day was a dream. The things I did...they were like things that were happening to another person. Things that I couldn't control. But I am here now Quinn, and I have so many things to make up for. If I can help you or keep you safe, I will dedicate myself to it, you can believe that."

Quinn gazed up at his face, so large and solemn above hers. She looked into his eyes and felt the tears rolling down her face. "Xander," she choked, "I can't replace any of the people you have killed...neither can you. I guess we're just survivors, you and I. Now I have gotten Lucas killed and I tried to warn him. Maybe you should just let me go it alone. I ..."

"Never," Xander vowed, girding himself with resolve, "Quinn, you need me. Can't you admit that you need someone? Even if it's only me?" Quinn stood slowly and glanced over her shoulder at the ridge, "Good-bye, Lucas.." she said softly and blew him a kiss. Xander took her arm and they began to move more slowly down the hillside. They could see the Rocky Mountains far off in the distance. At this point, it didn't seem to matter where they were headed as long as it was away from here.

Chapter 49:

"You were instructed that it was not acceptable to take one of ours." the light said to the darker power. "You were told we would NEVER allow it. And we won't." "We were told no such thing. You told us that the humans had free will, and they do. We merely offered a choice, and it was taken. The results are not our fault. We will not accept responsibility for a human's choice." the dark spat.

The light flashed in what might have been provocation and the dark cowered as well as it could, "We have not done anything wrong." "You are not playing fairly. We will rescind this last movement and you will try again. This is not an accepted form of play and you know it. Don't play coy with us. Human free will is ours to give and take."

The dark power observed Our Haven. "There are many of yours left. We are losing ours one by one. You are is not us who is playing unfairly." "How dare you suggest that we would need to cheat!" the light boomed and flashed. "You are not able to understand what you have not experienced, therefore, it may appear to you that we are cheating. Will you not take a turn and go join the game?" "Us?" the dark asked with dismay, "We do not need to join the game. We are in control of it." "Then you will never understand what you are up against." said the light proudly.

Chapter 50:

The Man was on the move. He could feel Paul nearby. He could barely contain his rage. He could feel the vitality and life surrounding Paul. He knew this was going to be an ugly fight. He entered a little village that had once been called Golden Oaks. Now there were no oaks to be seen, and at first glance, it seemed there were no people here either. David could feel their movements around him and he intuitively sensed their fear at his intrusion. He tried to make his face as benign as possible. His luminous eyes were looking casually around as if he were merely another transient in this lonesome town. He stopped in the middle of the street and put his pack down. Crouching, he rummaged around in it for a few moments and withdrew a tin of water. He threw his head back and poured the water over his heated skin. The affect it had on the women watching from the shadows was earth shattering. The droplets of water cascaded sexually down his ruddied cheeks and neck, disappearing into the collar of his shirt. His eyes were closed in ecstasy it seemed as he cooled himself.

He ran his hands through his hair and it darkened perceptibly as if the hair itself needed refreshment. He leaned forward on his knees and looked around again. He could feel the atmosphere around him changing. He could smell the arousal his little show had caused and he smiled inwardly. He could also sense the mounting resentment of the men who were also watching. David stood and put his pack back onto his shoulders.

He turned deliberately and moved toward what appeared to be a restaurant of sorts. As he entered the dwelling he was met with the muzzles of two shotguns, one on each side of his lovely head. "Hold it right there." a voice to his left said matter-of-factly, "state your business, stranger." David's hands had immediately gone into the air, and now he took an apologetic tone as he replied, "I'm just passing through on my way to the Rockies, I was hoping there might be some food here and maybe a night's rest." He turned his head slowly toward the first voice and met the eyes of an elderly man.

The elderly man's eyes were dark and unfathomable. David could not read him. "I'm David." he said speaking directly into the elderly man's eyes. "Gil, come over here and search our new friend," the elderly man instructed. David looked toward Gil. Gil was a mountain of a man, nearly 6 1/2 feet tall. He looked dumb as a post, but was nonetheless doing just what the old coot had asked. He hands roamed roughly over David's exterior, and then he removed the pack and searched through it. "Looks good Tom, no weapons." Gil said to the old coot, David now knew as Tom.

The guns were lowered and David reached down to pick up his pack. "You can get some food and rest, but we'll be watchin' you." Tom said menacingly and motioned David toward the tables, "sit down anywhere and I'll send one of my girls out to help you." David looked at the other man with the gun and was shocked to see a breath-taking young woman instead. "Hi." David said to her, trying to meet her eyes.

"Don't bother speaking to me, I can smell that you're no good." she said in a resonant and impressive voice. She turned abruptly and left the room. "That's Samantha," Tom explained quietly, "doesn't like strangers much." "Is she your daughter?" David asked. "Nope, she just helps me run things around here. All she's got is a mother. Matter of fact, her mother's the one who'll be cooking your meal, so you better not complain about the food." Tom finished, guffawing to himself and heading to a corner table where he took up guard.

David's meal was hot and delicious, the closest he had come to home cooking since before the disasters had begun. He told the woman who had cooked the food this and she smiled appreciatively at him. "Do you have a name?" he asked her. "Yes, I do. My name is Sally. I'm too old for you," she joked, "so don't go asking me out on a date!" David smiled, "I was thinking more of asking your pleasant daughter." Sally looked at him for a moment, not sure if he was serious, and when she realized he had met Samantha she laughed aloud, "You're a real kidder aren't you? I know she's a little bit of a spitfire, but she is a good girl at heart. Life's just been really hard on her, hell, it's been hard on all of us hasn't it?" Sally asked.

"Samantha!" Sally called, "Come here and show David to his!" Samantha appeared through the door and said, "I'd love to," her tone was polite but patronizing. "Right this way." she motioned to the door. David stood and walked out ahead of her. "Right across the street." He stepped out into the deserted intersection and ambled to a building that had, at one time, been a bed and breakfast. "You can pick any room, nobody's living there right now." Samantha turned and retreated to the building they had come from. "Hey!" David called, "I don't bite, and I'm sure if I smell bad it's only because I haven't had a bath in so long! If I clean up a little would you talk to me later?" Samantha paused but did not turn around.

"IF you clean up? Where do you plan to do that?" "I don't know, isn't there a pond or tub or something near here?" "Yes, I suppose I have to show you where that is too?" "I would really appreciate it," David smiled, knowing he had won. "If you try to touch me I will kill you." Her words were as clear and shocking as ice water. "Do you understand?" "I like this girl." David muttered to himself, and then louder to Samantha, "I understand and I'm shaking in my boots here! Just show me where to bathe, please." "C'mon," Samantha waved him toward the edge of town, "I'll show you where it is." "And then I'll show you something myself." David said slyly as he hurried to catch up to her.

Chapter 51:

"We're lost." Xander looked at Quinn who nodded her agreement. "Shall we stop for the night?" "I have to, I'm exhausted." Quinn dropped to the ground and sprawled out, "Ohh, this feels heavenly." She closed her eyes and kicked off her shoes. Xander stood there, his mouth open, then a grin overtook his features. Quinn was completely unaware of the captivating picture she made lying there on the ground. He lounged casually against a tree and looked around. Solomon made a small noise from the branches over Xander's head.

"Do you want to eat?" "No, just sleep...." Quinn mumbled, already half asleep. "Okay, I guess I'll stand guard." "No, come sit by me and rest." Quinn said, her voice barely above a whisper. She patted the ground and Xander settled himself next to her, careful not to let any part of himself touch her. She turned onto her side and curled up into the fetal position. "Xander?" "Yeah?" "Thank you for protecting me." Quinn said in a child-like voice. "Yeah, sure." Xander managed no more than a hoarse whisper. He forced himself to look away from Quinn and concentrate on the area around them.

Goons "A" and "B" were still hot on their tale. Neither Xander, nor Quinn even suspected they were being followed and observed. The two Chosen who had been with them in the cave were still with them. They would not lose them for fear of their own demise. The things they had been threatened with were enough to keep them alert and right with Xander and Quinn. They were glad the two had stopped for the evening so they could rest and eat and possibly bathe.

Xander yawned and shook his head to clear his thoughts. He was having a hell of a time staying awake. Quinn was snoring lightly and he found this highly amusing. He looked out into the fading light. He had the strong suspicion that they were part of some conspiracy. He wished he had some music. He wished he had some food, and hey, while he was wishing, a little sex would be nice too. He smiled crookedly and shook his head again, "No chance buddy." His back was aching and he thought maybe if he just shut his eyes and reclined a little he could rest without falling asleep. He knew it was a stupid thing to do, but he couldn't help himself. He stretched out beside Quinn and was asleep in seconds.

Pietro and Alejandro saw this as the perfect chance to make their move. They rushed out of the woods and attacked. The Man had given them two injections to use on Quinn and Xander. He had told them it would put them to sleep for days. They hoped so because neither man was as large as Xander. They fell on them like wolves and injected the potion into their bodies before they could become fully conscious. Quinn gasped and then her eyes lost focus and closed. Xander put up a slight struggle, swinging wildly for about five seconds and then going limp.

From out of nowhere two horses appeared and the goons looked at each other. This was some more of The Man's trick dick shit they were positive. Enchanted horses, just what they needed. They heaved Xander onto the larger horse, and then put Quinn on the other. They mounted and began riding in the direction of Central City. They felt a certain sense of satisfaction with themselves and had begun to feel even a little cocky. They knew that was a dumb thing to be right now, but all that mattered was the merchandise strapped to the backs of their horses. Life was looking good.

Chapter 52:

"Prophet you ignorant ass, wake up!" The Man bellowed into Prophet's head. Prophet looked up with bloodshot eyes. He was so hung over he could barely think. "What do you want?" he asked in a garbled voice. "My prize possession is on its way to you, Prophet. Get up and get things ready! Don't try to kill yourself again you fool or I will make you immortal and you can spend eternity in hell with me!" The Man laughed and Prophet cringed and lowered his head to the table.

"Sober up, clean up and make my apartments ready. Quinn will be there in a couple of days and you need to be ready to keep her caged there until I return. Xander is also coming and I want him publicly executed as soon as he arrives. Got that?" "Yes, oh yes." Prophet moaned rubbing at his burning eyes with balled fists. "When will you be here?" "Soon...I promise you that. I have some business to finish here and then I will be home." "Great." Prophet said in a flat voice, "I'll look forward to it." "Don't screw this up Prophet, I'm warning you." The Man said and then he was gone.

Prophet looked up and listened intently to his own thoughts. "Thank God he's gone." he moaned and dragged himself out of the chair he was in. He dropped onto the sofa and looked at the ceiling. This was his chance. This was the chance Elise and the girls had been telling him about. If he got Quinn out of here and took her to safety he would be redeemed. But who would protect him? He wasn't sure this was a price he was willing to pay. He could drown himself in alcohol and keep her here until The Man returned. Why should he care anyway? The world would end soon enough, why delay the inevitable?

He felt a great wrenching in his guts and turned his head to the side to vomit. "I am a disgusting creature." Prophet said to himself, wiping the puke from his lips with the back of his hand. He was so miserable he didn't move for the rest of the day. He stayed on the couch with his vomit reeking next to him.

When he awoke the following morning some of his sense had returned and he realized he had to get ready for Quinn's arrival. After she was there he could decide what to do next, but he had to be ready for her to arrive. He was not vested in Xander's death. Xander knew what would happen if he betrayed The Man and now he had to pay for his choice. He was lucky to be getting off so easy in Prophet's opinion.

Prophet was now required to go down into the city and make preparations, he hated it. He had developed a city council of sorts who took care of most of the workings of Central City. They handled the discipline, the newcomers, the training, the executions when necessary. Prophet had grown accustomed to taking care of The Man and only The Man. He hated seeing all of those poor women trapped like cattle in their "sector" and the young boys in "training." All of it was a little too reminiscent of World War II for Prophet. "My own little Hitler," he thought and felt like laughing hysterically.

Chapter 53:

Paul could not believe what he was seeing. The carnage was unspeakable. He could only stare in awe at the destruction. There was no feeling of fear for his safety, and there was no remorse for the loss of life. Paul knew these people had moved on to a better place, but SEEING it was different than simply KNOWING it. He wrinkled his nose at the smell that seemed to emanate from every inch of this place. Lulu paced nervously under him and snorted as if to ask when they might be leaving.

Paul jumped down and began walking around. This was not the first city he seen that had been the object of this mass destruction. It seemed as though it had been done with no rhyme or reason, this slaughter of human life for no reason other than to gain some sick satisfaction. He knew in his heart that The Man was behind all of this, but he couldn't figure out how it had been done. Well, that wasn't entirely correct, Paul knew The Chosen had carried out these satanic plans.

There were no buildings standing, except the few that were brick to begin with. The most shocking element was the rotting humans that were strewn about like trash blowing in the wind. Paul considered gathering them together and burning them in a mass cremation, but truthfully, there was not a stick of wood left in the city to kindle a fire. Paul bowed his head and said a small blessing for the souls that were now gone. He pulled Lulu close to his side and comforted her. He could feel her fear and revulsion at the display around them.

He mounted her quickly and began riding from town at a gallop. He knew he was getting closer to Quinn. The invisibile guide in his head led him ever onward, and if that meant he needed to witness the sorrow of these deserted places, then so be it. Leaving the desolation behind was relieving and Paul could feel his spirit renewing itself as he plunged onward toward their salvation. It seemed funny to look at Quinn in this light, but he knew without a shadow of a doubt that she could save them all. Right now, he felt salvation was only a heartbeat away.

Chapter 54:

Quinn came to her senses slowly. She was aware that she did not feel very well, but she could not pinpoint exactly why. She tried to put her hands out to steady herself; she seemed to be tossing and turning, even though she did not think she was consciously moving. When she could not move her hands she opened her eyes in a panic. What she saw was the ground moving by under her head. She moved her head up, trying to look around and gain her bearings, but she could not figure out what was going on, the world was hazy and she allowed her head to settle back down. She slept again.

Xander awoke in much the same manner, but it only took seconds for him to realize what had happened. He was angry, convinced that David was behind this somehow. He looked around and saw that the landscape was sprawling out in front of them. He instinctively knew that they had been "asleep" for some time and they were entering the plains. That was bad. He knew they were headed to Central City.

He looked for Quinn and found her deeply unconscious on the back of the other horse. He could not clearly see their captors, but he recognized their uniforms well enough. Xander concluded that it didn't really matter WHO had taken them, he was going to have to kill them if he and Quinn were to live. He was going to have to do something quickly, Central City was growing closer by the moment.

Meanwhile, Pietro and Alejandro were feeling overly satisfied with themselves. They were confident that their work was done and their rewards were forthcoming. Neither of them spoke. They were in their own heads, dreaming of the good life ahead of them. It didn't matter that Quinn and Xander were going to be murdered. They had not really considered what implications that might have for mankind. Mostly, they were thinking about eating a good meal, getting laid and having a hot bath…not necessarily in that order.

Xander decided that in order to save himself and Quinn he was going to have to create a diversion, and so, in an effort to be spontaneous, he began yelling. He cried out as if he was in extreme pain, bellowing at the top of his lungs. Pietro and Alejandro just about fell off their respective horses. They stopped immediately and Alejandro dismounted. He stood looking at Xander with a mix of terror and aggravation on his face. He ran a hand through his dark hair and chewed nervously on his lip, trying to decide what to do. He knew untying Xander was a big mistake, but the man was in obvious pain about something and they could not travel across the country with him bellowing the whole way.

"What is it man?" Alejandro finally asked. Xander cried out, "My leg, my leg, I think it's dislocated from laying like this." Alejandro considered this. On one hand, if his leg was injured there was no way he could run away or kick them. However, if he was lying, they would be in trouble. Alejandro was a good sized man, but nowhere near as large as Xander. He had also seen Xander fight and kill. He looked to Pietro for help. Pietro, rolled his eyes, "I don't care if you cut him down, or shoot his ass, just shut him up!"

Pietro jumped down off his horse and stretched, "The way my back feels, he probably is hurtin' like hell. What's it gonna hurt to let him off for a minute? Just don't untie him." Alejandro considered this and found it sensible. "Well, come here and help me out then." Both men heaved and shoved and finally Xander fell to the ground in a big heap. All the while, he continued his screaming. He looked at Quinn to see how she was faring, but she was still unconscious and that worried him.

He lay there trying to decide what to do. "Help me, for God's sake, stretch me out!" Pietro bent down and pulled on his legs, rolling him over onto his back. When he was laid out flat he groaned loudly. "Thank you, oh thank you so much. That is so much better." He raised his head and looked at Pietro, "Will we be eating anytime soon? I am starving. I bet she is too." He nodded in Quinn's direction. "It's not my job to keep your stomach full!" Alejandro snapped.

"I agree with that, but if she dies of starvation what will you tell HIM?" Xander asked in his most serious voice. Both men looked at each other, fear outlining their features darkly. "He does have a point," Pietro said gravely to Alejandro. Once again Alejandro ran a hand through his hair. "Okay, get her down." He walked over to the packs and pulled out some food.

Pietro pulled Quinn from his horse and carried her over to where Xander was still lying all stretched out. He put her down gently and shook her in an attempt to wake her up. Quinn could hear voices around her but she was in a deep well she could not pull herself out of. She was so tired she just couldn't pull her eyes open. "Why isn't she waking up? What did you give her?" She could hear Xander yelling. She felt comforted by his presence, but it also reminded her that Lucas was gone. And where was David? Why had he deserted them? She just felt overwhelmed and she didn't think she could take it anymore, so she let the sleepiness come up and swallow her once again.

Xander began struggling with his bindings. "Help her, something must be wrong or she would be awake by now! Come on, wake up! Let me loose so I can see what's wrong or help her or something!" Xander looked up from his struggles to see Alejandro with a gun in his face. "If you don't stop moving I am going to shoot you." He said. Xander lay back with hate burning in his eyes. "You have to help her and you have to do it NOW!" Xander shouted.

Pietro was leaning over Quinn and he lifted her eyelids, looking for some sort of response. "I think something might be wrong, maybe he's right." Xander sat straight up, looking over at Quinn. Pietro was shaking her gently, trying to wake her up. "Did you get the shots switched?" he asked Alejandro. Suddenly, Xander and Pietro were both staring at Alejandro, waiting for his response. He was obviously thinking about it, trying to figure out if that was what happened. "No," he said slowly, "I'm sure I did it right. I mean, that's not something I would mess up. Yeah, I'm sure I did it right." But the look on his face said he wasn't so sure he had done it correctly.

Xander could feel that his bindings were loosening up, but he kept still, waiting for just the right moment. Both men were focused on Quinn, and although Xander was worried about her, he felt sure that she would be fine, even if they had switched the shots.

Chapter 55:

Lucas could feel himself, that was the first surprise. He looked at what should be his hands, and although he could sense his arm, he could not see it. He was alarmed because he could remember falling to his death. He had thought at that point that his life was over and he honestly did not believe there was a conscious existence once the body was gone.

He tried to look at his surroundings, but realized with another jolt of surprise that he could see everything without even looking. His mind was humming with questions and trying vainly to figure out what was going on. "You need to calm down Lucas." He heard the words clearly, in a way he had never experienced language before. The words were around him and through him and also somehow "in" him. "Please stop panicking and just feel what is going on."

Lucas tried to take a deep breath to calm himself down and with that same alarming shock realized he no longer had lungs. "I can't! I don't know how!" He thought, said, felt with as much volume as he could muster. "Just focus on who you are for a moment. Not who you think you were, but who you now know you are. Just find your center and be still. Stop fighting against what is." Lucas listened to the voice which now seemed to be many voices mingling into one.

He tried to find his center. He tried to just "be" and quit "feeling" for a moment and almost instantly he was free and relieved in a way he had not noticed only moments ago. He was floating and weightless, but at the same time, some invisible "string" seemed to hold him in place. "Where am I?" he finally asked. "With us," the voice(s) replied. "It is not a where, it is more a … for lack of a better term, it is a when." "A when," Lucas repeated to himself, "Why am I here? Am I dead?" "In some sense of the word, yes, you are dead. However, it is not as all encompassing as you may believe it to be."

Lucas was beginning to think that his prior ideas about death and dying were no more than fairy tales created to keep him from knowing the truth. He could not see the people or person he was talking with, could not in any way sense them in his present space and yet he knew without a doubt that he could trust this presence. "What do I do now? I don't think I was done, was I?"

"You were not done, very perceptive." A different voice now spoke up. It was more harsh, aged somehow as if it were the raspy voice of a man who had been smoking since childhood. "Do you know who killed you and why?" "David killed me, I saw him, except what I saw was not really David was it? It was all a little confusing and I remember the look in his eyes but it was wild and not really human at all. Was it the Man? Dear God, is David the Man?" Realization swept through Lucas like ice water and he began to struggle again, "I have to go back! Quinn doesn't know, she doesn't have a clue!"

Lucas felt a wave of heat sweeping him, it wrapped him up like a baby in a bunting and held onto him. "You must listen," said the rasping voice, "You are our prize. We did not approve your sacrifice and they have gone against our rules. Therefore we are granting you another opportunity to set things right. You will hurt in your physical form. In fact you will wish you are dead when you feel what your human body is going through. But if you agree to return, we will heal you in a speedy manner, and you can find your precious Quinn and do what needs to be done." "Yes! Yes!" Lucas blurted out, continuing to fight against the sleepy warmth rubbing him like a friendly kitten. "You won't remember any of this when you go back. You won't remember us, or David, in fact you may not know Quinn. It is hard to say what damage was done to your flesh." "Okay," Lucas felt on the verge of sheer panic for Quinn, "Whatever, but let me go, let me go now!"

The force with which he fell was torturous. His body crumbled under its own weight and he busted like a dirt clod. He screamed with all his being and the pain burned into his flesh, ate through his broken bones and sanity fled. Lucas passed out.

Chapter 56:

"Quinn…." It was a whisper through the fog of her mind. "Yes?" she thought, not sure if she was speaking out loud. "Can you hear me?" she thought, sending it out with great effort. "Yes." There was a chuckle, "don't try so hard!" "Is this better?" "Much better. How are you feeling?" "I'm tired," Quinn answered honestly, "I just want to rest for a little while. Rest and be happy." "Not yet, I'm afraid. You still have much to do and there is not much time left. Do you know how important you are to us?" "No," Quinn shook her head, "I'm not important to anyone anymore. Everyone I loved is gone. I am alone."

"I'm sorry that you feel that way. Don't you feel better when I am with you? When I am near you?" Quinn was silent, pensive. "Solomon?" Another chuckle, "Of course it's me, who did you think it was?" "I don't know, I feel so confused. Why can't I move my lips?" "You have been drugged dear heart. But you will be fine. Please be patient while the drugs wear off." Quinn tried to breathe deeply and slowly to calm her mind and heart. "Where are you?" Solomon stretched his physical form out and purred contentedly.

"I am nearby, where no one will notice me. Had you forgotten me so soon?" "No, no, I just wasn't aware that you were not with me. But I guess they would have killed you, wouldn't they?" Solomon purred again, "I suppose they might have tried. It would not have been as easy as all that. They think they are so tricky, but they don't know the half of it. Quinn, Xander has almost freed himself from the ropes that bound him. When he does, he is planning to attack them. When he does, you must be ready to move." Quinn thought about all of that for a moment and then Solomon sensed her firming her resolve. "I will do whatever I need to do, Solomon." And he knew she would.

Chapter 57:

Paul rode out of the clearing just in time to see Xander free his hands from the ropes that had carelessly gone unnoticed by the two bumbling guards. Rushing LuLu forward, Paul swung the butt of his gun down and into Xander's head. Xander crumbled onto the ground. Pietro and Alejandro jumped up, guns pointed at Paul. "Who the hell….Paul?" Paul smiled at them. He dismounted and tied LuLu to a branch. "Where in the hell have you been?" "Not far behind you guys, for quite some time. You were about to have a pretty mess on your hands if I had been five minutes later."

Paul rolled Xander over and both men saw the ropes which were about to come completely undone. "Shit." Alejandro muttered and sat down hard. "Do you have any idea what a handful that guy has been?" Paul laughed, "Yeah, as a matter of fact I do. He's been fighting with those ties for miles now." Paul stood and walked to LuLu's pack. Opening one of the saddlebags he pulled out a canteen and a freshly slaughtered rabbit. As he walked away he left the flap up, and signaled to the branches above his head. Solomon dropped un-noticed into the saddlebag and pulled the flap over his head. Paul stopped next to Quinn and let his hands run down the side of her face and shoulders. "She's quite a prize isn't she?" He admired her completely and met the other two at the fire. He tossed the rabbit at Pietro and sat down with the canteen. "So, other than the fact that you two were about to lose the Man's most precious cargo…what is new?" "Where in the hell have you been?" Pietro demanded. "I'm tempted to turn you in to the Man as well as these two!" "Whoa! Back off P!" Paul retorted, "I've been following her trail, cleaning up the messes you two have been leaving behind and keeping my ass clean!"

Paul rose and paced over to Xander. "How else do you think I knew that Xander deserves to be tied up? Under normal circumstances, whatever those are, don't you think that it would be a little strange to have our leader trussed up like a calf?" He tossed water on Xanders face and stood unmoving as Xander moaned and twisted slowly on the ground. Regretfully, Paul saw that he had drawn blood when he hit Xander with the gun. He moved back to the men at the fire. "I saved your asses, that's what it comes down to, so why don't you worry about whether or not I'm going to tell everyone in Central City what screw ups you two are, and not worry about what I've been doing since you last saw me?"

Of course, Paul realized that he couldn't really meet up with the Man in Central City. He assumed he would be immediately recognized, but he couldn't be sure of anything. He had been riding about five miles from here when he had heard a voice in his head directing him to come this way and to HURRY. As he entered the clearing, he had immediately known what to do. Quinn was here, and she needed him, that was all he needed to know. She would hate him, he knew that, she would not know that he was here to help. Xander would be a deadly enemy until Paul could somehow explain why he was here. Maybe even then Xander would not believe him, it was hard to say.

He sat back down at the fire and nodded toward the rabbit. "Cook that up and let's just eat and have something to drink." He pulled a bottle of whiskey out of his jacket pocket and both men smiled at him. "Where? Ah…who cares?" Alejandro finished, "Pass it my way." They settled in to what seemed to be a carefree evening.

Chapter 58:

Samantha led David into a clearing. It was nearly a mile away from the town, just far enough away that he knew no one would hear her screaming. He smiled at her, looked her up and down wanting to know how careful he should be. "Who are you?" she asked point blank. She sat down on a rock by the edge of the lake, slipped off her shoes and put her feet in the water.

Her back was mostly to him, and he knew it would be incredibly stupid to trust anyone like that. He moved a little, taking off his boots, pulling off his shirt. She gazed out across the lake, not moving at all. "I know you want to kill me." He almost fell over. He didn't know what to say. "What?" "I know that you are here to kill me. I, well, I had my cards read by this lady in town. It said "Death" was in my future. Now I know that doesn't always mean dying, but where you're concerned, I think it means just that." She looked at him then, her eyes filled with regret. "Don't think that killing me will bring Paul back to you." At that he sat down hard on the ground and crossed his arms and legs. "How could you possibly?" He shook his head. "You must have a lot of time on your hands miss to be sitting around thinking all these melancholy thoughts." He smiled at her. "I was hoping to get laid, actually, death was not in that picture." She looked him over. "I wish that were true." She purred. "I would love to sleep with a man as beautiful as you are. But I don't think that's the real reason you're here." She stood and pulled off her clothes. Without looking back she dove into the lake. David sat there, stunned. He didn't know what to think of all this. He needed some serious time to consider things. Where was all of this going anyway? He wanted Quinn dead…but not really. He wanted to sleep with this woman, but knew he had to have her in order to stop Paul. He wanted Xander dead, and he was with Quinn instead. What a friggin' mess. Now this woman was some kind of psychic or something? He was going to have to figure all this out.

He watched Samantha swimming. "Are you coming in?" It was merely a question, not an advance or flirtation. "Yeah." David responded. He stripped off his clothes and entered the warmish water. He dove in and swam toward Samantha, the water streamed past his body like a silken glove and he felt refreshed. He came up directly in front of her and stared into her green eyes. She was beautiful. Her blonde hair was dark with water and her skin was tanned and smooth. Her eyes were so serious. "Why did you come?" she asked him quietly.

"I don't want to talk about it right now." He said harshly. He reached out and took a hold of her head, pulling her to him. "I want to love you, then we will worry about the end of the world." She said nothing more, and submitted to his lovemaking without protest. She would do whatever she had to do to keep Paul safe. She would die for him if she had to. This man was so attractive she couldn't keep her wits about her anyway, might as well enjoy him for a while before he had to kill her, and she knew it had to come to that. "That's really all there is," she thought to herself, "you are born and you die, all that comes in the middle is inconsequential."

Chapter 59:

When Quinn awoke, the first thing she saw was the rain. It was dripping on her face, nipping at her raw flesh. She sat up and tried to move, but she could not budge her arms or legs and finally she remembered where she was. She saw the Chosen, three of them - hurriedly packing away their meager camp and she twisted and turned, trying to find Xander. He was tied to a tree, not far from where she was and he looked miserable. The rain had already dampened his hair and it hung around his face and shoulders in wet clumps. She could see a new bruise on his head, and a tinge of blood. She wondered with no small amount of panic what was going on. His visage was as dark as the clouds overhead. He was glaring at the three Chosen, wishing they would just untie him so he could be of some help. He shrugged matter-of-factly and looked at Quinn intently. There was a spark of some indefinable emotion in his eyes, and Quinn's eyes brightened with pleasure.

He shook his head, shaking the hair away from his face and back over his shoulders. "I'm getting rather wet." He said with lethal calmness, "do you fools think you could speed this process up?" Paul stood, facing Xander. He placed his palms on his hips and leaned back jauntily. "You know, I'm rather enjoying being soaked to the skin. You're not?" He moved to stand in front of Quinn and with a mischievous look in his eyes he knelt before her. "What about you angel? Are you enjoying being wet?" Quinn glared back at him, her expression dark and insolent. "It's not that I don't enjoy being wet…" she drawled, "but I am not enjoying it right at this moment."

Paul leaned down and hauled her to her feet. "Come with me brat and I'll get you dry then." Xander pulled furiously at his ropes when Paul rose. "Leave her…" he growled. Paul threw her over his shoulder and began to move away from the camp. She struggled briefly against him, but realized he meant her no harm. Paul moved her into the nearby overhang which would serve as their shelter this evening.

Pietro untied Xander's feet and helped him rise. Xander winced with pain as his stiff legs fought for balance. He was pulled roughly into the shelter and he moved immediately to Quinn's side. He sat down next to her and remained silent as the Chosen built them a fire and began laying things out to dry. Alejandro came to them and looked warily at the faces before him. "I am going to untie your hands, but your feet will remain tied up. I don't want any funny stuff or I will tie you up tighter than before." Quinn smiled in anticipation, and grimaced as he cut the ropes. She rubbed at the burns around her hands and stretched her arms heavenward.

She smiled contentedly and ran her hands through her disheveled hair. Xander rubbed his own sore wrists, and gingerly touched the bruise left by Paul's gun. He pulled his hair back and tied it with a bit of rope. Quinn shivered involuntarily, still damp from the sleet. Xander pulled her to his side and Quinn snuggled into his body, feeling his height and weight around her like a quilt. She tried to fight her overwhelming need to be close to him, although she had to admit she was pleased with their initial intimacy. Soon she was sleeping peacefully against him.

Pietro was watching them closely, but both of them seemed too tired and worn out from struggling to be much of a threat. Paul and Alejandro stoked the fire and began to fix a meal. As the men ate and finished off the bottle of booze, Xander and Quinn slept deeply. Much later that evening, Paul and Alejandro slept while Pietro stood guard. Xander finally roused from sleep and slowly looked around. He was feeling quite a bit better now that he was warm and had slept. Quinn's breathing indicated that she still slumbered.

Xander looked down at her rich glowing hair. Loose tendrils, dampened earlier by the rain, tumbled carelessly around her face. He curled his hands into it and kissed her head. Placing his hand beneath her chin, he tipped her head back gently. Her upturned face was full of innocence and beauty. Her lips parted as she breathed in and out. Xander was filled with such love for her and at the same time, he became aware that he was now in possession of something he had been longing for. Quinn was his, and she was no further than a breath away from him.

His brows drew together in an agonized expression as he fought with the emotions raging inside. Allowing his subconscious thoughts to surface, Xander was startled to realize on one hand, she was falling in love with him because he had become everything she wanted him to be. On the other hand, he knew that it would only take a moment, one short breath for him to revert back to his old self. It was frightening, but right now, he could not tell which part of him was winning.

Without much thought the hand on her chin wrapped itself around her slender neck. He realized with a passionate surge that it would only take a matter of seconds for him to snap her neck like a piece of plastic. It was a passing thought, gone as quickly as it had come. Yet Xander knew he would easily be able to dupe these other men into believing that he had not really changed. They knew how passionately he had pursued Quinn in the past, it would not be so hard to believe that he had not changed after all. He glanced at Pietro. He was wide awake, but not paying much attention to what was going on around him. "Pietro," Xander whispered fiercely, "Come here." Pietro blinked a couple of times at Xander and then stood. He walked cautiously toward Xander and looked at him questioningly. "You need to untie me, right now." Pietro laughed out loud and shook his head at Xander. "You must be mad! I am not crazy enough to do that for even a few seconds!" Xander narrowed his eyes at Pietro and his lips thinned in fury. "You are a fool! Don't you think I know what is going on here? You have obviously made a huge mistake! It was a plan for me to be with her. It was the plan for me to bring her in myself! Don't you think the Man knew that I was with her? I think you are in some big trouble. Bigger than you can ever imagine and you need to untie me, NOW!!" He spat the words with barely bridled anger and Pietro's face clouded with uneasiness. He turned on heel and stalked over to Alejandro. He promptly kicked both men to wake them and when they were both solidly grumpy, but awake nonetheless, he dragged them outside. "Xander says he's been faking it. He says he still wants to kill Quinn and we are preventing it." Both men stared at him, suddenly anxious to escape this disturbing news. Paul was worried because if this was true, he had three men to battle instead of two, that alone set alarm bells ringing. "Do you think he's telling the truth?" All three men stared at each other, searching for a plausible explanation. With a pang, Paul realized it could very well be true.

Quinn, just coming up from the depths of sleep had heard Xander. Her fury almost choked her. She seethed with mounting rage, trying to keep her body still. The son of a bitch had lied to her. Lied to her face and she believed him. She had believed every sorry word. Lucas was dead, and David was missing. Hell, now she had to believe that David was probably dead too, killed by Xander. Her breath burned in her throat and she felt hot tears of vulnerability behind her closed lids.

Xander was watching the three men outside. He wondered if they would buy his story. It was a 50/50 shot. If they didn't believe him there was no harm done. If they did believe him, he would take Quinn at the first opportunity and run. He knew if they stole the horses they could make the foothills of the Rockies before the first snows and they would be safe. He let his hand twist idly in Quinn's hair, wondering what the men were thinking. He never would have believed that Quinn had heard him. There was no question of it in his mind.

Quinn stiffened under his touch. She just couldn't comprehend it. There was no way she could remain calm, no possible way. She was completely unable to contain her temper. She spoke in a low voice, taut with anger, "Xander, what are you doing? Why are you touching me? Why did you LIE to me? WHY?" She pulled away from him, but he reached out for her and grasped her shoulders, "Quinn, what do you mean?" He had the decency to look hurt, but she yanked away from him. "You bastard! Did you kill them both? Did you murder both of my friends? Was taking away everything I have ever cared about the only way you could destroy me?"

Tears ran down her face, she swiped them away absently and reached out to smack Xander. He caught her arm and twisted it behind her back. Suddenly furious with her he pulled her tightly to him and put his face directly against hers. "You little fool! I am trying to get us out of here! Haven't you been listening to me? Haven't you believed a thing I've said to you?" She struggled in vain against his strength, crying and panting with the effort. "No! You lied! I heard what you said to him, this is what you've wanted all along!" The very air around her seemed electrified and Quinn paused, her feelings for Xander she realized had nothing to do with reason.

He lowered his face closer to hers and rubbed her silken cheek with his own. "Quinn, my darling." He whispered to her, tempting her to believe in him, believe what he had told her. She halfheartedly pushed against him, wanting to be far away from him, and at the same time wanting him to pull her closer. He turned his face slightly so that his lips were on hers and he gently kissed her. She didn't realize until that moment that she was sobbing, torn apart, not knowing what to believe. He tenderly bit her lip and whispered fervently, "Trust me Quinn." She kissed him back for a split second and then turned her face away from him. There was nothing more to say.

Chapter 60:

Lucas was dimly aware of a burning sensation in his entire body. It felt like his skin was on fire. He gasped into consciousness and looked around. He saw the sky, trees, and cliffs from which he had been thrown. He was angry and scared but mostly he was in pain. He could not fully remember the events of the last few…what had it been? Days? Weeks? He wasn't sure. He remembered the beings…kind, loving, firm. He remembered them telling him he was on his own. Well, not those exact words, but close enough.

Lucas looked around for something to help ease his pain. Using some pine oil from the nearby trees he soothed his aching muscles. He knew that somehow, miraculously, he had managed to avoid any broken bones. His body ached intensely, but he was positive that everything was in place. He rested against the tree trunk and breathed slowly. He wasn't sure what had happened, but he knew that he had to find Quinn. He prayed he wasn't too late.

He looked up the hill and wondered how he was ever going to make it back up to the top. He was weary just looking up the hill. He closed his eyes and thought, "Please, help me, whatever you are, wherever you are. I need some help." He felt sleep coming over him in a wave. He allowed it to sweep him up and carry him into slumber. Blissful, painless sleep, it was all he could think to do.

Chapter 61:

Prophet rubbed the last spots from the gleaming metal. He stepped back and wiped his sweating forehead. Shaking his head in amazement, he felt anxiety gnawing at his stomach. He could not believe that the Man wanted his hostages beheaded. It was so archaic and inhumane. That was not the surprising part. What surprised him most was his own ambivalence. He had carried out the actions with so little emotion. Even now as he gazed on the metallic torture device he did not want to follow through with the plans the Man had laid before him. He knew that he was being stupid for hanging around this place. But what other choices did he have? It wasn't like he could just wander out of town and make a home for himself somewhere on the side of a mountain.

"Prophet? Is there anything else I can do to help?" Prophet looked up at the young man before him. He was tall, slender, almost girlish in his youthful beauty and anxious to serve the Man. "No, no Billy, I think we're done here." Billy shielded his eyes from the sun and gazed at the guillotine. It was so awesome. He couldn't believe he was living in a time when people were actually being killed in this manner. Prophet was watching him, and he wasn't sure what to do or say that would please Prophet.

Billy glanced at him, trying to read his eyes, but Prophet was well guarded. No matter, he knew what he had to do. He was on standby, and if the Man failed because of his arrogance or lack of ingenuity, Billy would step right up to bat. He smiled at nothing in particular and ran a hand through his auburn hair. Prophet caught the look, but remained emotionless. It came to him like a knife in his belly that the Man was a breath away from being replaced.

He realized with icy terror that there was no way out for him. Even if he left, the plans would continue. Even if he somehow saved Quinn, there would always be a back up plan. Looking at his feet, he took a deep hitching breath and stepped down off the podium. "Let the chips fall where they may," he whispered to no one in particular.

Chapter 62:

When Samantha awoke she was pleasantly surprised to find herself wrapped in David's arms. She knew she was being absolutely ridiculous. She had known in her heart since she was a small girl how her life was going to end. She used to have dreams about the man who would kill her. It was not as shocking as she might have expected to find him next to her in bed.

Yesterday when she had first seen him she had felt angry. It was upsetting to realize that your life was about over when there was so much left to do. She thought that if she steeled herself against his charms that perhaps he would be turned off by her and leave her alone. That was hardly the case. If anything, she had made herself more attractive and there was really no way she could turn him away. She had been looking forward to meeting him since she had hit puberty.

Now, curled against him, she never dreamed she would feel this way. He was just enough taller than she to put his head above hers on the pillow, and she could feel his breath moving her hair. His strong chest was rising and falling against her back, and his sleeping manhood was pressed gently against her buttocks. It was hard to believe that his intentions were malevolent. She closed her eyes and tried to bring to mind his every detail. She knew her only chance against him was to find a weakness.

His body was long, lean and hard in every sense of the word. He was sex and desire personified. Even his hands were beautiful, playing her body like a finely tuned instrument. She was aroused just thinking about him. Wiggling her rear end gently against him, she tried to awaken him.

Samantha needn't have worried that he would be hard to rouse. He had been awake for some time, feeling her, thinking about her. He gazed down at her curly blond hair. His need for satisfaction was obvious and she moaned eagerly as he reached around and squeezed on one plump breast. How, he wondered, was he going to let Paul know he had found his beloved family? He wondered what Paul would be willing to do for his darling sister? As he entered her from behind he heard her gasp of surprise and pleasure, he imagined she would make that same sound as he slit her lovely throat. The thought of that alone was enough to make him come. That was okay, he knew there would be plenty of time to enjoy all of the delights he had in mind.

Chapter 63:

Lucas opened his eyes, they were gummy with sleep and dirt and tears. He wasn't sure if he could face the day. There was a bird chirring next to his head and he wanted to throw a rock at it. In fact, he would have liked to kill it with his bare hands. He felt pouty and churlish and he wanted to rail that life just wasn't being fair. He sat up and held his head in his hands for fear that it would explode. He cried out as his sprained back stretched itself.

It took every ounce of his willpower to pull himself to a standing position and maintain it for a few moments. He leaned against the tree and waited for the world to catch up with him. He was ravished and so thirsty he thought he might die. But he knew first and foremost in his mind was getting up the cliff.

Looking down at his cut up hands and ragged pants he wondered if he was going to fall apart. He started off up the embankment and blocked the pain out of his mind. His blond hair hung lifelessly over one eye, and he angrily brushed it aside. It appeared the only help he was going to get was if he helped himself. He began to climb the rocks and put Quinn in front of his eyes.

He couldn't wait to see her again. It felt like years since he had been near her. Her lilting laughter echoed in his mind. Her shade shifting eyes, he could almost see them in front of him. He reached out with his hands and did not feel the rocky ledge he was pulling up on. He caressed her skin. Dreaming about her lovely lips, Lucas wished fervently that he could feel them on his face, his own bruised lips and his tired aching body. His breathing became rough and strong as he moved steadily up the face of the cliff.

If he had paused even once to check himself, he would have fallen to his death. If he had lost his concentration for a split second he would have plummeted down to another miserable landing. He never did realize that his request for help did not go unanswered. The help came in the form of a vision. Quinn was his reason for being on the planet. She was the love of his life and he knew it in his heart, but was still too afraid to love someone that much. He was afraid that his passionate love for her would destroy him, but in fact it was his love for her that was keeping him alive.

He reached the top of the cliff in less than a half an hour. He had no concept of how much time had passed. He was oblivious to his pain, to the long climb he had just completed. He fell onto his stomach at the top, safely surrounded by flat Earth. He had blood oozing from several cuts and wounds he had torn open on his way up the face of the cliff. His breath hitched in and out as he tried to slow his racing heart. He felt victorious.

After a few minutes, he rolled onto his back and looked up at the sky with a smile on his face. He scanned the horizon and realized with some dismay that it looked like it might snow any moment. Sitting up cautiously he shook his head in disbelief, "I just can't get a break."

Chapter 64:

The bracing weather continued. Quinn was feeling dismal. She could not shake the depression that had overcome her in the past week. She barely ate, she barely spoke, she felt as though there was no reason to keep living. Xander's betrayal was more than her fragile psyche could handle. In moments of privacy, he swore to her that he was playing a part, that it was not really his desire to hurt her or turn her in. However, when he was talking to Paul or one of the other two he was very convincing as the old Xander. She just didn't know what to believe in anymore.

She couldn't stop thinking about Lucas. She missed him terribly, and even though he was dead, she had a nagging sense of dread about his future. Dead. She just couldn't make herself believe it. In her mind she could picture his clear blue eyes and silky blond hair as if her were right in front of her. She heaved a sigh and looked around, everyone was packing up the gear. Another day spent in misery. She wished the snow would begin so the rain would stop and she wouldn't have to spend every day damp and uncomfortable.

Pietro moved to her side and she offered her hands without resistance. He looked at her oddly and tied them together. She stood and allowed herself to be led into the drizzle.

Xander was already on his horse, he was still tied up, but not quite as tightly as before. He shook his head to get the rain off his face, and watched Quinn. She was losing her spirit, in fact, Xander could not remember ever seeing her look so dismal, even when he had killed her friends, even when he had tortured her and chased her. Something was definitely bothering her deeply. She wouldn't speak to him anymore, and any closeness they might have had was long gone. He was not happy about it, but how in the hell could he play both sides of the fence. He needed to free them, and if that meant that right now she wouldn't speak to him, then so be it.

Paul was watching everything with quite a bit of interest. He didn't fully understand what was going on with Xander. He couldn't tell if he was playing them, or if he was telling the truth and lying to Quinn. He reached into his saddle bag and dropped some meat in for Solomon. The cat rubbed his hand with his face appreciatively and began to delicately consume his breakfast. Paul looked in at him, he didn't understand why in the hell this cat was involved in what was going down, but he knew with some certainty that he needed to take care of this particular feline.

He mounted and picked up the rope to lead Quinn's horse. Pietro rode in front of Xander, and Alejandro pulled up the end. And so it went, day after day, ride, eat, ride, sleep, ride… Paul was so tired. He knew they would be in Central City in a day, maybe two. He didn't know what he was going to do, but it would have to happen soon.

Chapter 65:

Samantha was bent over a bucket, scrubbing the floor when her mother walked in. She looked up and smiled in a familiar way. "What is going on with you?" her mother asked patiently. Sam shrugged and looked down at the floor, "Nothing, not any thing worth talking about anyway." Her mother shook her head sadly and went about fixing up breakfast. She did not understand why her daughter, who had such spunk and spirit was now so mellow and quiet. She did know that this inconnu had brought about the changes, but she wasn't sure why or how. Her daughter was not going to tell her, that was for sure. Sally began humming, like she always did when she was cooking. Her thoughts turned, as they so often did, to her son. She paused in her scraping and closed her eyes, taking a big calming breath. She could not lose her head again. Every time she drifted off thinking of Paul she got herself all upset. She remembered Paul as a child, he had been such a sweet, loving little boy. He had looked like an angel with his softly curling blond hair and crystal blue eyes. Paul had never been any trouble as a child, eager to please her, happy just being alive. My God, how she missed him.

Whereas Sam had always been a spitfire, a thorn in her mothers' side, and of course, the love of her life. Sam looked just like her father, a man Sally had loved but never trusted. Sally's curls were blond like her own, but her eyes were green like a clover and her body was lean and strong like her father. She glanced over her shoulder at her daughter and could tell by the way she was scrubbing the floor that she wanted badly to speak, but for some reason felt that she couldn't.

"You know Sam, you can always talk to me…." "I know mom," Sam interrupted brusquely. "I can't talk about this, not yet, not now." "Okay honey, I just wanted you to know I'm here…" "I said I know mom, okay? Please, don't badger me. I can't tell you about it because you'll just get upset." Her mother turned. "Why would I get upset? What's going on honey?" Sam stood up and threw her scrub brush down, her eyes misty with tears, "Mom, I said, I can't…" she started to cry and Sally immediately pulled her into her arms. Smoothing her hair, she kissed her cheeks and soothed her. Samantha idly wondered why she didn't hug her mom more often.

Sniffling loudly, Sam pulled back and looked into her mother's eyes. They looked just like Paul's, a lovely shade of blue. Clear, clean, honest blue…not like Samantha's eyes, hers were green and feisty. Her mother raised her eyebrows in a questioning manner and held her daughter at arms length. "Tell me honey, even if I can't help, you will feel better." Samantha opened her mouth to speak just as David waltzed into the room. "Here you are! I was wondering where my two favorite women were this morning!"

Sally tried not to let the disappointment show on her face. Sam was clearly relieved that she had been interrupted. Both women smiled at David as he pulled Sam closely and kissed the top of her head. "I wondered if you two would have time for a picnic later this morning? I thought we could go out to the lake and spend the afternoon lollygagging around." Sally looked him over, she never ceased to be amazed at his beauty.

His hair was a dark brown, almost auburn. His eyes were a hazel brown that glinted with a "devil may care" attitude. She found him so desirable. She knew her daughter felt the same way, but there was also a melancholy that came into Sam's eyes when David wasn't looking at her. Sally didn't understand the budding relationship. David, she realized suddenly, was expecting her answer. "That sounds wonderful, David. Thanks for thinking of us." He squeezed Sam once more and set her from him. "I will pick you both up in a couple of hours then." He nodded to both women and swept from the room.

With a sudden firm resolve Samantha turned to her mother. "That man is here to kill me and Paul is alive." Sally looked at her daughter, the shock clearly showing on her face. She fell back against the table. "What?" "Well, it's a long story, but I really think I should tell you before we go out to the lake, because I think he really wants to kill me soon." Taking a bottle of wine from under the sink, Samantha pulled her mom outside behind the restaurant. They sat down at a small lawn table and Samantha began to tell her story.

Chapter 66:

Lucas sat huddled under a pine tree. He rubbed his hands together ferociously trying to bring some heat back into them. He did not feel angry anymore, it was just an overall feeling of despondence. He could barely walk, every time he tried his legs felt like they were on fire. He could only stand for a minute or two before they buckled and rendered him helpless as a babe. He knew they would heal quickly, but that was only if he could get some food and water into this body. Right now, semi-paralyzed as he was, it didn't look like he was going to be able to eat anytime soon.

Around him, the skies continued to darken and cloud like a stagnant pool. He could tell by the way the wind was picking up that snow would begin falling at any moment. He wasn't sure what to do about that either. He would need a fire, he would need some shelter and all he had was this damned tree. Once again, he closed his eyes and rested his head on the rough bark, like a child seeking shelter in his mother's chest. "Oh, please help me. Please tell me what to do." The only answer he received was the wind howling around him and lifting his hair, darkened by his own blood. After a moment's hesitation he fell asleep.

Chapter 67:

Solomon lifted the flap on the saddle bag and peered out. No one was around him at present, and without a moment's pause he leapt from the horse. He ran into the cover of the surrounding brush and gazed back into the temporary camp before him. Quinn raised her lackluster eyes and met his gaze. "I have to go for a while," he thought to her, "I will be back for you Quinn." She nodded solemnly and looked at her hands, sitting in her lap like two dead birds. Solomon could feel her despair and her waning spirit, but right now there was not a thing he could do for her. With a last look, he bolted into the over growth and scurried away.

He had spent weeks in that damnable saddlebag waiting for a moment when he could be of some assistance. Paul, thank God, had been feeding him everyday and allowing him some room to roam beside them each evening. He didn't know what was going on above him, but he felt sure that things were running amuck down here. Of course, that was just his humble opinion, not that anyone ever bothered to ask a cat what he felt.

But now Solomon knew there was powerful magick ahead and he felt energized by it. It drove him on through the darkness and into the night. Surprisingly, in all the time they had been traveling, they had only covered a distance of perhaps 40 or 50 miles. Their speed had been hampered by Xander, Quinn and even Paul himself on occasion, each of them doing all they could to try to stop the inevitable. Now, free from the weight of his dependents, Solomon whisked away through the night like a leaf on the wind. He was positive he would make it by morning.

Some 10 hours later, a much exhausted cat smelled Lucas near by. He was heartened by the strong smell of life, and spirit surrounding Lucas. Pausing to eat a long forgotten morsel of dead bird, Solomon tried to re-energize himself. It was time, he decided, and after he had licked himself clean from head to toe, in a much revered custom of the cat, he began to work his own magick.

Breathing slowly and deeply and spreading his body out in an exaggerated stretch, Solomon quieted himself. He pulled at his energy, tugging it inside the small frame of the feline shell without much trouble. He had been doing this for some time, so it was nearly effortless. When his essence had pooled inside him like a molten lava core, he began to spread it out again. From the outside, it looked at though he were a dead cat. It was a quiet thing of beauty, watching him reorganize the energy of the cat he had been. The legs extended like warm cake batter rolling into a pan. It looked as though he would run out the edges, because there were no discernable edges at this moment. Suddenly, as if it had been decided that they were long enough, the energy began to pool. Forming from its steamy interior were two feet, then two calves, and two muscle bound thighs, which were flexing and moving even though they were not yet formed.

His hips and torso began to emerge, muscles then skin appearing first as an apparition, and then solidifying into existence. His chest, which was just now beginning to appear, heaved a breath. It was a hard thing to describe, looking from the outside in. The body seemed to be there, and yet not quite there. This was the imaginings of a body, not yet filled by the promise. Inside, where Solomon continued to exist and create, it was much easier to understand.

All beings, he had long known, were masses of energy constantly regrouping and reorganizing into the outward appearances everyone considered to be "me". A huge lack of control over this energy was one of mankind's largest shortcomings, in Solomon's opinion. An injured human would bemoan a wound for weeks, months, even years without ever once attempting to fix it by simply reorganizing the mass into a healed limb or organ. It was so much easier to simply use the body's stored resources to re-create yourself whenever the need arose.

Solomon's broad shoulders formed along with his thickly corded arms. His hands were broad palmed and long fingered, perfect in every way. He was smiling and blinking even before his face was fully formed, and as he lifted his arm for the first time and rubbed his bald head, he decided to add some hair. A thick mane of ebony hair issued forth from his scalp and within seconds it touched his shoulders. He shook his head, just to feel it move around his bare skin.

He stood, testing his new height and wavered slightly as his equilibrium caught up with his new bi-pedal stature. He stretched, feeling the newly created muscles groan and snap, waking up with life. His biggest problem right now was his missing clothing. Having fur was one thing, but when one had a human body, it was important to cover it. He decided he wouldn't worry about that right now, and he emerged from the security of the overgrowth into the clearing where Lucas slept.

Lucas was leaning against a tree, sound asleep. He didn't hear Solomon's approach, nor did he see the frown that crossed Solomon's brow. "Unbelievable," Solomon muttered. The poor man looked like a dollar bill that someone had shoved into their pocket and then tried to straighten out to put into a vending machine. He was filthy, bloody, smelly and many other things that Solomon chose not to think about.

The first order of business was to clean this poor urchin and then begin his healing process. Solomon noticed for the first time that his feet were gelid, and realized it had begun to snow. It was not an altogether unpleasant sensation, but it was chilly enough to make him wish he could have kept his warm fur coat. He moved to Lucas and swept the broken form up into his own healthy arms. Lucas moaned and then relaxed against his body. Solomon wrinkled his nose in disgust. It was obvious that Lucas was going to need some new clothes as well. That might pose a small problem, but Solomon was positive that he could solve it.

He could smell the water distinctly to the right. His smell was still feline, if his body wasn't. He carried Lucas the distance to the pond. As he placed him gingerly on the shoreline, he grimaced slightly at the strain in his back. He stood again, and arms on hips he surveyed the area. They were in a valley, sparse trees surrounded them, and brown grass abounded. This pond was apparently an old ranching water hole or something of the sort. It was fresh enough, but not as clean as Solomon would have liked.

He moved away from Lucas and up to the crest of a nearby hill. In the distance he could see a small cabin. He smiled, knowing it was no coincidence that there was shelter so close by. He turned back to Lucas, trying to decide if he should bathe the man and carry him naked to the cabin, or go to the cabin first and see if he could secure some blankets at least. He decided on the later and began running toward the cabin. A dark look crossed his face as he realized that running upright had its disadvantages. He moved much more slowly and clumsily, but he decided he would feel at home like this soon enough.

He stopped at the cabin's door, sensing that no one was there. He used his shoulder to push open the door and stepped inside. It was chilly, but there was a large stack of wood near the hearth. It was smallish, no more than 20 feet each way, but there was a bed, a kitchen area and of course, the fireplace. The room also contained a sofa, a small dining table and a wooden rocker. Near the bed there was a clothing armoire, it was the largest object in the entire cabin. He walked to it and pulled it open, inside were several shirts, sweaters, pants, shoes, socks and jackets. Solomon smiled again, he was almost positive there would be at least one complete outfit in his size, and one size for Lucas.

He started the fire and pulled a blanket off the sofa. Moving to the kitchen area, he found a bar of soap, a washrag and a towel. Smiling, he left the cabin and went back to Lucas. Lucas was starring up at the sky as if he was delirious. His eyes rolled like a drunk trying to focus on the yellow line. Solomon smiled down at him. Lucas moved his gaze to Solomon's face and tried to absorb what he was seeing.

The man hovering over him was tall, over 6 feet at least. He was naked, which didn't really surprise Lucas somehow. His skin was golden brown and smooth, unmarked by years or scars. His face was broad and friendly, his eyes, slanted up slightly at each corner and reminded Lucas of a cat. His smile was wide, his teeth strikingly white in his tanned face. His skin was pulled taut over the elegant ridge of his cheekbones and Lucas felt an immediate sense of relief and attraction to this man.

Solomon knelt and moved Lucas to a sitting position. Lucas moaned, but allowed the man to remove his crusty garments. His shoes were tight on his swollen feet and Solomon had to do a fair amount of tugging to remove them. When Lucas was naked, and shivering, Solomon lifted him and walked with him into the pond. The arctic water cleared Lucas' head immediately and he tried to move from Solomon's arms.

"Easy," Solomon cautioned, allowing Lucas to try to stand. The sting of the water was chilling Lucas' muscles, making him feel at once better and worse. When Lucas had his footing in the water, which was up to his armpit, Solomon began lathering up the washrag. He handed it to Lucas who shakily ran it over his face. He had never felt so refreshed. The smell of the soap, the chill of the water, even the coarse scrape of the washrag, all of these things made him feel real again.

He bent his knees slightly and submerged his head while Solomon lathered up his hair, trying to clean the blood out of it. It took several minutes, but eventually the golden sheen of Lucas' hair was visible once again. Lucas made sure that he scrubbed his entire body, freeing it from the horrid smell of death. His skin glowed pink from the scrubbing and the polar water, his eyes looked incredibly blue and clear. He felt so good, but damn there was a marked deficiency of heat.

Solomon lent him an arm and a shoulder as Lucas tried to walk to the shore. He could not support himself once the water was to his waist. Solomon picked him up once more, and Lucas now felt the awkwardness of being naked in another man's arms. Solomon frowned at him momentarily, "Don't be silly man, I'm trying to save your life. It has nothing to do with sex." Lucas felt properly chastised, but somewhat relieved. He allowed himself to be carried to the cabin.

As they entered the cabin, the warmth met them and enfolded them in its loving arms. Solomon kicked the door closed and carried Lucas, wrapped in the blanket, to the chair near the fire. As Lucas relaxed into the chair Solomon moved to the armoire once more and removed some clothes. When he was in a pair of black boots, thick socks, long thermal underwear and a pair of black jeans he turned to Lucas. Lucas was sleeping peacefully. Solomon removed a cream-colored, cable-knit, turtleneck sweater and pulled it over his head. He was warm and comfortable at last.

He moved again to the kitchen sink and rummaged under it, looking for medicines. Not surprisingly, there was peroxide, bandages, aspirin and even a bottle of penicillin. Solomon smiled again, "Thank you, that makes my job much easier." He removed the necessary items and knelt in front of Lucas. He uncovered him and went to work, doing what he could to mend the wounds which were raw and infected from exposure.

Lucas remained thankfully unconscious during this procedure and awoke much later that evening to find the cabin dark and still. He leaned forward in the chair and saw the strange man asleep on the sofa. He smelled the thick scent of rabbit and his stomach growled irritably. A moment later, the strange man was serving him a bowl of stew, complete with rabbit, vegetables and some thick broth. Lucas gazed up at him questioningly. "I'm a good hunter." Was all Solomon said, shrugging humbly. Lucas opened his mouth to ask who he was, but all that came out was a dry choke, and Solomon at once handed him some water.

"Eat, drink, rest, there will be plenty of time for questions later." Lucas nodded, and wolfed down the bowl of stew. When he was done, Solomon helped him into some clothes. Lucas had been given a pair of brown boots, thick socks, long underwear, blue jeans and a dark black wool sweater with an Aztec print in it. He looked down at himself with some satisfaction, this being one of the nicest outfits he had ever owned. Solomon carried him to the bed, gave him another dose of aspirin and penicillin and Lucas fell quickly asleep.

Solomon settled once again on the couch and felt a sense of satisfaction and pride welling up in his heart. He had done well, even for a cat.

Chapter 68:

Quinn was dreaming again. She was sitting on a swing on a front porch, gently rocking to and fro. She had on a loose sundress, a floral pattern of some type and it was swooshing gently around her bare legs as the swing rocked. In her hand was a cool glass of iced tea. She was humming softly and drinking the tea, enjoying the summer breeze and the sound of the wind moving the leaves around in an intimate dance.

She looked to her left and there, sitting in a chair was David. He looked beautiful. His hair was clean and damp, she could smell the soap in his hair and she knew it was damp, even though she wasn't touching it. His eyes were shining at her with warmth and desire. He was wearing a t-shirt and blue jeans, but his feet were bare. His tanned arms were resting easily on the arms of the chair, and he was smiling. She returned the smile and patted the place next to her in the swing. He stood easily, swinging his lean frame around into the swing. It creaked gently as it took his weight and adjusted.

"Oh, God, I want to touch him, to kiss him…" she thought, shameless in her dream state. She reached out to run a hand down his smooth face. He blinked slowly, watching her. "Quinn…" he whispered and pulled her to him. Brazenly she moved so she was sitting in his lap, and wrapped her arms around him.

They looked at each other for a few moments, deep longing looks that left Quinn feeling breathless and achy inside. The very air around them had stilled and was electrified with their unspoken attraction. She leaned willingly into him and let her lips meet his gently. She tasted him, feeling the thickness of his lips between hers. His musky male scent filled her nostrils and sent her reeling. She could feel the heat of him through her sundress and she urged closer like a moth to the flame. His arms, which were slung loosely around her hips, pulled her tighter.

His eyes were gazing at her, or into her, she wasn't sure, but she couldn't pull away from him. He sat perfectly still allowing her to set the pace, to lead him, to take him if she wanted to. He was terrified to move and ruin what was turning into a splendid little moment. Quinn turned to face him, allowing her breasts to push into his chest, and her hips to burrow into him. He was already hard, dying to take her, to throw her to the porch and rip the sundress from her body.

She kissed him more slowly, more deeply, allowing her tongue to roam around inside his mouth…he bit her, gently and she moaned, it was more than she could stand. She ran her hands into his hair, it was indeed damp, smelling manly and clean, she kissed him everywhere her lips could reach. He slid his hands up and down her back, pulling her to him, standing with her in his arms he moved into the house.

Suddenly they were in a bedroom, it was not the peaceful little country house, it was modern and harsh, but Quinn didn't notice. There was a bed, a large bed with a silk comforter and they fell into it…a mingling of soft sighs and moans escaping them. He bent over her and she arched her neck, begging him to kiss her, to taste her as she had tasted him. He complied and she opened her eyes, looking at him, openly inviting and wanting. She pulled at the t-shirt and it easily slipped over his head. Her hands, hurried by an unmet sexual need, pulled at his jeans, urging him to take them off…faster, "Oh, please, faster…" Quinn moaned.

David raised himself up, gazing down at Quinn. She was writhing beneath his hands, wanting him so badly. She arched herself up onto her elbows, her hair falling in a silken cascade onto the bed. "David, kiss me…" she whispered, "Touch me, make love to me, now!" He remained calm, letting his hands move to the buttons of her dress. He began unbuttoning them, one by one. She was almost animalistic in her need to have him. She squirmed, trying to get out from under him so she could take control, but his legs on either side of her hips hugged her tightly to him.

His hands, pausing between buttons to squeeze her breasts, to rub her thighs, to take her head into his palms and kiss her deeply. It was more than he had ever hoped. Suddenly Quinn remembered it was her dream, and she wished the dress away. It was instantly gone and their naked bodies were touching. David looked startled for a moment and then laughed, a deep rumbling chuckle that made Quinn blink innocently. His hands were hot, branding her everywhere they touched. She guided them to her breasts and squeezed them, showing him how she wanted him to hold her.

She released him and put her hands on his back, running her hands down to his tight butt, urging him down, closer to her…wanting more than anything for him to be inside her…knowing that there would be a fulfillment, a kind of resurrection which she had not yet known in this lifetime. He squeezed her breasts again, harshly and she exalted at the male strength, the cleanliness, and the beauty of him.

At long last, his legs released their hold on her and he moved them, forcefully between her thighs. She sighed and relaxed back onto the bed, knowing that soon she would feel the pierce of him deep within her like salve on a wound. She could feel him, pressing into her, just about to take her… "Oh, yes…" she moaned, reaching, groping and pulling him down, "Oh, please, just take me…" His face hovered over hers and for a moment she saw something awful in those beautiful eyes…then it was gone and he was bending to kiss her…

Chapter 69:

"Quinn! Quinn! What are you doing? What the hell are you doing?" The voice like ice pierced the fog of her sleep and she fought it…wanting only to be with David a moment longer, wanting to finish what she had begun. But it was not to be. Xander was pushing against her with all his might, struggling to hold the little spitfire off. She was practically raping him, and by God it was taking every ounce of his tenuously built morals to keep from letting her.

Her eyes opened slowly and he could see that they were hazy and dilated. She was looking at him, but not seeing him and for a moment he decided morals be damned. He bent to her and kissed her, all of his pent up lust bursting to the surface and through his lips into her. It was a savage kiss, crushing her lips against his until their teeth ground together. Her hands flew to his hair, twisting within it and pulling him closer still.

Bit by bit Quinn realized that the hair in her hands was not David's. David's hair was thick and coarse, but the hair she was holding was like down, silky and heavenly in her palms. The lips crushing hers were not David's either, although the kiss was warming her to her toes. She opened her eyes and saw Xander's face. A surge of emotion and love welled from her heart and she wanted to make the dream a reality. To hell with David, the man who had taunted her in dreams, she wanted Xander. And Xander wanted her, there was no question, had been no question for a year on that count.

He pulled back, giving her time to change her mind if she wanted to, but her hands urged his head back down and her body twisted beneath him until he was positioned between her thighs. His eyes searched her face, looking for a sign that she was about to attack him, but her legs were wrapping around his hips and the moans escaping from her mouth were for him and him alone.

The clothing between them could very well have been tissue paper. The heat growing between them branded her body, melting her to him. She breathed in deep soul-drenching drafts, the smell of him, his hair in her face as he kissed her neck and ears. She wanted to scream with frustration, "My God, two men, and I can't get either one of them to just fuck me!!" Quinn raged inside, her passion turning to frustration at the time it was taking to satisfy this hunger within her body.

She clawed at Xander's pants, trying to rip them away from his body, to free the only thing that would quench this thirst within her. Xander was in shock, she was like a tiger, and he the prey. He pulled up to help her get his pants off and she made a sound deep in her throat. It was animalistic and full of need. Xander almost lost it before he could get himself out of his own pants. He had the urge to laugh, but knew that would ruin the moment. He wanted her just as badly, but now that the moment of taking was here he didn't want to hurry it along. He wanted to savor her…to enjoy her, to bask in the delight of winning her when no one else had.

Finally out of his own pants he realized that Quinn was still in hers. With his incredible arms bulging he ripped them off her. Leaning back onto his haunches to pull them free. The moment he was off her, and she felt her pants being tossed aside she moved. Xander watched her, unable to move himself, unable to do anything but feel tormented as she pulled off her top and pushed him back onto his butt. There was an indefinable pause. A moment when the world seemed to stop on it's axis. They looked at each other.

Xander was sitting with his legs bent, his boots still on and his pants caught around his ankles. He slowly reached down and rectified the matter, also taking the time to remove his shirt. Quinn was crouched, using her fingertips to balance herself. She deftly swept her hair back over her shoulders and allowed Xander to gaze at her, unobstructed by clothing or proximity. He gulped, swallowing hard, unable to believe this was happening.

Her nipples were hard, thrusting toward him in invitation. Her breathing was ragged and her face flushed. "What is happening?" Xander asked coolly. "We're going to have sex." Quinn replied, unflustered. "Do you want to have sex with me?" Xander nodded dumbly, "More than anything …" he whispered. Quinn moved toward him and allowed his hands to grip her hips, she sat down, facing him, legs wrapped around his waist and at long last he felt her, covering him, swallowing him to the base of his shaft. "Ohhhh, yessss…" she sighed and began to undulate her entire body against his, breasts rubbing his chest.

Their lips met again and danced together, then apart, hers moving to cover his ears, throat and adams apple with moist chewing kisses. She was hot, wet, heavenly and he couldn't think of anything but satisfying her. They moved together slowly at first, tempting and teasing each other and then their movements intensified growing frantic until they both came, screaming and writhing and panting into oblivion.

It was a full five minutes before either of them moved. The sweat was trickling down between their bodies, but to Quinn it felt like tears. She felt Xander, sweetly holding her against him. He was a murderous traitor. She knew this, felt it with her entire being, and yet she had loved him with her body, loving each moment of it with her heart. He kissed her, a single sweet kiss to the base of her throat and then he pulled his head away. She didn't know if she was ready to meet his gaze, but when she raised her eyes and looked at him he was gazing back just as lovingly at her. His warm earth colored eyes, shining with passion and love for her alone.

Chapter 70:

David's eyes popped open and murderous fury shone from his lovely hazel eyes. He wanted to kill someone and he wanted to do it now. He had been seconds, mere god damned seconds away from having Quinn…and that …that Xander had ripped her right out from under him in the most literal sense. David leapt out of bed and began pacing the room, furious. His veins popped with barely contained rage and his muscles were clenched, tight as barbed wire. His feet slapped the wooden floor as he moved back and forth, back and forth like a caged lion.

His senses were reeling. The smell of Quinn's body was still pungent in his head and his fingers still tingled with the feel of her velvet skin. His manhood stood straight out, protesting it's lack of satisfaction. Oh, he was beyond mad. Someone was going to die tonight, someone was going to feel the pain and suffering he could bring down. He wanted to do it with his own hands, just rip someone apart. He wanted it to be Xander, but that was not an option right now.

He paused in front of the window and looked down on the street. There were people out and about, but nothing mischievous was happening here, it never did. He had spent a tense afternoon with Samantha and Sally having a picnic. Bending himself over backwards to win their trust. Sally kept giving him hateful looks, and Samantha wouldn't look at him at all. Not that it bothered him much. She had come home with him and straight into his bed.

The sex tonight with her had been different. He had ridden her hard, making her cry out in pain as well as pleasure. He had squeezed a little too hard, his love bites had drawn blood and his grip on her hair had left some strands between his fingers. But she had stayed and ridden him `til the end. She had cried out in pleasure when she came, and he had all but shoved her from the bed as soon as he was done. He didn't want to wake up to her soft body and her smooth skin anymore. He didn't like the way he had come to count on her gentle looks and soothing whispers.

She had looked at him, pain visible on her smooth face. Shoving her from him had hurt her pride. She had grabbed up her clothes and moved to the door without so much as a word. Turning to look back at him for one moment, her eyes shiny with unshed tears, she had given him a final glowering look and slammed the door. Women. As soon as Samantha was gone, David had fallen back into bed, relaxing and reaching out for Quinn. He found her so easily these days, she was so downbeat it was easy to pull her down into the dreams with him. To Quinn it was just a lovely sex dream, make believe, not real…like a young girls harmless fantasy. She didn't understand the power of the soul, the ability of the soul to exist on another plane. The ageless art of "being" even when one was not on the earth plane. Tonight Quinn's arousal had been obvious. David felt his blood race again at the thought of that glorious hair in his hands, of her warm, soft inviting flesh just inches from his.

Momentarily pausing in his relentless battering of the wooden floor, he slammed his fist through the wall with a warlike cry and put his clothes on. Someone was going to pay for his misery all right. Someone was going to pay and he was already aroused with the thought of the pain he was going to inflict.

When Paul returned to the camp, he found the mood had changed. Pietro was snoozing quietly by the horses as usual, and Alejandro was sitting in front of the fire drunk. He looked like a good old-fashioned alley wino, tipped perilously toward the flames, singing some gibberish only he could understand. Paul was amazed that Xander and Quinn were still here. His eyes roamed leisurely over them and he couldn't put a finger to what had changed in his absence, but there was certainly something odd going on.

Quinn was curled primly against a tree, her back to everyone. Xander was also lying against a tree, near enough to reach out and touch Quinn, but he was obviously miles away. His long legs were sprawled out in front of him, crossed at the ankle, and one foot seemed to be tapping to a song only Xander could hear. His hands were linked behind his head and he was gazing upwards.

As Paul neared, he noted the slight changes in Quinn's behavior. She had her arms curled around her knees, and her head lying sideways on her legs as she stared at Alejandro and the fire. On closer inspection, Quinn's back was only to Xander. Of course, Paul knew she was angry with him and hurt. However, this was more than that. Her hair was tousled and her blouse more rumpled that Paul remembered.

He sat down near Alejandro, who nodded in greeting and continued singing. "What's been going on?" He asked pointedly. "Nooothinngg….nooothinng.." Alejandro sang back to him. Paul rolled his eyes and heaved a disgusted breath. He threw the meat he had just gathered into a pile and stood again, wiping his hands on his pants. "Are they tied up?" he motioned to Quinn and Xander. "Don't know." Paul looked at Al momentarily feeling a huge desire to smack the shit out of him. "I think you should check. Don't you?" Al paused in his rhythmic rocking and squinted at Paul, "You want me to?" "Yes." Paul said flatly, hands on his hips, "now!" "Gotcha." Al replied and stood, or rather tumbled off the log he had been sitting on and moved in their general direction.

Paul moved to his saddlebag to feed the cat, but when he peered inside it was empty and had that feeling of an apartment that hasn't been lived in for some time. He frowned and glanced around. The cat was nowhere to be seen.

Chapter 71:

Sally sat on the floor in front of a makeshift altar. There was a worn crucifix on it, and a few candles, all that was left of the catholic she had once been. She was not quite sure that even Jesus could help her tonight. She felt crazy, like a nest of hornets had moved into her brain and were trying to escape. She lit a candle, "Our father, who art in heaven…" she began, pausing to blow out the match, "hallowed be thy name…" Her thoughts drifted momentarily and she sobbed, making herself finish the prayer, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses…" Once more she drifted off, "Forgive me, oh my Lord, forgive me for what I have done…" She uttered the last lines of the prayer fervently, "As we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, amen."

She breathed softly, unconsciously knotting her old rosary in her hands. "Mom, what I have to tell you is going to be hard to believe. You may not want to hear most of it, but try not to blame yourself, because it's not your fault, not at all." "I don't want to think about this, not now, not for a very long time." But the thoughts came anyway, the words, like fresh paint on her brain, crying out to be touched and heard.

"Do you remember when Paul was born? We thought he died, remember? His little body all blue… and he was so still. We cried because we thought he was dead, remember mom?" Yes, she remembered. The son she had prayed for, the pregnancy had been such misery. Her husband killed almost immediately after she found out she was with child. She had almost lost the baby then. The bleeding had started, and she had prayed as hard as she could, begging forgiveness. She knew the praying hadn't stopped the miscarriage, but she didn't want to believe what she knew to be the truth.

As she had suffered in her bed, alone for the first time in years, crying because her husband was gone and now her baby was going to die. She had known it would be a boy. She had known she would conceive the moment her husband had left her body. But she never dreamed she would be losing both the men in her life at once. So she cried for herself, and for them and for what would never be.

She was considering suicide, feeling that there was nothing left for her in this world. Samantha didn't even come to mind, because she was a lovely child, and Sally knew someone would always take care of her. She slipped into a feeling of despair like a letter slipping into an envelope, and it felt like home.

Sally had at once become aware of a woman seated next to her on the bed. Her swollen eyes lifting she could feel the woman's love and warmth emanating and surrounding her. Sally looked away, not wanting to be comforted, not wanting to feel the love this woman had to give. "Who are you? I didn't hear you come in." "Sally, love, you not goin' to lose your boy." The woman said gently, "He's got a long road to go and lots to do before you lose him."

Sally raised her head, which felt like a bag of flour, and looked hopefully at the obese woman. "I know what you're thinkin' Sally, but you must remember that thin's ain't always what they seem." Sally blushed, momentarily chastised and embarrassed that the woman had read her thoughts so easily. "Come here and let me love you a little," the woman said, reaching out an arm to embrace her. Sally moved closer and allowed the woman to put her heavy arms around her.

"Now let's talk about your boy a little. He is everythin' you think he is, and much much more. Don' try and make him mind too much, cuz' he is goin' to go down the wrong path for some time `fore he finds the light." Sally sighed, her mind full of unanswered questions. She felt some of the hopelessness lifting off her shoulders. "He is going to be a brave man, solid and true. He will do some things you ain't gonna approve of, that's for sure. But in the end you will be right proud of him. In the end, you'll understand why things had to come together like they did."

Sally was feeling a peace slipping around her brain, like a warm brandy sliding into an empty stomach. She had so many things she wanted to ask this woman, so much she wanted to say, but she was losing the will to fight the sleep that had finally come to claim her. Sally slept, falling down and down into a darkness unlike any she had known before. The next morning she awoke, feeling refreshed and at peace. The bleeding had stopped.

"Remember how that light just sort of…well, just sort of slipped into Paul, like a sunbeam breaking through a cloud? God, I'll never forget how it just fell on him and then INTO him and then he opened those eyes, those gorgeous blue eyes, and cried. Oh, I don't think anything ever sounded so good as when he cried for the first time, remember Mom?" Tears were streaming down Sally's face. She could picture that moment in time as if it were only yesterday. There they were, all three of them, her family, all snuggled together in the bed as she nursed Paul for the first time.

The happiness inside her was new and exciting…the love in her heart filling it like a balloon and lifting her to higher ground. Her two beautiful and perfect children were all she had ever hoped for. The Chosen were around, even then, but they had not been as aggressive as they were now, they were like a primitive police squadron, making the rounds and keeping a tentative sort of peace.

Sally remembered the first time the Chosen had visited their little town. Paul had been 5 years old, just a sweet little toddler, precious in every way. The Chosen had ridden in, about 35 of them on horseback, an intimidating sight. There was one man in charge, she couldn't remember his name now, but his face was clear in her mind. His eyes had been violet, a shade not easy to forget. He was broad and tall, well-muscled and crowned with the blackest hair she had ever seen.

He had begun barking his orders the minute they rode in. "Collect all the towns people here, immediately!" That had taken nearly two hours, but when everyone was in attendance the trouble began. "I want all of the children separated, boys here, girls there…" he pointed and the men moved to action. Women began screaming, grabbing for their children as they were ripped from their arms. Men began to fight and were quickly knocked aside. The man raised his voice over the protestations of the people, "You will give up your children peaceably people, or you will die. There are no options. The men will be taken with us, except those that are too old, or injured or otherwise unacceptable. The children will also be taken, but if you have more than one female child, you may keep all but one. ALL male children will come with us."

There were a few moments of madness when there was some scuffling, some yelling, some people trying to run away and then the guns were fired. No one was prepared for violence, there had never been too much of it here. Everyone stopped and although you could still hear the sobbing women, it was generally quieter. The man in charge lowered his gun and looked slowly around.

"Perhaps I have not made myself clear. If you resist us, you will be shot…that is, you will be shot and killed. Do you understand that? Men, if you fight for your children you will be slaughtered where you stand and they will be left without a parent. Women, you will be shot as well if you resist. You do not have a choice in this matter, and although you see us…you do not see ALL of us. There are more troops surrounding the village, be assured, there are more than enough men to kill you all." It took a moment for the truth of what he was saying to sink into the heads of the people.

They were not accustomed to being handled in this manner. Men looked at their wives, asking what to do…women looked blankly back, unable to make decisions of this import so quickly. Sally stood near the back of the crowd, gripping Paul to her. He wanted to see the men in the uniforms, he was struggling to get out of her arms and she was fighting to hold him. After a moment, a man near the front of the crowd, Sally could not see who and did not recognize the voice, asked, "Why are we being taken? Where are we being taken? Will we be allowed to return home?"

"Good questions, all of them." The leader replied. "You are being taken to Central City, for the purpose of being trained as soldiers. It is possible that you might return home someday but I cannot guarantee it. The children are being taken for schooling and the females are coming, mainly to reproduce." It was answered matter-of-factly and a new level of shock hit the crowd. "Outrageous!" someone screamed, "Never!" someone else cried and in that moment, a melee ensued.

Sally didn't care what was being said or not said, she ran with Paul the moment the guns began going off. She didn't care who died or who lived, she would not hand over her only children, the reason for her entire life. She bolted between two buildings and ran for home, looking for Chosen behind her. She kept her eyes on the woods, and although she could hear the horses, she could not see the men and she knew they had not yet spotted her.

Samantha was home asleep in bed. She was ill and Sally could not believe her luck. She was sure Samantha would have been spotted and taken at once. Her daughter was glorious and Sally, thinking of Samantha's green eyes and blonde curls, hurried even faster. Paul was clutched to her bosom and he realized something was happening. He was crying softly and holding tightly to her. When she reached their home she found Samantha under the bed. Unbelievably, she was hiding already.

Sally hurried them out back to the cellar and closed the door behind them, squeezing back into a corner where they would not be spotted unless someone actually walked down the dark steps and into the cellar itself. She was breathing raggedly and clutching her children to her. She knew she was scaring them, but there was no way to avoid it.

Some time later, as her heart slowed and breathing evened out, she heard horses overhead. "Mom…"Samantha whispered inching closer to Sally, trying to crawl back to the safety of the womb, "I know, sweetie, hush…" Paul was sleeping and Sally didn't want to frighten him unduly. The cellar door creaked open and Samantha hid her head against her mother, not wanting to scream. Someone entered, coming down the first few steps and then closing the door behind them. Sally thought she would pass out, she could not feel her body and felt as if she was floating high above it all.

"Sally?" The voice was warm and comforting, but not at all familiar. "Sally? You down here? Sam? Paul?" Paul stirred at the mention of his name and raised his blonde head. "No, no, baby, lay still…hush, baby." Sally crooned quietly into his ear. In the pitch black, she was sure no one could see them, but the footsteps moved in their direction anyway. "Sally, Sally, Sally…" the voice chuckled, "surely you don't think you're hiding, do you?" Sally wanted to scream, there was just no way anyone could know she was here.

The footsteps stopped about five feet in front of her. She could hear the man breathing, could feel his presence in front of them. He knelt down, she could not see it as much as she could hear him, and he said softly, "I have excellent night vision Sally." Sally began to cry hysterically and Samantha joined right in. Paul lay in his mother's arms, frozen with fear and disbelief.

Sally noticed that the cellar was not as dark as it had been only moments before. There was an odd light glowing around them, but she could not pinpoint the source. She could see the form of the man in front of them growing ever clearer. She recognized him at last as the man who had been leading the Chosen. She knew she would be killed for sure. He reached out and touched Samantha's arm gently, a soft caress really, and she immediately stopped her crying. He pulled her from Sally's grip and sat her gently on the floor behind him. She sat there with a glazed over look, blinking once in a while as if she was shocked by something she couldn't talk about.

He repeated the procedure with Paul, and Sally released him without a whimper. She was terrified of what was happening, but the glowing light somehow diminished whatever had made her afraid in the first place. Once the children were placed behind him, the man turned his attention back to Sally. She did not want to meet those violet eyes, but was helpless to resist them. They glowed softly and eerily back at her and the man smiled. "Oh, humans…" he chuckled, "always so easy…"

His hands caressed her face and all she could see was those lovely eyes. He leaned toward her and his black hair fell forward, she reached up impulsively to brush it back and as she touched it a delicious heat spread up her arms. "Sally, I want you to know, that you could be dead right now. You could be dead for disobeying me like this. Do you know that?" She supposed she did, although it was nothing she wanted to consider consciously. "You owe me now. You owe me for not killing you." The words flowed out of him like mercury and she could only feel the burning fire he had awakened inside her.

"What I want Sally…" he continued calmly, stroking her arms and pulling her gently toward him, "is your daughter. But, I also want your son." Sally shook her head, wanting to tell him that No, he could not take her daughter or her son, she would be damned if he could have either of them. "You need to listen to me now, Sally, because what happens next is all up to you. I am taking your son with me, to train him and teach him how to be a soldier. I am letting him live because of a promise you will make to me." "What promise?" Sally asked, feeling the fear gripping her lightly in the belly. "The promise that when I come again you will give me your daughter."

Sally tried to roll this over in her muddled head, the head that was clouded with longing for this man. This same man who wanted to take her children from her one at a time was the one she wanted to make love to more than anything right now. "But, I will lose them both that way, how do I win that way?" He looked at her incredulously, "Why, Sally you get to watch your daughter grow up, and you get to live. Otherwise, I will have both of your children right now and they will have no mother." She pulled her gaze from his and looked at them over his shoulder. They were watching her, but she didn't know if they could hear her. Could they tell what was going on? She somehow doubted it.

She returned her gaze to him and he leaned closer, almost touching her face with his. "Sally? Do you want me to make love to you? Would that help you make your decision?" She couldn't think at all now, his body was so close to her she felt numb. She could smell his breath, feel his heart beating against her and the yearning to have him inside her was greater than any need she had ever known in her life. "Yes…" she sighed, and he kissed her.

Chapter 72:

Quinn awoke feeling startled. She didn't know why she was awake, but as she sat up and looked around her it became clear. Paul was dreaming and he was obviously having a nightmare. "Good," she thought, "it's time somebody else on this planet feels some of the pain I'm feeling." She didn't see the selfishness of that thought, and she didn't reflect on it once it had crossed her mind. She was just angry.

She looked at Xander, sleeping deeply across the way from her. She wanted to get up and go over to him and give him a good kick in the head. She smiled. Yeah, and then he'll get up and kill you. She could not believe she had sex with him. What a traitor! What about David? What about Lucas? What about all those people he killed? She knew none of it mattered as far as her body was concerned. She had been lusting after Xander since she first laid eyes on him, and her body had been in control earlier, not her mind.

Quinn looked around for Solomon, because nights were when they spent their time together, but then she remembered that he was gone, too. That thought was almost more than her broken heart could bear and she wanted to cry. But that made her mad again, so she crossed her arms over her chest and stared at the fire, trying to find things to keep the hate burning in her so she wouldn't have to cry anymore. She glanced at Paul again and saw that he was sweating and tossing from side to side. Maybe he's sick. She hoped he wasn't because then all of them would be sick.

Quinn settled back down to try to sleep some more, feeling that, in general, sleep was the best way to avoid the problems of her real life. It wasn't long before she began to dream, and it was a familiar dream.

When she looked up she was alone at the top of a mountain. She could see the land for miles below her. To her right there was a presence...but when she looked she saw nothing. "Find your way home, Quinn." the presence said. "Where's home?" Quinn asked, and the wind seemed to sweep her words away before they left her mouth. "Where is HOME?" Quinn yelled.

She turned full circle trying to find the voice and when she had gone full circle she found she was no longer in the mountains. She was near a lake. The land around it reflected perfectly in its mirror-like stillness. Looking around, she noticed a cabin not far from where she stood. There was a welcoming billow of smoke rising from the chimney and she wanted more than anything to go inside and curl up by that fire.

She felt so sleepy all of a sudden. "Find the man who has chosen the light and let him lead you home." the presence said. "Yes," Quinn muttered, "I think I've heard that before. But will you ever tell me who that man is?" The wind blew gently around her, wafting the smell of dinner to her. She took a few steps toward the cabin and turned around, looking for the presence, "Is he here?" Her voice echoed and she knew she was alone again.

Turning once more toward the cabin she began walking. "The man who has chosen the light will lead me home," she mumbled to herself. And as she walked, the dream faded and she knew only darkness and sleep once more.

Chapter 73:

In his dream, Paul could see his mother being kissed by a man. He could hear their mingling sighs of pleasure. Inside he felt only terror. He didn't know or understand what was going on, but he couldn't move. He could feel Samantha next to him, but he couldn't talk to her, he couldn't reach out to her. He was alone. His mother was doing something horrible; he could feel it. He wanted to stop her, he wanted to help her, but he could do nothing.

After a time, when they had finished their strange and exotic dance (which Paul now realized was sex, but had, at the time thought of as a dance), his mother slept. The man she had been having sex with sat up and turned to Paul and Samantha. Moving to Samantha first, his hands had roaming over her body in a way Paul knew was wrong. Samantha had twisted under those hands, making the same sighing noises his mother had made. Paul was horrified. Would this man touch him that way too? And would he respond with the same noise? It was too much to think about.

He heard the man whispering to Samantha, it sounded like, "I'll be back for you Samantha." But Paul wasn't entirely sure because at that moment the man's attention had shifted to him and he wanted to die. The man had bent over, swiftly picking Paul up and carried him up and out of the cellar. "Mommy! Mommy!" Paul wanted to scream for her, but he couldn't make his body work. Didn't she know he was being taken? Couldn't she feel that he was gone? Why wouldn't she help him? Didn't she love him anymore? "No." the man said, as if hearing his questions, "she doesn't love you anymore Paul. She loves Samantha more than you and she always has." Paul looked at this man, feeling a growing need to bite him. "That's not true." He said, and it actually came out. "She does love me, but you hurt her and she can't help me." "You believe whatever you need to believe Paul, but you belong to me now." Paul looked over the man's shoulder as they mounted the horse and began riding away, "Mommy! Mommy!" he cried as the tears rolled, darkening his blue eyes and reddening his cheeks.

Paul struck out in the night with his adult fist, but there was nothing there to hit. In his dream he was now older. He was a soldier, he was in training and he was glad. He had waited 10 years for training to begin. He had been a good boy, a good student. He had forced himself to forget his mother. Forced himself to forget her blue eyes, so much like his own and pushed the memory of his sister far from his conscious mind. But his dreams were not his own, and in his dreams he saw them. He saw them together and waiting for him to return to them.

Paul did not know what had made him think he could ever be a true part of the Chosen. They had hardened him in many ways, but not in his heart. In his heart he longed for his family. Paul forced himself to wake up, told himself he would die if he didn't wake up right now!

Sitting straight up in the night he cried out. He looked wildly around and saw that he was safe. He gulped in the cool night air, trying to calm his racing heart. He stood and moved quickly and quietly away from the camp, moving to a nearby stream to wade in and splash the icy clear water on his tear-streaked face. The chill of the water soaked slowly into his bones and he moved quickly to the shore to sit. Wrapping his arms around his body he sobbed.

It was not a manly thing to do, and he felt some shame at this, but he cried nonetheless, letting the pain of a five-year old roar out of his young mans body.

Chapter 74:

David was moving stealthily just outside the town. He was patiently waiting, although he did not consciously know what he was waiting for. He just "felt" that he would know when the time was right. He was eating an apple, and he looked around, knowing that the time was close. He leaned against an old oak and propped one foot up on the tree trunk. Chewing the apple slowly, he pretended for a moment that it was someone and not something. He smiled, slowly, threateningly and closed his eyes, allowing himself to relax into the moment.

He could see her, in his mind's eye, crying in front of her Lord. Crying about things that had happened years ago. Reaching further, he began to see what it was that had created her current misery. He could smell the old cellar and feel her body, soft and pliant beneath his palms. Turning, he could see her children, they were lovely and they looked so familiar. He reached out to stroke the daughter's silken cheek, and she drew back in horror. The look was one he had seen before, and he quickly turned back to her mother.

"Sally…" the name came out of him in a noiseless whisper. Of course, how had he possibly forgotten lovely Sally and her delightful children? That had been years ago, too many years, too many things happening since then. His eyes shifted to her son. Paul. He remembered Paul, he doubted he would ever forget this boy. He was not a boy any longer, and wouldn't Sally be pleased to know he was one of the The Chosen? He doubted it somehow. Right now there were large tears rolling down the boy's cheeks, dampening his shirt, and he was drawing in deep hitching breaths.

David pulled himself from his reverie and swallowed the bite of apple sitting unnoticed in his mouth. He drew himself up, now very sure of what he had to do. The umbrage that had been sitting in his gut welled up and through him like the poisonous venom of a snake. He had been keeping it concealed inside of him, like a fly, caught between two windows…it buzzed against his skin and bumped around looking for a way out and now he threw the windows wide open and let it out. His face was contorted with rage and he rationalized that what was about to happen was Quinn's fault.

Yes, it was all her fault, and he would have to remember to share this story with her when all was said and done.

Chapter 75:

Lucas slept off and on for the better part of a week. Solomon knew that Quinn and Xander would be in Central City any day now. He knew that there was no way Lucas would be able to be there in time to help them, but he felt in his heart that allowing Lucas the time he needed to heal was more important. He knew Lucas would be angry with him, but that could not be helped. He was sitting at the table just now, watching Lucas sleeping peacefully. He knew today was the day that Lucas would feel well enough to get up and move around some, and he had prepared a hearty breakfast for him.

Almost on que, Lucas opened his eyes and looked slowly around. He stretched out and felt his muscles creaking and moaning. He did not feel any great pain at this, rather a general feeling of soreness and he realized he was starving. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat up, steadying himself against the wave of dizziness that momentarily swept through him. When he stood, he spotted Solomon sitting at the table. Of course, he didn't realize it was Solomon, to him it was merely a man who had helped him.

He sauntered to the table, embarrassed that he didn't know what to say. But Solomon smiled at him and said, "I am sure you have many questions for me, and I would love to answer them. I've fixed us some breakfast, are you hungry?" Lucas' stomach grumbled loudly and Solomon laughed aloud as he began serving up plates for both of them. Lucas sat down and wolfed through his plate as if he had not eaten in a year. When they were both finished eating, they sat drinking coffee and finally Lucas spoke. "Thank you, for all that you have done for me. You don't know it but you saved my life. I don't know how I can repay you." Solomon nodded and considered this for a moment. "Well, I guess I do know that I saved your life. I know that this is going to throw you some, but I was told to come here and find you. I was told you needed my help." "Who told you?" "Well, I guess the same people who told you that you had a choice to make about coming back here to begin with." Lucas looked a little startled. "How could you know that?" "I guess I know a lot of things," Solomon replied casually. "Who are you?" Lucas queried, much as Solomon had known he would. "I can't fully explain it so that you'll understand Lucas, but if you believe in magic, and I think you do, then I will say that I was Quinn's cat, and now I'm a man." Lucas looked into his coffee while he considered this. "Solomon." "Yes." Lucas let out a long held breath and raised his eyes to the man. "There was a time in my life when I would have laughed at that." His eyes roamed Solomon's face, and he could see the resemblance to the much- loved feline.

"Mmm Hmm," Lucas nodded, assessing the situation, "do you know where they are? Is that why you're here?" Solomon brushed his hair back over his shoulders in an unconscious way and stretched. "I don't know exactly where they are, but I know that I can track them. I know that I can find them." He repeated. "The bad news is that I am sure they are already near Central City. I think they will be there by tomorrow and there is no way we can catch up with them, but I think I have another plan." Lucas stood and walked to the door, throwing it open he discovered that the ground was heavy with a fresh snow. He frowned momentarily at it, not thrilled to feel the crisp air. Then he remembered his new warm clothes, and the winter coats he had seen hanging in the wardrobe.

"Can we leave now and you can tell me your plan as we go?" Lucas looked questioningly at Solomon, his hands on his hips. Solomon had known Lucas would be ready to leave, and he had several packages of food ready to go. He had also prepared the cabin for their departure. "I'm ready whenever you are," he said, standing and moving to the fire to put it out. Solomon realized that he would miss this place in a way, it had been a nice break from life on the road. When he turned from the fireplace he looked around for Lucas and spotted him sitting on the bed, his head in his hands.

He ran both hands over the top of his head, pulling his shaggy hair back tightly. "Is she okay? Quinn? When you saw her last, she was okay?" Solomon noticed the drawn look around his eyes as he asked this, and realized that perhaps Lucas was more concerned than angry at this point. Solomon thought for a moment about the last time he had seen Quinn. She was not happy, not particularly content with her situation, but she was "okay". So Solomon nodded and looked Lucas directly in the eyes, "Yes, the last time I saw her she was doing fine."

Lucas stared at his feet, "It's my fault you know. I should have known David was…well, dangerous. Does anyone know where he is?" Lucas continued on, not waiting for an answer, "If I had been more careful Quinn would be with me now and she would be safe. We'd have made it into the mountains and…" "Now hold on," Solomon interjected, and it sounded suspiciously like a low growl, "things are happening exactly the way they're supposed to happen and you have nothing to do with that. You can't say from here what might have happened if only this…or if only that. What's important now is to make good decisions from here on out."

Lucas looked heartened and he grabbed up his coat. "Okay, then, let's get going. Do we have horses?" "I don't know." Solomon replied, "I don't think so, but you never know what's gonna happen do ya?" He winked at Lucas in a conspiratorial way and Lucas smiled for the first time in weeks.

Chapter 76:

For the last two days the number of Chosen surrounding Quinn had steadily increased. At first, Quinn had felt sheer terror. Uniformed men, seemingly emerging from nowhere, surrounded them, laughing and joking with Paul, Pietro and Alejandro. It seemed that everyone was aware that she was being brought in. There was a sense of anticipation from most of the men. Wanting to see Quinn and somehow know that she was real. There was an opposite reaction toward Xander. He was being treated like a traitor and he was repeatedly knocked around by the Chosen.

Quinn did not understand why in the world all these men would leave their posts just to see her. It was not until she spent some time listening to the conversation around her that she realized the men were being called into the city for the winter. Apparently, no work would be done outside of Central City in the winter months. The men would stay inside the city resting, eating, multiplying and taking a break.

So this is why they are all so faithful. He gives them time off for good behavior. Quinn looked around once more, there were more than a thousand men with them. She had no idea the army was so huge and it horrified her. There was no way any of them would ever escape, what had made them think they could? Many pairs of hungry eyes roamed over her body and she was almost thankful for the protection offered by Pietro and Alejandro. Paul spent most of his time riding a short distance away from them to speak with the men and then return to his place at the head of their little party.

Among the soldiers were many civilians. Many women and children were being taken against their will into the city and their crying could be heard day and night. Quinn had never felt so low. She knew there was nothing she could do to help any of them, not the prisoners, not herself, not even poor Xander. At one time, she had felt hope like a hot coal in her chest. Hope of freedom and hope of love had burned brightly within. Now she realized that she would die in a day or two and she would be alone, unless she allowed Xander back into her heart and then they could die together.

She glanced to her left, and there he was riding with his head held high, even though he was continually abused both physically and verbally. He kept his eyes straight ahead and never wavered in his strength of will. Oh how she wished she could have just a little bit of that to stoke her own flame and feel alive and competent again. She bit her lip and wanted to call out to him, but they had never discussed their impulsive sexual moment, and she wasn't sure how to bring it up. She wasn't sure he would even speak to her since she had ignored him since that moment. She was so confused and isolated. She just didn't know how to bridge the gap.

Xander felt her eyes on him. He wanted to turn to her and smile and tell her everything would be okay, but he just didn't believe that himself. He was tired of the ridicule of the Chosen, he was sick of being hit and shoved around, but he knew he deserved it. He was trying to look on it as his pennance for what he had done to others, but he didn't know how much longer he would be able to maintain this cool façade, he was ready to bash someone's skull in.

He realized that most of his loss of control stemmed from the fact that he was terrified of dying and worse yet (if that was possible) he was terrified of losing Quinn. He didn't know exactly what was going to happen to them once they reached the city, but he knew it would be horrible. The Man never did anything the easy way and he was sure that their torture would be unimaginable. He could only pray that it would be quick. Yes, he supposed he would pray that the end came quickly and hope that it was enough.

"David, what are you doing here?" Sally asked, surprised as she opened the door. She held it open for him, without waiting for an answer and motioned for him to come in. He walked into the room quietly and took a seat in an overstuffed chair near the window. Sally was in her nightgown and she quickly pulled a robe on, feeling suddenly very exposed. She took a seat in the chair opposite him and raised her eyebrows, still waiting for an answer to her question.

"I was out for a walk on this lovely evening," David began, crossing his legs and steepling his fingers beneath his chin, "and I thought that I would drop in and have a little talk with you." Sally nodded, unconsciously pulling the robe tighter, "What did you want to talk about?" She was in absolute terror of this man, and she was trying her best not to let it show. David cocked his head to the side and let out a little chuckle, "Are you sure you don't already know what I want to discuss?" "No, no I don't know, why? Should I know?" Sally realized her legs were quivering and did her best to stop them.

"I just thought you might have some idea as to the general direction of my visit." David continued, leading her on, trying to illicit the response he had been hoping for. "Do you want to talk about Samantha?" "Ahhh, now we're getting somewhere," David murmured in a low soothing voice, "Samantha is a good place to start this little talk." Sally perched on the edge of her chair, ready to fly to the door if he so much as crossed his eyes at her. But if he was who she thought he was, she already knew there was no way she would make it out of here unscathed.

So, she decided to continue playing dumb. "What about her? I know you're interested in her, but that is really between the two of you." Now David leaned forward, hands on his knees and looked at her in a calculating manner. "I am interested in her, that is true. I have been for some time. But I think deep down you already know that. You see, the thing is Sally, I promised you I would be back for her and although I was distracted for a little while, I have finally remembered my promise to you and now I am here."

Sally's mouth had dropped open a little as he spoke, and she swallowed several times in an effort to dampen her dry mouth. He knew, my God, somehow he knew. He didn't look the same, that was for sure, but the light she saw burning in his eyes was unmistakable. "I won't let you have her you know. I fell for your little seduction the last time, but I won't make that mistake again." Sally rose and moved to the bed table, quietly she pulled out a gun and turned on him, "You took my son from me you bastard! I will never let you have my daughter!"

David laughed, he was unable to help himself. "You foolish woman, why does it always have to be this way with you?" He stood, moving slowly toward her, "Don't you know that you could both come and live in Central City with me? No one had to die, you could see your son again, he is there right now with some valuable cargo he has been transporting for me." Sally momentarily lowered her guard at the mention of Paul, "He's there, now? He's alive?" Her face ran a gambit of emotions ending in relief and tears. "I believe Samantha already told you that. But if you need me to reassure you…yes, he is alive."

Sally sat down on the side of the bed, "I need a minute to think about this, can I have that? Can I have a moment to think this over?" "You take all the time you need," David said soothingly, sitting down beside her on the bed and reaching out to her with his mind. Sally felt the calming heat overtaking her body and she wasn't sure she wanted to fight anymore. Who really cared if they had to live in the city? They would be alive, and they would be together. Without really thinking she handed him her gun and began to imagine what it would be like to see her son again…to see her beloved Paul.

Chapter 77:

Samantha sat up in bed and screamed, she threw herself from the comfort of the bed and cowered in the corner, whining. The door flew open and Tom came running in as quickly as his old body would allow. He looked around for Samantha, he could hear her panting and moaning, but couldn't see her anywhere. "Sam? Sammy?" He called, looking behind the door and in the bathroom and finally as he bent down to look under the bed he saw her feet in the corner and went to her. She was sobbing and shaking and looked almost feral. He approached her slowly not sure how to reach out to her. In the end, he knelt by her and touched her lightly on the arm, "Sammy, honey? Sam? You alright?"

She turned her reddened eyes to him and looked closely at his face as if trying to identify him in her mind. "Tom? Tom?" When he nodded affirmatively she reached out and grabbed him, hugging herself to his chest. "Oh, Tom! I have to leave, I have to get out of here right now or he's going to kill me. I have to find Paul! My God, what should I do?" She pulled away, looking at him for help. Tom was confused and it was the middle of the night, he wasn't sure what to tell her. He wasn't even sure what she was asking. He shrugged, unable to give her a better answer.

"My mom…" Sam trailed off, hitching in a sob and tried to stand up, "I don't know what he'll do to her, but I know that if I leave now, and he doesn't know where I am…" she wrung her hands in front of her, "Well, if he doesn't know where I am then maybe he'll leave her alive. I have to hope that he'll want her alive." She ran around in a flurry, pulling on some jeans and boots and a sweater.

Tom watched her in amazement, he didn't know what the hell she was talking about, but she was certainly moving like lightening. She threw on a coat and packed a bag with some spare clothes. She grabbed her journal, a picture of her family and some food she had hidden in the closet, and then she hugged Tom tightly. "If you see my mom and she's alone, tell her I've gone to find Paul. She'll know what that means, okay?" Tom nodded, feeling as if he should make some attempt to stop her. She took a long look around the room, and then with her blonde curls trailing out behind her she took off into the night. Tom thought he might need a drink or two before the time came to tell Sally that her only daughter had run off and he hadn't done a thing to stop her.

Chapter 77:

If the light could laugh, it would have done so. If the darkness could attack, it would also have done so. "You are thwarting our every attempt to be fair!" It accused. "No, you have taken liberties with the rules, and we are merely doing the same. If you choose to cheat, you must expect us to retaliate." "That girl was to die! You KNOW that! She was not to escape…she was a sacrifice, we agreed. We made a DEAL!!" The light shimmered briefly (another laugh if that was even possible), "You take it all much too personally. Why do you assume that we have tipped her off somehow? How do you not know that the girl is simply a brilliant star in her own right? Just because your pawns need to be guided does not mean that our beloved humans are incapable of foresight." "Our PAWNS? Interesting name you choose for the vehicle of your destruction. Surely you do not think that a minor setback here and there will affect the final outcome of all life?" The light reached out to embrace the darkness and the darkness shrieked in fury, "YOU WILL NOT TRY TO TEMPT US WITH YOUR TOUCHING!" The light withdrew, but it would never stop trying to embrace the darkness. "What is it you want from us now? We will not give up another so easily, and we are allowing them to walk their own path. What is it that angers you so? The fact that they are making all the right decisions, or your loss of control?"

The darkness gathered itself into a tight blackness like a black hole in space. "If you choose to continue in this manner we may forfeit." "Fine, if you forfeit you lose, just keep that in mind." The darkness almost ate itself up it was so incredibly enraged, "Let him know then… let our David know that she is leaving and where she is going. Let him see it clearly and understand." "Fine, she will not be harmed by him right now anyway." "AND…" the darkness continued, "You will slow the progress of the feline."

The light flickered, momentarily betraying its distress, "No, we will not do that. The feline is not ours to command. He will do as he wishes without our interference. We will allow you … something. We must think about it a while." "Ahhh, no, you must decide now, or we will remove someone without your permission." The light flashed in frustration and gathered around itself in consideration. "Very well, you may plant a seed of bitterness…" "NO! We will not plant a seed, we will give life to a vine that will grow from deep within him and encircle the goodness you have created. He will smother under the evil until all goodness leaves him and then he will be ours once more."

The light reflected on this as if weighing the odds and sighed, "We do not wish to give him completely to you…but we will agree to allow you to try. We give him free will to do as he pleases once you have touched him." "Agreed." And the darkness turned its angry eye back on Xander.

Chapter 78:

Prophet stood staring out the window. He had a drink in one hand and with the other he was idly stroking his chin. The Man had just been to visit him and as usual, Prophet was shaking. He downed the drink in a swift gulp and moved to refill his glass. He needed time to think things through, and he needed to calm his nerves in order for that to happen. He downed a third drink and put the glass down, afraid if he drank again he would not stop.

Moving back to the window he placed his open palms on the glass and rested his forehead on its cool surface. He looked down at the ground stories below and momentarily considered jumping. But the thought left him just as quickly and he straightened, peering to the West. He could not see them yet, but he had been told they would be coming any day now. He tried to put everything in some kind of order he could understand, but there was no way to keep it all straight.

Xander who had been The Man's best soldier had deserted them and was currently being held for execution. Quinn, who The Man was obviously obsessed with was also being held for execution, although Prophet could not understand why The Man wanted her dead. Paul was bringing them in, and Prophet remembered Paul well, he had practically raised him and trained him and educated him. The Man said he was no longer sure of Paul's loyalty, although it would look as though Paul was the same. The Man had said Paul might have to die as well, and that thought made Prophet sick.

Of course, it was the time of year for all of the Chosen to return home, so there would be a lot of traffic before the group arrived, and most likely during their arrival. The Man was glad of this. He wanted all the witnesses he could muster when he removed Xander's head. Prophet was glad that all the men would be here, it was always a happy time around Central City…if it could ever be considered happy. The Chosen made it feel a little more normal anyway. The women were allowed to roam about more freely, and lessons for the children switched to combat training.

Prophet had also been told to keep an eye out for a lovely blonde woman. The Man had said she might come in as a prisoner or alone, but he knew she would be coming. She was coming for Paul apparently, and Prophet was not to kill her, but he was also supposed to keep her away from Paul. "You'll know her when you see those jade green eyes…" The Man had said, and Prophet thought again that it looked like he might also have a soft spot for this female. The Man's energy had seemed frazzled, coming through to Prophet like a long distance phone call instead of the usual hologram effect and Prophet wondered what had created this disruption.

Prophet had wandered to the edge of town just last night, once again considering quitting this gig. As he stood there, smoking and drinking and seriously wondering what he should do, he was joined by Billy. Now Prophet admired Billy to some extent. He liked the kids fresh good looks, his humble attitude and his ability to state the obvious without saying a word. Billy had stood there, hands in pockets and nodded amiably to Prophet. "Considering going somewhere?" "Nope, I was just taking a look around," Prophet had lied, knowing that Billy knew that as well. "MmmHmmm…" Billy nodded slowly and also took a look around.

"You know Prophet, your services have been invaluable, it would be a shame for you to leave at half time. You never know which way the game's going to go." Prophet looked at him and furrowed his brows, "I don't know what you mean, Billy. I've got season tickets in case no one told you. I wouldn't dream of missing the second half." Billy nodded again and spit, "Things have gotten a little messed up down here. Let's just say I'm here to make sure it doesn't happen again." Prophet looked away, silently biting the inside of his cheek and took a long drag off his cigarette.

Looking once more at Billy, Prophet was startled to see him smiling. "Stick around my friend, you won't want to miss a minute of this action." He turned on heel and disappeared into the night. Prophet downed the rest of his bottle and returned to his room. Only moments later it seemed, The Man had been there, in his face giving his usual abrasive directives and veiled threats. Prophet was tired of this part of the game. Just then, there was a knock on the door and Prophet called, "Come in…" He was not surprised to see Billy again, that same believable smile lighting his face in an amiable way. "Had a visit from our old pal?" It was more statement than question. "Yes. I suppose you know what's going down?" Again, it was more statement than question. Billy nodded, "Yeah, I think I've got it figured out. But I wanted to speak with you for a moment because I'm thinking David…oh, excuse me, "The Man," has had his last technical and it's time to send in a fresh player."

Prophet indicated that Billy should sit down, and he took a seat next to him on the divan. "I'm being brought in as a rookie Prophet, but I know you know a good thing when you see it. I'm about to win this game for our side and I want you with me. Here's how we're going to do it…" Prophet settled back to listen to Billy, and before long his face split into a wide grin, "That's what I've been talkin' `bout."

Chapter 79:

Lucas paused for the 100th time to rub his sore ankle and groaned in frustration and desperation. "My damn ankle! Is this thing ever going to heal?" Solomon wanted to remind him that a few short weeks ago he had been in pieces on the side of a mountain and that a sore ankle was hardly cause for complaining. But instead he remained silent and wished he could be a cat again soon, it was so much faster with four feet. He pulled the pack off his back and stretched while Lucas rubbed at his legs.

"How far have we come?" Lucas demanded and Solomon shot him a look which said, "Change your tone with me mister and fast." Lucas shrugged his shoulders for a moment as if to apologize and rotated his ankle mindlessly. "I think we've….well, I'm not sure how many miles we've covered. But I can tell you that we are about a week behind them." "Shit! At this rate…" he faded off, feeling acutely disappointed in himself. Solomon gave a small smile which Lucas didn't see, "Everything in its own time Lucas, try to remember that." "I know, it's just that I feel so out of control."

Solomon raised a hand to silence Lucas and cocked his head to the side, "Somone's coming." Lucas stood and winced when his ankle popped loudly. "Who is it? Can you tell?" Solomon shook his head in the negative and closed his eyes, listening intently. Suddenly out of the brush behind them came Samantha. Her horse was galloping so quickly she almost ran them down and as she tried to stop the horse it bucked up hooves trampling at the air. Both men darted aside, falling to the ground and rolling.

As soon as she had her horse under control she raised a gun and leveled it at them. "Who are you?" The men looked at each other a moment and began laughing. To Samantha it appeared that they were laughing at her, but they were laughing because a second horse had come out of the brush behind her, apparently her spare. "What?" she demanded, feeling a little hysterical since she had nearly been thrown off her horse moments before. "You're just what we've been waiting for." Solomon said, rising and brushing the snow off his legs.

Lucas stood again, moaning and flexing his ankle which was now screaming in pain. He looked at Samantha and smiled at her beauty. The bracing air had created a lovely flush on her cheeks and her eyes looked like jade chips in her face. Her hair was pulled up into a stocking cap, but tendrils of blonde were escaping from the edges. She was quite lovely. Solomon thought much the same, but because he immediately knew who she was, he felt heartened that his silent request was being answered. Here was the help he had been asking for.

Samantha looked from one to the other, appraising them and making the decision to lower the gun. These were not soldiers. "We need a ride to Central City," Solomon announced and Lucas looked at him as if he'd lost his feline mind. "Why?" The question shot from her like a bullet, and both men were stunned into silence again. "I asked why. Are you joining the Chosen? You don't look much like soldiers to me." She looked at Solomon and his brown eyes which struck her as pools of melted chocolate. He shook his hair back off his soldiers and allowed her to openly judge him.

Lucas limped forward a little and put his hand on the horse's neck, stroking it gently. "Please, we have a couple of friends who are…well, in trouble. They're in such trouble and I'm hurt. If we don't get there soon they'll be killed. I think you are our only chance to get there in time." "I only have two horses…" Samantha said softly, waving her hand toward the other horse which was digging in the snow looking for some grass. "We could share one of the horses. I don't know…we can make it work somehow. Please, you've got to help us." She looked at Solomon, but he was leaning casually against a tree, for he firmly believed everything was as it should be.

"I'll take you, if you promise to help me when we get there." "Help with what?" Lucas raised his brows questioningly. "My brother, he's one of them. He is one of the Chosen and I have to find him and help him escape. If it's possible to save him, I don't even know if he can be saved. But The Man, he's been in my town, he's got my mother. He almost had me and I have to try to save my brother." Lucas' jaw had dropped open, "You've seen The Man?" "Yes. He goes by the name of David; can you believe it? He should be called Judas, not David."

Lucas felt the breath go out of him in a whoosh. He stepped back and eased himself down to the ground. He had known that David was the man who pushed him to his death, but it was so much harder to have someone tell you he was going on with life as usual when you were struggling for every step. "Bastard." He whispered. Here he was trying in vain to get to Quinn, to save her from death and David was cavorting around the country terrorizing young girls and their mothers. "I just want to kill that arrogant piece of shit!" Lucas bellowed, without realizing he was verbalizing his thoughts.

Samantha knew inside that these men were her salvation, and as soon as Lucas finished his cussing and yelling she knew she had been led to him. He was the only man who could possibly hate David as much as she did. Lucas was at her side again, and he touched her leg. "Please take us, you need us and we definitely need you." "I'm Samantha," she said with conviction, "let's go."

Chapter 80:

Quinn had never been as terrified as she was at this moment. She could see Central City gleaming ahead of them and she watched it pulse and breathe as if it had a life of its own. She hoped that they would just kill her quickly and get it over with because she just could not handle living here like a breed mare. Xander moved nervously on his horse next to her, and she glanced at him, immediately sensing his fear. It was not a consolation when one of the head soldiers was as scared as she was.

Paul turned, and raised a hand toward the city. Quinn glared at him, but he flashed a smile at her and turned back around. She shivered and pulled the blanket tighter around her. Snow was falling much as it had been for the past week and she didn't believe she would ever be warm again before she was dead. The dreams had been coming more frequently too, the dream about the man and the light and finding her way home. She didn't understand it at all, but it seemed to be in the front of her mind all the time these days.

Pietro and Alejandro brought up the rear, and they had their weapons out and aimed at Quinn and Xander, they were prepared for them to try to run at any moment. Xander glared at them once in a while because he had not given up trying to convince them that he was one of them. Paul was the only one who had kept them from fully buying that story. Paul realized Xander really hated him but Xander had no way of knowing that Paul was no longer Chosen. It was getting a little confusing, even to Paul. He wasn't sure what was going to happen once they entered the city; all he knew for sure was that he was compelled to bring them here. There was no stopping it and no turning around now.

Quinn had never actually been here before, and to her it looked like a huge industrial park. Where were the houses? Where were the shops? The gleaming metallic look of it terrified Quinn more than she had thought possible. She was afraid David was here, she was afraid that she would have to face him and she felt as though she had lost. She felt shamed and embarrassed by her current situation.

Xander appeared deceptively calm. His eyes moved quickly surveying the area, not much had changed while he was gone. Still, it seemed unnaturally quiet and this unsettled him. Maybe it was the weather, the snow and the chill of the afternoon air that had driven everyone indoors. He glanced at Paul who was ramrod straight in his saddle, but he couldn't see Paul's face. Paul was doing much the same thing as Xander, looking for some sign of what to do next. He paused on the outskirts, everyone coming to a stop behind him and took a deep breath.

Quinn shuddered and drew a shaking breath. She was quivering from head to toe and she just could not seem to stop. "Xander…" she whispered. He looked quickly at her and tried to give her a smile, but it looked more like a grimace and she searched his eyes, looking for solace. He moved his horse closer to hers and reached for her, pulling her in front of him. He opened his blanket wide and wrapped her up inside with him, warming her almost immediately. Pietro watched them with detached interest, deciding that it wouldn't hurt anything for them to ride in together.

He spurred his horse on a little to get closer to them in case they should decide to bolt. He raised his eyes to the city once more and felt a little pang of anxiousness in his gut. He wasn't 100% sure that he and Alejandro had done as they were directed to do. What if they had somehow screwed things up? It would be so bad for them if The Man was here. He glanced at Alejandro, but his eyes were burning toward the city and Pietro knew why. The man was a walking gland. All he could think about was getting into the town and getting a piece of ass. Pietro rolled his eyes and wished he could relax enough to get horny at all.

He let his eyes move forward to Paul. That man was an enigma. Pietro didn't know if he was scared or excited. He couldn't tell anything about Paul, but so far, Paul had known where to turn, what rivers to cross and in general, the fastest way to get this job over with. Pietro felt that he trusted this man, as much as he trusted anyone. Paul kept nodding or waving to acknowledge the men riding around them. Pietro understood why most of them kept a respectful distance. He knew they instinctively felt that this was a mission led by the Man. He could not explain how they would know this, but he felt that it was true.

Some rode up to insult Xander, but Pietro wondered why they bothered. Xander would be dealt with by The Man soon enough, why hurt Xander's pride more? Pietro glanced again and Quinn and Xander. The man was a fool to want that girl so much. If he was smart he would have dumped her ass long ago and just done his job. Of course, his job had included catching or killing this same woman. Pietro didn't know how he would've handled it any better.

As they drew nearer to the city, most of the Chosen rode faster, eager to get home and enjoy some of life's pleasures. Pietro didn't blame them, and he certainly would've liked to ride with them, but it just wasn't to be and he couldn't help feeling a little irritated about that.

Quinn could feel Xander's shallow anxious breathing against her back. She couldn't blame him at all. She could barely breathe herself. His arms were wrapped tightly around her, and although she felt completely safe for the moment, she knew Xander's brute strength would not be enough to protect her once they were inside the city. She half expected something to swoop down out of the sky and save them, but she knew it could not be as simple as all that. She relaxed back into Xander and allowed herself to enjoy this moment of warmth, knowing it might be her last.

Chapter 81:

David left Sally's room with a growing sense of satisfaction. Sally was still in her bed, sleeping off the best fucking she'd ever had in her life. David did not feel any shame about having slept with both mother and daughter. He had enjoyed one as much as the other, and it was absolutely necessary to screw a woman when you expected her to do things your way. That was part of the reason he felt so deeply that he had failed with Quinn. He had been so damn close to feeling the inside of her body wrapped around him like a silken glove. Just the thought of her made him hard and filled him with unsatisfied craving.

He was going to come right back for Sally. He knew he had to have her with him when the time came to confront Samantha. It would not be difficult to convince her that her mother's life was worth more than her own. He approached Sam's door with growing anticipation. Maybe he would sleep with her one last time before he killed her off. He pictured the scene in his head, "Samantha, I'm so sorry about the way I treated you earlier. I've just been thinking about it all day and I can't imagine how that must have made you feel. Please, give me another chance."

He smiled to himself, knowing she would melt like chocolate against him and maybe right as he put himself deep inside her he would tell her that her mother felt just as good as she did. He wasn't watching where he was walking. He didn't notice Tom coming his way because he was deeply immersed in his fantasy. Tom saw him, but realized that it was this bastard that had caused little Sammy to run like she had. He put a menacing, if not somewhat comical, look on his face and marched right at David.

"You, you… bastard!" Tom spat, lunging for David and trying to hit him. David looked up just as Tom's fist connected with his nose. Now the punch was not that good, but it hit David and light flashed in front of him as his nose throbbed. "What the fuck?" David yelled, batting out at Tom and knocking him to the ground. "You old fool! What the hell is wrong with you?" "As if you didn't know, as if you didn't cause it!" Tom returned, still struggling and trying to get on top of David who had him pinned down.

David was rubbing his nose with one hand, and holding Tom with the other, he looked at the man in confusion, "I don't know what you mean you old geezer, but you better explain yourself before I break your face open." "Samantha!" Tom spit, trying to intimidate David, and realizing that it wasn't working. "She left, she was scared of you! What did you do to her? She said you was gonna kill her! You bastard! If anything happens to her…"

David sat straight up in surprise. As Tom struggled to get to a sitting position, David's mind fought with what he was learning. "Samantha's gone?" he questioned, not really believing that this drunk old man would know more than he himself knew. "Gone where? Why?" Tom kept struggling and squirming, trying to free himself. As the news sank into David's previously serene mind he felt a rage sweeping over him. He placed his hands on either side of Tom's head and began to push.

Tom's eyes opened wide as the pressure increased, and his hands ceased the wild swinging. They flew to cover David's on either side of his head and as he began to moan in pain he clawed at David's skin, trying anything to make it stop. David smiled again, and let himself flow into the old man's mind. "Where is she, Tom? Tell me before I kill you. I'm going to kill you either way, so you may as well tell me." Tom opened his mouth and all that came out was a strangled grunt. David eased back on the pressure and Tom blinked, trying to see through the thick veil of pain that was covering his entire head.

"You'll never find her, and I'll never tell you…never, go to hell!" David increased the hold on Tom's head and began to growl low in the back of his throat. Tom looked him in the eye, not terribly afraid of dying, but he wished that the pain would go away quickly, he wasn't enjoying that part of this death process much. The serene look on Tom's face made David even angrier, and he leaned forward, blowing pure madness into Tom's nostrils.

Tom felt the warm air enter his nasal passages, where it seemed to take a life of its own. It began to feel like warm snot, running up instead of down, and the further it (crawled?) oozed into his sinus cavity the hotter it became. Tom would have sworn he felt millions of little feet, like ants or fleas and then he felt them begin to bite.

He was not sure how he knew they were biting, but that's what they were doing alright, biting their way into his brain. His eyes registered surprise, and David smiled again, thoroughly loving this part of his job. "Where is she Tom?" Tom's eyes looked vacant, and they moved back and forth a little, hearing David but not registering what he was asking. "Where is Samantha?" David asked much more slowly. Tom shook his head back and forth, trying to clear the cobwebs that seemed to be gathering at the base of his skull. "Guh, guh, guh…" Tom choked, spitting little bugs out of his mouth and onto David.

David shook them off looking unconcerned and raised his eyebrows at Tom. "Stop it." David looked up quickly and discovered Sally beside him. "Stop it, he doesn't know, but I do." David reached out quickly and snapped Tom's neck.

Chapter 82:

Samantha awoke with a start. She could not believe she had fallen asleep so easily. She was leaned heavily against Solomon, and his body felt so warm and comfortable. She wriggled back a little, allowing herself the pleasure of his arms around her. She sighed, tired and content at the same time. Looking around her she felt a slight ribbon of fear course through her. She didn't recognize this terrain and she knew that meant she was…no, THEY were drawing closer to Central City.

Solomon arched his back slightly, it was stiff from the horse back ride and Samantha's weight. He was not complaining, she was extremely pleasant to ride with, and he was sensing a soft glow emanating from within her. He doubted that she could sense what he already knew, but that was just because she wasn't paying attention. Her hair bounced gently on his chest, occasionally dancing up to tickle his face and he smiled unconsciously. He decided that being a human form was much more complicated than being feline, and it was perilous to his heart as well.

Lucas rode stiffly, keeping them moving at a quick clip. He felt full of foreboding and doom, full of fear for Quinn. He closed his eyes and reached beyond himself for some peace of spirit. He silently called out for some guidance, but none was forthcoming. He heaved a sigh and shrugged his shoulders, trying to warm himself against the chill.

He glanced at Solomon who was keeping pace beside him. The giant man had a tender smile on his face, and Lucas could only presume that it was Samantha making him smile. Lucas lowered his head, a momentary look of pain traveling across his visage. He swallowed the lump in his throat and allowed his mind to drift.

He had been dreaming of Quinn, more specifically of Quinn and Xander. He had the feeling that things had gotten very physical between the two of them and that made him furious. It was better than being with David, that was true, but mostly he was jealous because he loved Quinn and maybe now she didn't love him. Hell, she thought he was dead and long gone. He couldn't blame Xander, well, not much anyway. He knew Xander's passion for Quinn rivaled his own and Xander had been pursuing her for much longer.

In his dreams he was watching Quinn, she was talking to someone but he couldn't hear the words being said. He couldn't tell what was making Quinn so agitated, but in the end she always walked AWAY from where he was standing…even though he called out to her with all his being, it was like she just couldn't see him there. It was frustrating as hell, but he also took comfort in the dreams because they meant Quinn was still alive.

Lucas rubbed his frozen nose and breathed into his palms, trying to warm his achy hands. He stared at the horizon and let himself drift away. "Lucas, time is short." The voice said suddenly. Lucas raised his eyes and looked around him. Oddly, he was no longer on the horse, he was back in the warm cabin.

He couldn't find the person speaking, couldn't SEE them, but he could feel them all around him. There was one voice speaking, but many voices behind that one pushing insistently, trying to communicate something to him. "I am hurrying, my God, I am going as fast as I can but it is so cold. It's such a long way. We are doing our best, but I think I am about to collapse and we aren't there yet!" Lucas put his head in his hands and sobbed, "I don't know what else to do!"

The light caressed him and comforted him, soothing away some of his pain and distress. "Lucas, you are doing well. You are doing just as we wanted. But as you have anticipated, Quinn is close to…" The voice faded a little, and Lucas sensed it shudder. "Close to what? Close to WHAT??" he demanded. "She is close to what could be the end for her." The light revealed.

Lucas jumped to his feet, "NO! Damnit NO!!!" He stomped his feet and was immediately sorry as pain radiated from his ankles. He slumped to the floor, laying face down on the rug and letting despair wash over him. "No, not Quinn, not now, please….nooo." He wailed and grief long since buried came bubbling to the top like bubbles in champagne, threatening to explode out of him.

"Lucas," the light gently reprimanded him. "NO!" he yelled again, raising his arms to the ceiling and raging against his creators, "I did not choose this! I did not choose any of this!" "You are wrong." "Who would choose this? Who would want to live with this kind of pain?" Lucas moaned. "You…Lucas, you have always been free to choose your path. You have not always gone the way we would have chosen for you, but your path has been tread by your feet alone. You are your own wind, billowing your own sail, and steering your own rudder. Be empowered by those choices little one, do not let them be the cause of so much sorrow."

Blinking and wiping at his face, Lucas pulled himself to his feet. The momentary loss of control had passed and he was now feeling acute embarrassment. He had been dead and brought back to life for goodness sake and here he was whining. "How can I get to her in time?" The light smiled, glad that he had once again risen to their challenge, "You will know when the time is at hand…now wake up."

Lucas jerked a little on his horse and looked around. He was no longer inside the warm cabin, in the presence that made him feel so much safer than he felt here. The presence held him like a newborn, swaddled against its chest and it refreshed him each time he encountered it. Solomon was watching him, "Did you get that all worked out?" He asked, not making fun at all, but genuinely concerned. "Yes," Lucas nodded stiffly, feeling a little vulnerable, "I think it's all worked out." "Good."

Chapter 83:

Their actual entry into Central City was anticlimactic. They rode directly to the middle of town and were met by two Chosen who looked extremely curious but who remained silent and stoic. Before she knew it, Quinn was being whisked into a nondescript skyscraper. The elevator stopped once on the 23rd floor where Pietro and Alejandro left them. Quinn could hear the shouts and boisterous yelling as they met up with old friends.

The elevator stopped again on the 26th floor and Paul stepped out, turning to look back at Quinn and Xander. He looked at Quinn, long and hard and as she met his sky blue eyes with her own she swore she heard him say, "Don't worry anymore." She blinked and the doors closed blocking him from her site.

They continued to rise to the 47th floor. Once there, she was taken down a long hallway and into a set of offices. She was placed in a locked waiting room with Xander and suddenly they were alone. He stood and stretched, his muscles flexing and pulling against his clothing. Quinn tried not to watch him, knowing she had a weakness for his body, if not for him. But it was too much to resist the way his pants hugged the shape of his thighs and…well, other areas too. She felt her face heat up and looked away.

Just then a door on the opposite end of the room opened and a black man stepped into the room. "Prophet." Xander said in greeting. "Xander." Prophet returned the greeting and motioned for Xander to join him. He turned sideways, allowing room for Xander to pass and eyed Quinn curiously as Xander entered the room behind him. Quinn stood up, suddenly alarmed that Xander was leaving. "Xander!" She cried out and he turned, smiling at her as the door closed.

Quinn could not hear what was going on in the other room, but there was no yelling or screaming, so she assumed it was fine for the moment. She looked around the room she was in and realized it was what she imagined the old police interrogation rooms to look like. It was all a neutral cream color, with several chairs around a table. She got the feeling it was supposed to be innocuous, but the mirrors on either side of the table reminded her that she was not alone. There was a door on each end of the room, the one they had come through and the one Xander had gone through alone.

Quinn rose and moved nervously around the room, waiting for something. She stood in front of the mirror and removed her outer wraps. She was appalled at her appearance, a secondary concern right now. Her skin was chafed from the frore winds and her hair was dirty and so matted. She sighed, running her fingers through it and they tangled again and again.

She looked too thin and too tired and too dirty. She just couldn't believe that she was alive. That seemed to surpass all other feelings inside of her. The spirit behind her eyes was there alive and well, feeling the need for peace more than the need for a bath. "The man who has chosen the light will lead you home." "I know." Quinn replied to her reflection, the voice in her head, herself. "I know that's true."

Chapter 84:

"Have a seat," Prophet said, moving behind the large desk. "Would you like a drink?" "Yes," Xander replied without much thought. Prophet moved to the bar and poured a drink for each of them, placing the bottle on his desk and sitting down. "We need to talk Xander." "I know." "We need to discuss what has been going on and what you're going to do about it." Xander's heart was beating fiercely and he was doing his best to keep a cool outward appearance. He didn't really fear Prophet, but Prophet made things happen around here, and Xander knew he always followed orders.

Suddenly, in the seat next to Xander was a young man, strong and good-looking with hair as black as a raven's wing. Xander was startled, but realized he wasn't really surprised. "This is Billy," Prophet indicated the boy/man next to Xander. "He knows who you are already as you may have guessed." Xander looked at him, Billy was smiling but Xander realized it wasn't touching his eyes. He felt a chill in his lower back and the need to move far away from this…thing.

Billy was not disturbed by Xander's reaction; in fact, he was pleased with himself for maintaining control over himself and his temper. He was very upset with Xander, but realized there was still much to be done where this particular man was concerned. He took the bottle from the desk and refilled Xander's glass. Xander drank it wordlessly and held out the empty glass for another round.

"I think it would be best if you kept a clear head for a moment or two, this won't take long, and then you can have all the booze you need." Apprehension prickled along Xander's neck and he looked longingly at the door, knowing Quinn was on the other side of it waiting for him. "Yes," Billy began, "She is one of the things we need to talk about Xander. She is not yours, nor will she ever be, but there are some things I need you to do for me…rather, in my place."

Prophet pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit up, knowing this was going to get ugly. Xander's jaw clenched and unclenched as he struggled to maintain his calm. He could feel some sort of mist in the room growing thicker, it was choking him a little at a time. He wanted to cough to clear it out of his body, but sensed that coughing would only pull it deeper into him somehow. So he cleared his throat a little and wriggled in his chair.

"Something wrong?" Billy asked coyly, but Xander shook his head and wriggled a little more. "Xander, I think it would be best for all of us if you just relaxed and let yourself sort of move into the moment if you know what I mean. Just go with the flow?" Xander's eyes were bulging slightly in his effort to control his breathing, the mist was growing thicker, he could hardly see through it. Prophet inhaled deeply on his ciggy and coughed a little, hoping none of that misty shit was around him.

Suddenly Xander could not control it anymore and he began to hack and choke, big gasping gulps of air filling his lungs, filling him with the mist, filling him with what he feared most. His brain was on fire, burning and God it hurt! He grasped his head, still choking, fighting to breathe and he blinked again and again, trying to see through the mist. He fell back against the chair, panting, in such pain he couldn't begin to express himself verbally. Odd and terrifying visions flashed through his mind. He could see what looked like a huge bonfire and people around it being sucked into the ground or some damn thing.

Xander screamed in horror and tried to crawl away from the demon, only to realize that it was IN him, not around him. It was like a fire, licking at his cranium, and as realization dawned on him, it was too late to stop anything. "Just toss it in," one of the people near the fire called, "toss them all in." Xander shook his head fervently, but what he knew, moreover, what he FELT was being burned. He could feel an animal inside coming to the surface, primordial Xander rising into consciousness. And as he blacked out he realized his memories of what was good and pure, of love and Quinn, all of it was going up in flames.

He cried out finally, one short burst of noise and collapsed on the floor at Billy's feet. "That wasn't so bad was it?" He asked Prophet. Prophet was pouring himself another drink and shaking his head, "Not as bad as…well, not as bad as some of what I've seen before." "I think you'll find," Billy said standing and straightening the creases in his pants, "that I operate a little differently than your old pal David. I think it's time for a little bit of a change and frankly, I think I'm just the man to do it."

Winking at Prophet and wiping his hands together as if to say, "All done here…" Billy vanished.

Chapter 85:

Pietro was just plain pissed off that he was being called to baby sit Quinn again so soon. He knew that he couldn't really complain about it, but he also felt that he would rather be out drinking and maybe getting laid. But here he was with Quinn beside him again and he wanted to smack her. Why did she always have such an attitude? Why couldn't she just go with the flow? He shook his head, disgusted with her.

They stopped on the 3rd floor, the women's wing. He deposited her in room 326 and pulled up a chair outside the door, settling in to keep watch until he was relieved.

Quinn stood inside the door for a moment, staring at it, wondering what to do now. It had been ages since she was completely alone and she almost didn't know how to act. She turned slowly, looking over the room. It was lovely. It was wallpapered in a pastel flower pattern, sea foam green with variegated pink flowers. The bedspread and curtains and chair covers all matched and she touched everything lightly, enjoying the feel.

The carpet was a soft pink and she kicked off her shoes, wanting to feel it on her toes. She looked down and saw how filthy her feet looked compared to the pastel rug and she wrinkled her nose in disgust. She looked quickly around the room and saw what she was looking for, a bathroom.

She stood in the doorway with her mouth hanging open. There was a Jacuzzi tub, double sinks, lighted mirrors, a toilet and bidet (which she had only ever heard about). The floor was tiled with more large pink rugs covering it. She ran her hand over the marble countertop, unable to take it all in. It was the most beautiful room she had ever seen in her life. She shut the door, locking it firmly behind her and moved to the bathtub, praying silently as she turned the knob.

Hot water came out immediately and began to fill the tub. She gingerly pulled a bottle from the edge and sniffed it. "Mmmm, roses," she sighed, pouring some into the water. It began to bubble up and the room began to steam, Quinn knew she was supposed to be distressed, but if this was the last thing she ever did before she died, she would take it. She pulled off her road weary clothes and dropped them in a heap, kicking at them with disdain.

She stepped into the tub, which was scalding and sighed deeply. She lowered herself into it and laid back, washing her hair. Some 20 minutes later, when she had shampooed, shaved, lathered and soaked to her hearts content she drained all the water and re-filled the tub, turning on the Jacuzzi. She sat there for more than an hour, relaxing and feeling the age leave her body.

Finally satisfied she drained the tub again and towel dried her bright pink skin. She searched through the drawers and found what she was looking for, a brush, a hairdryer, lotion and a toothbrush. Busily she set to work, fixing herself up and enjoying every minute of it. "God, I never knew electricity was so wonderful," she told herself, smiling at the gorgeous young woman in the mirror. Wrapping a towel around herself she emerged from the steamy room, looking cautiously for any intruders. Since there was no one in the room she emerged, now enjoying the feel of the plush rug under her clean feet.

She rummaged through the drawers and found clean undergarments (all her size) and although she wanted to be dressed, she could not resist the silk nightgown she found in a rose scented drawer. She looked at herself in the mirror and was amazed that she looked so adult. "Who are you?" She asked herself. She roamed slowly around the room, looking in drawers and touching everything.

Ultimately, the bed beckoned to her and she could not resist its call. She crawled into the mammoth thing, pulling a down comforter over her tired limbs and falling instantly asleep.

Chapter 86:

Xander stood just inside the bedroom door. The scent of roses was overpowering, and it was also exciting. He could see her shape in the bed, but she was asleep. He moved quietly across the room and gazed down at her. He smiled wickedly and pulled back the comforter, sliding in beside her.

She moaned and sighed, reaching out for him in her sleep and curling into him. She awoke enough to know he was there and she sniffed him lightly, her nose against his arm. He was clean. The thought made her blood heat up a little and she wanted to see him. She sat up and looked down on him. His facial hair was gone and she was startled by how young he looked. Somehow he had always seemed older to her.

His hair was cut, trim and tidy and clean. It was still damp and she leaned down, burying her whole face in it. Inhaling his scent, kissing his temples she felt about to burn up. She pulled the cover off his chest and looked down at him, battle scarred, tanned and muscled. He was everything she had ever dreamt a man should be. He reached up to caress her face and she kissed his palm.

It seemed like all time had lead to this moment, this joining of man and woman. Two clean bodies made for loving each other. They rolled together in the sheets, naked and wild then gentle, neither of them uttering a word. They made love well into the night and when there was nothing left to give of her body, Quinn's thoughts turned to love. She kissed Xander's face, his lips and memorized every crease of his skin from head to toe. She smiled at him, "Are you afraid?" "Not anymore." "I am. I'm scared of the things I don't know. I'm scared it's going to hurt when I die. I'm scared that I'll be alone." He looked at her, impassively, but when she bent and laid her head on his chest he gathered her to him. "I guess everything happens like it's supposed to, right?"

"It seems to." Xander replied, sitting up to kiss her head, he pushed her gently away and rose. Turning to face her, he smiled at her confused look, "Where are you going?" "I have to be on duty in an hour." She pulled the covers over her chest, "On duty? What… Xander? What's going on?" He shrugged and stretched, reaching for his pants, "What's to understand? I have to be on duty, at the front gates, in an hour. It's my job remember?" Quinn mutely shook her head, opening her mouth, but nothing more than a squeak coming out.

He sat down on the bed to slip on his shoes, "Don't get all whiny on me okay? I can come back after I'm off if you want me to. I wouldn't mind another roll in the sack before they chop off your head." Quinn made another choking noise and reached out with both hands, touching his shoulders. "Did you know that's what they are planning? Cutting off your head? Ouch! Man, I came pretty close to being up there with you. That would have really sucked."

He stood up then, pulling on his shirt and it was only then that Quinn saw his uniform. She crossed her hands over her chest and tried to breathe but the world was fading in and out. "Hey there," Xander leaned over and pulled her to her feet, admiring her naked body with his hands and his eyes, "I knew you'd over-react, you always do. It's just like this Quinn, you don't belong to me and you never will. You're not worth losing my life." With that he released her and left the room.

Quinn dropped to the side of the bed in astonishment. She couldn't think, she couldn't breathe and she wanted to die. God, she was so embarrassed, he had used her and lied to her and she thought… "I almost told him I love him!" She stood and ran into the bathroom, falling to the floor and heaving into the toilet. Her world was turning upside down and just as she had feared, she was alone.

Chapter 87:

Sally came into consciousness with a terrible weight on her heart. She knew that she was the only one who could stop this madman from slaughtering her children, and yet she didn't know how to manage that task. Every time she touched him, or he touched her for that matter she melted into a primal animal. There was nothing she could do about it. Right now he was with her, next to her but she could sense that he was not in his body. He was too still, too peaceful.

She looked at him, wanting to hate him, needing to feel that inside of her, but all she could manage was a deep compassion for this lost soul. He had ruined her life, but she guessed hers was not the only life affected by this man. She needed a spell, a totem, some protection from him, like kryptonite. Her body ached from the sex with him, but she was helpless to stop once he kissed her.

"Oh My God," she prayed fervently, "Please give me something to protect myself from this man so that I can end his life. Forgive me for wanting to kill him, but give me the strength to do it, amen." She was unsure where they were, it seemed that they were traveling to where her son and daughter were, but HOW they were traveling she could not figure out. Time had lost its meaning for her, there was no day and no night, just this present moment.

She knew they would arrive soon. The last time David had been present (she could not quantify it with a time or place) he had been raging about someone named Billy. He was threatening to kill him, to kill Quinn, to rip Xander apart limb by limb (whoever Xander was). Sally was glad that his rage had not been focused on her. She felt this building energy in her, that something really awesome was about to occur in her life, but she could not name it. She ached to see Samantha, and it was her greatest hope that she would get to touch her son at least once before she died, but at this point she mainly wanted them to live, even if it meant she had to die.

"Woman," the voice was outside of her, and within her and a part of her and she didn't fear it. "Woman can you find a place where you were filled with love? Can you find a moment in time that you have kept within your heart? Can you pull that moment into your mind and hold it there without letting him see? If you can do this, you will have the protection you ask for." Sally blinked, and tears fell from her eyes, her heart believed that she was being addressed by the Holy Spirit, because that was her faith.

"Do you have such a moment?" the voice insisted. It only took her a moment to reply, "Yes! I have such a moment." "Can you hide it from him? Can you be strong of spirit and mind?" "I think I can." Sally said softly, not entirely sure of herself where David was concerned. "Will this help you be sure?"

Sally felt herself falling swiftly or flying or something she couldn't put a finger on. She threw out her arms in a defensive gesture to try and catch herself, and as she vaguely touched David's arm she knew that he was some sort of portal and she had just been sucked into him…or through him, she wasn't sure. She became aware of a light that was no more than a pinprick in the distance. It was stretching and growing as she moved toward it, until she was in the light and then on the other side of it. She was standing in a bedroom of some sort and she could hear a male voice humming.

She looked around, but could not identify the place or the voice. All of a sudden a man emerged from another room; he was the hummer. He froze in his tracks, staring at her. She was also frozen in place, struck by the man's blue eyes and lovely blonde hair. "Mom?" The realization that this was Paul moved Sally in a way she had never thought possible. The love that filled her was too great to be held in by her mind and the light streamed from her.

The young man looked stricken, but he took another step toward her, "Are you dead, mom?" She shook her head, choking on her words, "No, no I'm not dead. Paul?" He was wringing a towel in his hands, and in his eyes tears were welling up and spilling down his face unchecked. "I can't believe it…how is this possible?" He reached out to touch her and when she felt his hand on her face she flew to him, wrapping him in her arms.

The smell of her assaulted Paul and he sobbed helplessly against her. She began to tell him all the things she had been wanting to tell him for so long, a steady rambling stream that was music to his ears.

"I love you so much and I'm so sorry for what happened. It was all my fault. I should have come after you but I was afraid for my own life. I know it's not any kind of excuse Paul, I'm so sorry." "Mom, Mom, it's okay," he soothed, holding her as tightly as she held him. He laughed a little at her urgency, "It's all gonna be fine. I love you too, I'm so glad to see you I've missed you so much."

She pulled away to look at him and kiss his face, touching the stubble on what had once been her young son's cheek. "Paul, I can't believe it. I've waited so long to see you, to touch you. You're more handsome than I imagined." He blushed and gave her an "Aw Mom" look. She held him at arms length and looked him over from head to toe, wanting to see and know each part of him, wanting to remember all of him and all of this moment if for some reason they should never meet again.

"Why are you here?" Paul asked quietly. She explained the situation to him briefly. "Samantha is on her way here? Now?" He smiled broadly, but it quickly faded and a look of concern darkened his features as he shook his head, "It's too precarious here now. Especially if David knows she's coming here. Oh man, this is so bad." He walked to the bed and sat down. She joined him and held his hands in her lap. "Paul? I want you to know that I have always loved you very much. You are my only son. You are the last gift your father left me. You and Samantha are my life."

Paul looked at her with so much love in his face that Sally knew she could die right now and be happy. "I tried to forget about you. I tried to pretend you were dead. I tried to hate you Mom. I couldn't do it. I love you too, and I always have and I always will." Sally could feel a pull in her mind and she knew their time was almost over. She dreaded leaving him. She hugged him to her, "Take care of yourself, and protect your sister. She needs you. As soon as she arrives, leave this place…promise?" She felt him nodding and kissed him briefly. "My son. I am so proud of you." He felt her leaving, felt her becoming air in his arms and he felt his heart breaking again. "Mom! Don't go! Please don't go yet!" He saw her smile at him and blow a kiss and then she was gone.

Sally came back into what she now imagined was her body and although she was saddened that she would not see Paul again, she felt complete by having touched him and said the words that needed to be said. Now she knew she would have the strength she needed to keep that moment in her mind as she had been told. So that was what she would use to protect herself from him, but how was she ever going to get away?

Chapter 88:

Paul sat stunned on the edge of his bed. It was too much to believe. His mother had been sitting right there next to him. He raised his hands to his face and inhaled deeply, smelling her scent on his warm skin. He smiled, it had not been a dream. He lay back on the bed, his thoughts spinning wildly out of control. Samantha was coming. How in the world did she know where to find him when he had been looking for her for so long?

There was a sudden harsh knock at the door and Paul started, jumping quickly up and swinging his door wide. Before he had a chance to breathe Xander's fist smashed into his face and threw him back across the room. Paul felt blood pouring from somewhere and tried to focus on what was happening. Xander was moving swiftly across the room and before Paul could react Xander's hand was wrapping in Paul's hair and pulling him to his feet.

Paul finally began to struggle, not fully understanding what was causing all of this rage. He brought his hands together and clasped them, bringing them up with all the power he could muster. They caught Xander's chin and he let go of Paul's head in surprise. He stumbled back a few steps and, panting, smiled menacingly at Paul, "I have wanted to kick your ass for so long!" Paul let a look of confusion cross his face, "Why? What did I do?"

"What did you do? Oh, that's rich." He put his hands on his hip and tilted his head to the side in feigned thought, "Let's see… You captured me, tied me up, allowed me to be abused by all the other men all the way into camp, and left me to the wolves once we were here. Is that enough of a reason for you?" It finally dawned on Paul that Xander was no longer in Chosen custody and his brows drew together in concern, "Why are you here? Did you escape?"

Xander let a slow sensual smile spread on his face and he tossed his head, still not completely used to his short hair. "You'd like that wouldn't you? You'd just love a chance to kill me because I busted into your room and tried to attack you. Well, let's just say I've seen the error of my ways Paul. I've seen the light, I'm going with the flow, rolling with the punches, whatever…"

Realization hit Paul in the gut and he knew that Xander was not a good man anymore, if he ever had been. That meant that Quinn and Samantha were in more exigency than ever. It might also mean that Paul was at risk, depending on whether or not Xander could see into Paul. That was what Paul needed to find out and fast. "You know, if I had the chance to do it all over again…I think I might even help those guys beat on you." Paul said coolly, and as rage contorted Xander's face he knew he had pushed the right button.

Xander flew at him and they both fell to the floor, rolling into the dresser and knocking it into the wall. "You're just pissed…" Xander spat through clenched teeth, "because Quinn slept with me and not you." Paul paused, long enough for Xander to slam his fist into his face again, and then he rolled onto the top of Xander. "She slept with you?" Paul was shocked, and amazed and suddenly a lot of things were beginning to make sense. Xander was smiling proudly, even though there was blood running into his mouth from a cut on his cheek. "See, I knew you were jealous." Paul thought quickly and then leapt up, moving across the room because he knew he was really going for the jugular. "What makes you think you're the only one she's slept with?" Xander stopped and stared murderously at Paul, "What? What do you mean? What do you know?"

Paul spoke slowly and calculatingly trying to read every emotion that passed over Xander's face. "Well, I knew she wasn't a virgin when I had her…I just never dreamed you were the one that popped her cherry. But, sloppy seconds were good too." He shrugged as if what he was saying were true, but not a big deal. He watched Xander carefully, and what he saw was surprising, but not altogether unexpected. The emotions passed unchecked over his face.

Xander was enraged, but below that was something deeper and much more hidden. It was pain. This news was hurting Xander somewhere deep inside. Then Paul realized that the jealousy and the love for Quinn were turning swiftly to anger and being swallowed by this new abrasive Xander. "I'll kill her." It was simply said. As a matter of fact, it was said so calmly that for a moment Paul was stunned.

Xander was out the door before Paul could think about stopping him. As Paul ran for the door it slammed shut, and try as he might, he could not get it to open. Apparently it was not up to him anymore. He went into the bathroom to see how badly he was injured, and as he gazed at himself in the mirror he had a vision of Samantha coming on horseback. She was with two other men, and Paul wondered hopefully if these men could help. He wasn't sure he could do this alone anymore.

Chapter 89:

"Samantha?" Solomon shook her gently, not wanting to startle her. "Sam?" She opened her green eyes and peered at him sleepily. "We're there." Her eyes opened wide and she sat up straight, peering ahead in abject terror. She glanced around quickly for Lucas and found him just behind them. He had a mirthless look on his face and he was nervously chewing on his lower lip. Solomon hugged her gently and lifted her onto the ground.

Lucas also dismounted and as she joined them on the ground she felt like she might pass out. She grabbed Lucas' arm and held onto him tightly. He gave her a peculiar look and she smiled wanly, trying to get her strength back. They seemed to be hiding behind the horses, and that was fine. Solomon stretched and rubbed his temples, trying to find the energy to face this situation ahead. Lucas was squinting into the distance, looking for something amiss, but nothing was.

"Well?" Samantha asked at last. "We wait here until it gets dark and then we enter the city one at a time with other groups." Solomon instructed. "There will be people along soon, I feel it." "But I'll be taken to the women's facilities and then how will I get out?" Samantha felt panic rising in her chest and she didn't know how long she could remain calm. There were moments when she wanted to scratch Solomon's eyes out. He was always so nonchalant, so damned calm and together, she was just sick of it.

"We will meet in the welcome hall." Solomon said, giving her a dark glance for her mean thoughts, "Just stand off to the side after they take your information and wait for us. They only take people from the welcome hall at the end of the day. You'll be safe until then." "How do you know this?" Lucas blurted out, "How in the hell do you know all of this Solomon?" Samantha nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I'm a little sick of being in the dark myself." Solomon smiled at them, "In case you can't tell, you are already being affected by the darkness here. You are at my throat and I haven't changed, only your perception has changed because of the depth of evil here. Try to stay lighthearted. It will help you focus on your jobs ahead, and keep you in the light."

Lucas looked pensive, and then realized Solomon had not been wrong yet. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize it would affect me like that. I'll stay focused on what I know, instead of what I don't know for now." Samantha put her hands on her hips, still unsure and feeling a little like this was some good `ol boy club that she was not a part of. She looked from one to the other of them, waiting for more instructions, but noticed that none were forthcoming. "Fine. What should I do?" Samantha blurted out.

Solomon took her hands and led her to the very edge of the slope they were standing on. "Walk straight down this hill and when you are about Ľ of a mile from the entrance, sit down like you have had a leg cramp. Rub your leg or back or whatever until someone comes along. Then go in with them and you will be directed where to go. We will meet you there, Sam. We won't let them have you." She turned teary eyes to him, "I'm so afraid. So many things could go wrong. What if Paul is dead? What if this `Quinn' is dead? We are putting our lives at risk for nothing." "Do you believe any of what you just said?" Solomon questioned quietly. After a small hesitation Samantha shook her head, "No, I just…I'm just scared." "Trust me, I"ll be with you every step of the way." And with that he gave her a gentle push along the way. She kept walking resolutely and never turned around once.

Solomon returned to Lucas and they decided it was time to hide the horses and split up. Lucas was also terrified, but the drive to find Quinn before it was too late kept him going. They shook hands under a tree and Lucas shyly thanked Solomon for all of his help. "Why are you thanking me now?" "Well, you know, just in case…" Lucas trailed off. "There won't be a `just in case'," Solomon said with a smile, then he turned and began walking down the slope in a different direction. Lucas watched him for a while before he, too, turned and headed off. "I pray you're right." He whispered to no one in particular, "I certainly pray you're right."

Chapter 90:

David was watching Sally with a great deal of interest. She was sitting in a lotus position on the ground and appeared to be meditating. This bothered him deeply because he knew Sally was actually a devout Catholic and this was not a normal behavior for her. He reached himself out to her and although he still found her, she was very far away. This irritated him. Apparently she was meditating to remove herself from his reach and that was 100% unacceptable.

Although David was not in any way bonded with Sally, he knew he needed her if he wanted to control her children. He knew time was running out…maybe not running out, but it was definitely moving swiftly. He could no longer calculate the days that were passing. Time seemed to melt and swirl around him, mixing into one long hellish moment. David felt an urgent need to be in Central City right now, but traveling in the ethereal plane was a lot more difficult with Sally.

She could not fully comprehend what was happening, and therefore she could not help him move them along more quickly. He regarded her with disdain. He was sick of having sex with her. That had become a boring pass time. It was mostly because even though he knew she enjoyed being with him, he always had to use his "touch" to make her want him. He wanted her to be with him because she at least partially craved him. But Sally was just the fringe of his unhappy hat.

The main reason he was not enjoying much of anything anymore was this new and infinitely upsetting presence of `Billy.' David instinctively knew that he was being replaced and although this filled him with a deep rage, there was nothing he could do to stop it. He wondered why he wasn't gone already. The lack of control in so many lives was making him vulnerable. Feeling the need to harm someone or something he left Sally alone in her lotus position and returned to the physical plane.

He could feel that they were very near Central City. A day, maybe two and they would be there…home. He was standing in a small valley and snow was falling steadily. He looked at the wonder around him, the earth blanketed with snow. White as a cloud, it seemed to swallow all sounds. The terrain was sloping softly, not a tree in sight. He shifted his eyes around, feeling a little…what was it? Nervous. He was feeling nervous and that was completely unlike him.

David stretched out, reaching around him for someone. He could sense nothing. He reached deep inside himself and dipped into his well of hate, letting it race through his body like a deadly drug. Armored comfortably, he extended himself again, waving through the space around his body like an octopus. He sensed nothing.

Although the land was pure, almost holy, the sky was dark and ominous, and David felt that he was completely alone, except he wasn't. David spun around, looking for the presence he could sense, but not see. "Who is it?" he yelled, allowing the anger to show clearly in voice and expression. "What are you?" There was no immediate answer, but David was getting the feeling that he had descended into the wrong place. This wasn't Earth, he was almost sure of it. He tried to lift himself back up…or out, but nothing moved. The feeling of nervousness was swiftly consuming him and he felt a complete lack of control.

From behind a tree, (where had the tree come from?) a man stepped into view. David squinted, trying to identify the presence. "Who the hell are you?" In a blink the man had materialized in front of David's face, so close he yelped and jumped back. It was then that he recognized the do-gooder, and all of his nervousness disappeared. "YOU?!" Lucas smiled, not at all affected by David's ire. Here they were equals and he had a bone of contention to pick with dear ol' David. "Miss me?"

David laughed deeply and the sound was frightening, but Lucas' gaze never wavered. "We have some things to discuss my good man." Lucas could sense the rage coiling inside David like a serpent, but it did not touch the sense of calm he was feeling. David sprung like a mouse trap, throwing a punch, an upper cut that should have displaced Lucas and thrown him backward, but David's hand flew right through him and he managed to knock himself off balance. Stumbling, and confused, David whirled, his eyes searching Lucas' face for some explanation. Lucas beamed.

"How does it feel to be helpless David? Do you like it? I have a feeling you better get used to it." David growled, "You have no idea what you are dealing with. You…mortal! You waste of DNA!" Lucas lifted his arms to his sides and looked down at himself, "Do I look like I am mortal right now? Please. Don't insult your own intelligence. If I were mortal you would be able to touch me, wouldn't you? What's happening to you David? What's happening to your power? Is it being drained away by something?"

Taking a couple of calculated steps, Lucas bent his arms and tapped his chin with one finger, "Hmmm, let me think. What could possibly be draining you of your power?" He turned back to David and his eyes lit with sudden recollection, "Oh, now I remember! It's me!" He watched a shadow of disbelief move slowly over David's face and smiled.

"You know, if you are going to go gallivanting around the ethereal plane, you better be careful whose dreams you step into." Lucas lifted his eyebrows, "Know what I mean?" David was shaking his head, "No, I'm just dreaming. This isn't real. You're not even real; I killed you. I can leave here, anytime I want." His voice had risen to a high, petulant whine, betraying his fear.

"Wouldn't it just SUCK to die in MY dream world? Wouldn't you just hate to have that kind of a day??" Lucas smiled broadly, flashing his teeth at David. David was smiling a little crooked smile that belied his inner doubts. "It must be a comfort to have those type of delusional thoughts. But what if you were stuck here forever? What if you were stuck here, with me, forever?" David's face fell, just slightly, just enough to allow Lucas to see that he believed him.

"I want to let you know what's been going on while you've been…um…amusing yourself with Sally. The story seems to have gotten a little confusing…but let's see if we can't straighten it out a little." Lucas splayed his hands and counted on his fingers, "Sally wants you dead. You want Sally dead. Someone will win that fight and I just can't wait to see that. Here's the kicker, though …she's seen Paul. I mean, JUST seen him…so you gotta know her hankering to have you dead is pretty strong right now."

David's face was etched in stone. He stood still, listening, and trying desperately to get out of this world. He reached out in every way he knew, yearning to be free of this man and his virginal snow-covered dream world. Lucas moved slowly around David, measuring him with his eyes.

"Quinn and Xander are in Central City, which I am sure you already know. You can relax about Xander though, because he is Billy's new buddy." David stiffened, "What do you know about Billy?" "Tch, tch, all things in good time," Lucas scolded, "Quinn is…well, let's just say she is waiting. Paul hasn't been on your side for quite some time. But did you even know that? I don't think you did. That just thrills me to my toes. Man, how does it feel to just sort of sink into anonymity?"

David was glowing a deep red, his hate emanating from him. Lucas could feel him growing stronger, the hate fueling him like a rocket. He hurried on, "Samantha is in the city now, but she snuck in no one knows that but me and you. She really screwed you over didn't she?" David could feel himself growing stronger, becoming more…tangible. More real, and that meant he was free to do what needed to be done here. He saw a moment of doubt in Lucas' eyes and knew he could leave at any moment. He moved toward Lucas and reached out to touch him.

His hand felt like it was on fire. He screamed and drew back, looking at himself with disbelief. "YOU WILL NOT TOUCH THIS ONE AGAIN!" The voice threw him to the ground and trod over him. He felt the wind leaving his chest and gasped, his eyes rolling in his head. His brain threatening to create it's own exit hole through the top of his skull. "HE IS OURS!" David tried to nod, wanting to let them know that he understood what was being said, but when he did a darkness fell on him and he allowed himself to be carried away.

Chapter 91:

Lucas sat up, shivering and making little gasping noises. He looked around, wide eyed, trying to familiarize himself with his surroundings. He swallowed, and tried to breathe deeply as he realized he was back. He was sleeping against a tree. It was snowing and he was so achy. He stood stiffly and stretched. His muscles groaned and protested. "Hey there!" Lucas swiveled, fear gripping his stomach like an iron glove. "Are you going into the city?"

He focused on the soldier, atop a jet black horse. The soldier was looking at him curiously, waiting for an answer. "Yes. Yes I am. I guess I just dozed off for a little while." Lucas indicated the tree, "It's more comfortable than it looks." The Chose smiled and offered his hand to Lucas, "You can ride in with me." Lucas took the proffered hand and swung up. "My name is Chazz." "Lucas. Nice to meet you, Chazz."

Chazz urged his horse forward and began speaking, "Will you be joining up?" Lucas hesitated, "I don't know for sure yet. I haven't decided." Chazz nodded, "Yeah, I hear you. I'm thinking of doing something else myself. It's a hard life. You got any family?" Lucas thought about that for a minute. "Yeah, I've got a family. You?" "I've got a son. He's in the city. You know, in the school. I don't see him much."

Chazz's head went down for a minute; Lucas felt his extreme emptiness radiating from him. "He's a good kid, though. Really smart, and looks just like his mom." Chazz shook his head, clearing away the pain. "Anyway, if you need a friend while you're here, let me know. I know this city inside and out." Lucas smiled at the back of his head and rolled his eyes upward, "Thank you," he mouthed to the sky.

Chapter 92:

Quinn was standing in the most luxurious room she had ever seen. The walls were papered in silk and there were tapestries that looked ancient hanging on them. The drapes were thick and pooling on the floor at the bottom of the windows in an artful way. The furniture was antique, much older than anything Quinn had ever seen in her travels. The room was gilded in such a way that Quinn could not stop looking around. Her mouth was slightly open and she resembled a child in a candy store.

Her hair was swept back in a loose chignon and tendrils curled gently around her face, now devoid of any grime. "Please, sit down." She was startled by the voice and jumped, looking quickly for its owner. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Her eyes met his and she looked quickly down, taking a seat in the chair behind the desk. Her hands gathered in her lap and she picked nervously at her fingernails.

Billy looked at her, a wave of heat sweeping through him like wildfire and he understood what had driven Xander. He suddenly knew what madness had gotten David off track. This small woman was responsible. He sat on the edge of his desk in front of her, one leg dangling. His eyes swept down the length of her, she was shapely, her hair shiny and luxurious. But it was the face, her eyes in particular that moved him. She darted glances at him from her lowered eyes, not knowing what to expect.

"I'm terribly sorry that I had to separate you and Xander." He began. She raised her head and he saw that he had mistaken her shyness. Her eyes were burning with hatred. Her lips pressed tightly together. "Don't be sorry. Xander has never brought me anything but grief. You deserve each other." He smiled, "I'm glad to see you haven't lost your spirit. That would have been a tremendous, shall we say, disappointment?" He stood and moved to the side of her chair, feeling her stiffen at his proximity. "Now, shall we discuss your other friends?" He pressed a hand to the top of her head, gently trying to tap into her.

"I think you'll find that I'm not that easy anymore." It was Billy's turn to stiffen at her tone. "I let David get to me once and that's how I ended up with Xander in the first place. No, I don't think I'll be letting anyone in for quite a while." Billy grasped her upper arms and pulled her to her feet. He could feel himself losing control of the situation, but was not sure how to stop. He pulled her to his chest and looked down at her upturned face. "You can do whatever you want with my body. But you will NEVER get at what's inside me."

Billy lowered his lips to hers and kissed her, allowing himself to inhale her scent. Her lips parted for him and she permitted the kiss. She enjoyed it fully, as a matter of fact. He was very desirable. But when he pulled away he saw that he had not touched her eyes. The longing was not there. Her body was warmed to him, but her eyes were frigid. "Don't look so surprised. What do you think I've been doing, locked in my room for days? Pining for Xander? I got over that very quickly. What is the loss of one more person I love?"

Billy saw his window of opportunity. "Ahh, you must be referring to Lucas. Well, my dear, I have to let you in on a little secret." She gazed at him, indifferent, "Oh, please enlighten me." Billy leaned close in a conspiratorial fashion. "He's not dead." He whispered it, but it's effect was loud and clear. She swallowed hard, trying to hold her breathing calmly. "Oh? Since when? Was this before or after I saw his brains all over the side of the cliff?" He could feel her body tensing like a violin string, "He was …hmmm…how shall I explain this? He was redeemed."

Quinn's heart was beating madly. Lucas, Lucas, Lucas her mind hummed. "Is that supposed to matter to me? I'm going to die, remember? Why should I care?" Billy grinned like a cheshire cat. "Two reasons you should care. First of all, he's on his way here to rescue you because you are his Rapunzel, his Juliet, his Dulcinea, his Guenivere." Billy walked a few steps away and turned his back to let his words sink in. "The second reason is because I'm afraid you're going to have to watch him die all over again." Quinn sat back down. "You're lying. I know you're lying to me." "Well, let's just wait and see, shall we?"

"When are you going to kill me? Soon?" Billy was thrown off by the question. He returned to the edge of the desk. "Why dear? Do you want to die?" Quinn had to think about this for a moment. Last week she would have said, "Yes! Kill me now, life is too hard and I can't go on!" But now things were different. Now she had…well, she had the secret. She didn't want to think about the secret right now because she wasn't sure she could keep it a secret if Billy really tried to look inside her. "No one really wants to die." Quinn revealed. "Sometimes it's just not your choice. I just want to know how long. Is that so much to ask?" Billy looked at her, longing to kiss her again, but knowing that she was too much like a poison. "All things in good time my dear. Just hold your horses." "What kind of an answer is that?" Quinn stood, feeling angry for no reason at all, getting right in Billy's space. He matched her glare, their faces inches apart again.

Quinn was inspired, "Couldn't we…work something out?" She placed her hand on his chest and was thrilled to see a spark of longing in his eyes. "What did you have in mind?" She opened her mouth to answer him, but at that moment the door flew open and Xander charged in. He stopped and took in the scene. What he saw was Quinn in Billy's arms. His face was bleeding and cut, he looked like a rabid dog.

"Do you mind?" Billy raged. Xander's eyes shifted from Quinn to Billy. He was loyal to Billy, there was no doubt as their last meeting was fresh in his mind, but Quinn was his. Billy was irritated, that was plain to see, but not mad. Xander let his gaze fall back on Quinn. She had not moved one inch toward him. In fact, she seemed to be snuggling even closer to Billy. He had already missed the hurt look that touched her eyes and then retreated to a safe spot in her heart.

"You…" he spat at Quinn, "You whore!" Her eyes widened in surprise and she pulled from Billy's arms. She put her hands defiantly on her hips and looked him square in the eye, "YOU MADE ME THIS WAY!" Xander didn't have an answer for her. He stood there feeling like the wind had just dropped out of his sails. He wanted to kill her. He wanted to beat her until she swore she loved him and only him. He wanted to drag her from here and make passionate love to her. He just couldn't make a decisive move.

Quinn knew she was not a whore. She had only slept with one man and he was standing in front of her. Her body was aching at the sight of him. Her heart pounded painfully in her chest as she gazed at him. He made her angrier than she had ever felt in her life, but he made her body sing. She loved him still, even if he had become Chosen. She knew for him there was no choice; his mind had been deceived. She pushed all of these thoughts away, focusing on the moment. She knew she had to make a choice here. She had to show her loyalty one way or another and right now, protecting herself was the most important thing in her life.

Whirling, she moved back to Billy and placed her hands on his chest, "Billy, please, get him out of here." She lowered her head onto his chest and sagged as if she had no energy left to fight. It worked. Billy flung up his hand and a moment later Xander was being swept from the room by a powerful unseen force. Xander howled in pain and anger. Quinn's heart lurched, but she tried to remain apathetic. The doors slammed. Quinn knew she was dealing with the devil, but her options were limited right now and if Lucas was, in fact, coming for her, she needed to stay alive until he got here.

Billy cleared his throat as if he had been interrupted by a phone call. "Now, where were we? Oh, yes…you wanted to work something out. I think I might have a few ideas to toss around. Perhaps we can come to a mutual understanding." Quinn smiled weakly and sank back into the chair, feeling that she had just made the biggest mistake of her life.

Chapter 93:

Samantha was shaking all over. She had never been so terrified in her life. She was standing in a long line of people, waiting to be "signed in." She had come into the city with a group of 4 men and 2 women and 3 kids. She was accepted by them immediately and was subjected to their ramblings about why life in the City was going to be so much better than life elsewhere. It incensed her, and drove her on. They were moved to the welcome center, just like Solomon had said would happen. And now she was in line.

She had been given a number, then a thorough scrubbing in a bathing area. She was fitted for a dress (hers was green like her eyes) and then she had been herded into a medical area. There they had taken a sample of her blood to test for diseases, and given her a physical from one end to the other. She was in perfect health they told her. When she stepped up to the table she would give them her number and they would get the results of her blood tests.

The next step was to give them her biological/genealogical information so she could be catalogued and given a "house". Then she would wait until evening when they served a meal and then came to take everyone to their new homes. She was in shock. She couldn't imagine living like this. Her eyes roamed the room, looking for the familiar faces she was longing for. Her eyes rested on a particularly tall, blond guard. He had just entered the building from the back and he was anxiously scanning the new arrivals.

His eyes jumped over her and across the room and then back to her again. His eyes, which were bright blue, widened in surprise and delight. Samantha almost choked, she wanted to scream out his name and run to him, but it would kill them both. She smiled at him and tears coursed down her cheeks. He smiled back at her and nodded as if to say, "It's going to be fine." He began making a leisurely patrol around the room, stopping occasionally to chat with someone or ask a question here and there.

Her eyes never left him for a moment. Her brother. She was looking at her own flesh and blood, her brother, her baby brother. Her mind was racing. He was making his way in her direction a little at a time. She was almost to the table now, but nowhere near as afraid. She knew Paul would step in and help her if something happened. But nothing was going to happen, Solomon had told her it would all be okay.

"Next," came the cry from behind the table. She stepped up and handed a woman her number. The woman smiled at her briefly and began to look for her medical chart. She opened it up and began scanning through the notes inside. "No genetic defects, no diseases, no serious illnesses…ahhh…and you're pregnant. How wonderful! Congratulations!" Samantha opened her mouth and a squeak slipped out, "What? What did you just say?" "You're in perfect health and you're pregnant…honey, didn't you know?"

Samantha shook her head, "No,no,no,no,no…that can't be right are you sure that's my chart?" The woman smiled gently, "Don't be ashamed honey, there's a lot of single pregnant women here. With your medical history you should be proud. Your son or daughter will have a good placement when they are born." Samantha swooned and leaned on the table, it was too much to comprehend. "Guard!" the woman yelled, and Paul rushed over. He had been watching the whole scene and was terrified that something was wrong with Samantha.

"What's the problem here?" He took Samantha in his arms and held her close against his chest. "She's just found out she's having a baby, and I guess it was a bit much. Take her to one of the cots and let her lie down for a bit." Paul helped her to a cot in the far corner of the room and pulled a curtain around it. "Samantha!" He whispered urgently against her hair, holding her so tightly she could scarcely breathe. "Paul, my God, I'm so happy to see you!" She returned the affection, pulling his face down so she could kiss him.

"You are so tall, and so beautiful! I'm going to have a baby; did you hear that? I can't believe it!" He beamed at her, touching her hair and face, "You look so much like mom," he told her. "Mom's here? Have you seen Mom?" "It's a long story and I'll tell you about it later. Mom is not here, but I have seen her." "Did you know I was coming? The way you looked around when you walked was like you knew I would be here." He grinned sheepishly, "Mom told me you were coming, so I've been checking every day. But today I had a good feeling that you would be here."

"Who is the baby's father?" Paul asked innocently, "is he here with you?" Samantha sat down hard. It had not occurred to her to think about David at all. "He…he was just some man I met on the way here. No one of consequence and it was a mistake to sleep with him. But I am glad I'm having a child, for that I will never be sorry." She prayed she was right. "When will your friends be here?" She drew her eyebrows together, "How did you know I had friends coming?" She shook her head and laughed, "Let me guess, Mom?"

"I told you it was a long story. Long, but a good one. I can't believe you are sitting here. I'm so thankful that you are alright." His smile was stunning, teeth as white as chalk, he was a very handsome young man and Samantha was surprised that he wasn't already involved with someone. "I better go hang out and wait for your friends. It's gonna look weird if I'm in here too long. I'll let you know when they get here." "Do you know what they look like?" He nodded. She gave him a quizzical look, but he shrugged and moved to the curtain. Turning halfway around he blew her a kiss and left her alone.

She lay back on the bed, trying to relax a little. It was so hard to believe that she was going to be a mother. It was scary. She knew David had powers and she wondered if their child would be blessed with the sweetness that was so common in her family, or the violence of his father. She prayed he would be like her brother. It was a lot to think about and her mind was so tired, it was not long before she was deeply asleep.

Chapter 94:

"We at Central City would like to thank everyone for your patience with us today." The red haired woman standing in front of them resembled a flight attendant. "It's not always easy to re-locate, and we want your transition to be as easy as possible." She smiled, allowing her captive audience to absorb her words. Her gentle southern accent was seductive and soothing. She was wearing a portable microphone, and her voice carried over the crowd. "Each of you has been thoroughly examined and hopefully all of your medical needs have been met. If anyone feels they still need medical observation please let us know now." She waited a moment, looking over the crowd for a signal from anyone.

Samantha looked nervously around. No one was making any noise of any kind and it was so unnatural. Paul leaned in to speak quietly into her ear, "Everyone who would have caused a problem has been sedated. That's why it's so quiet and seemingly calm." Samantha gave him a nervous look and he shrugged, "Hey, whatever works for the betterment of mankind right?" She turned her eyes back to the woman in front.

"My name is Charlene, and if you have any questions while we are on our guided tour, please be sure to let me know by raising your hand. You may have noticed the many soldiers around the room…" There was some nervous tittering as everyone looked cautiously at the guards. "These are The Chosen. You may refer to them as The Chosen. We do not call them soldiers or guards or watchmen or cops. We call them Chosen. If you need to address one man in particular, you may call him `Sir'." Samantha felt needles of apprehension poking her bladder, but she soothed them away, knowing Solomon would find her soon.

"The Chosen are here to protect us, and to uphold the laws within Central City. They are to be respected and treated with the utmost kindness. They have earned it." Charlene smiled, her teeth showing momentarily like a flash from a camera. "When we have completed our guided tour, each of you will be assigned a new home where you will meet with your home coordinator. Your coordinator will hand out the guidebook and answer any questions you may have."

"Guidebook? That's an interesting term. More like the rulebook. Rules for how not to get yourself killed." Samantha's face reflected the fear in her heart, "Paul? Are you serious? Oh, my God, these poor people." Paul patted her leg gently, "Try not to focus on anything right now. Let's just take care of business okay?" Sam nodded mutely and turned her attention back to Charlene.

"As soon as the guidebook has been explained you will each have a small mark put on you so that we will know which house you belong to. This is for your safety. Okay, well if there are no questions we will head out. Please get into rows by the back door there and follow me." Samantha stood slowly, her knees trembling. She looked around the room in terror. Where was Lucas? "I'll see you soon." Paul whispered into her ear and moved a short distance away.

Samantha was finding it hard to swallow. She was so apprehensive. She knew if she walked out these doors before Solomon and Lucas arrived she would never see them again. Paul had moved toward the front of the group and was speaking to another Chosen. He glanced at her from time to time and she tried to smile, but her mouth was so dry. Her mind was racing…she had to think of some way to delay this. She thought about screaming or running but she knew they would sedate her and then she would be no help.

It suddenly occurred to her that many of the people in this room knew she was pregnant. Certainly they would understand if she was too weak to go on the tour. Closing her eyes she began to imagine the taste of the food she had just eaten, she tried to picture it in her stomach. Samantha then began to picture herself getting sick, allowing her mind to fill with disgusting smells and thoughts of rotten food. She gagged.

The woman next to her glanced over and saw that she was weaving slightly, clutching her stomach and gagging. "Sir!?" the woman hollered and Paul rushed over. "She's going to be sick…" She indicated Samantha and Paul moved to her side. "Take it easy Miss, let's get you to the restroom." Samantha felt Paul at her side, felt herself being guided away from the group, but the urge to vomit was now consuming her and she could not feel relief at his presence.

Paul hauled her into a restroom, followed closely by one of the nurses. Samantha made it to the toilet just in time and began to wretch. "Is she gonna be okay?" Paul asked, trying to play the role of the ignorant man. "She'll be fine, just give her a minute." The nurse gently moved him out of the way and knelt beside Sam, giving her comfort with soft murmurings. Samantha felt that she might never return to an upright position. She couldn't think any more, all she wanted to do was rid her body of this wretched food. Paul leaned against the wall, waiting for them, intensely glad that he was not a woman.

Chapter 94:

Chazz had proven himself an amiable companion. Lucas found him knowledgeable, compassionate and funny. His reasons for wanting to leave Central City were simple, he missed his son and wanted to watch him grow. Once they entered city limits Chazz had taken Lucas to his suite of rooms and allowed him to bathe and eat. It felt like a bit of paradise to Lucas. Chazz also supplied him with clean clothes, and Lucas felt like a new man. "I'm probably breaking about 15 rules by doing this," Chazz laughed nervously, "But I want to show you around a little before I drop you at the Welcome Center."

For the next three hours Lucas was escorted around. Lucas had been enjoying himself, must to his own chagrin. He loved being with people again, and everyone he had met was actually very kind. It was amazing to Lucas that these people actually desired this kind of life. But Chazz admitted that most of them were followers rather than leaders, and as long as their life was comfortable they would live with some negative conditions.

Chazz took Lucas by the school where his son was. "What's his name?" Lucas asked cautiously, not sure how Chazz would feel about sharing too much of himself. Chazz glanced at Lucas, as if testing his curiosity, "His name Wyatt. He's only 9. My wife, she.." Chazz paused and grimaced, "She was killed by the Chosen. She didn't want to come here. After they shot her I didn't know what to do. But I wanted to be there for Wyatt. I wanted him to have a life, so this seemed like the thing to do."

Lucas nodded. "That's tough." Lucas wondered if he would be able to convince him to come away with them when the time came. "Do you wish you'd made another decision? Now?" Chazz looked closely at Lucas, "Why are you here exactly?" Lucas shrugged, "What do you mean?" "Well, I sense that you are looking for something. You're with me, but not 100%. I feel that you're a good man Lucas, I don't know why. But … and this is gonna sound nuts…when I was headed into town it was my horse that led me over to you. The damn thing just wouldn't listen to me."

Lucas laughed, "Chazz believe me, nothing surprises me anymore. And you're right, I am looking for someone, not something. She's being held here and I need to get her out of town. I have two other friends here and we're all here to help. We could help each other…if you're interested." Chazz was looking off into the distance, not sure how he had fallen into this man's path. "And you would help me get Wyatt?" "Yes. You could both come with us. I'm not sure where we're going, but we're leaving here." Chazz was nodding slowly.

Lucas's heart was pounding, he wanted Chazz to help, but he felt extremely vulnerable having revealed his plans to a virtual stranger. "Okay, what do we need to do?" Lucas heaved a sigh, "We need to find the Chosen named Xander. Do you know him?" Chazz's face fell. "Know him? Yeah, I know him. He's a killer. She's with him?" "I don't know, but I think they would keep them close together." Chazz smiled, "Well, that wasn't too tough. Xander stays in the same building I live in. Let's go find your lady."

Lucas reached out and took Chazz's arm, "Are you absolutely sure about this? They will kill you if we don't succeed you know." Chazz gripped Lucas's arm, "The only thing I have left is my son, and if I can't be with him then I might as well be dead anyway." Both men nodded to each other and in minutes they were in the building. Lucas could feel his guts knotting with anxiety as the moment of truth kept sneaking closer.

Chapter 95:

Solomon moved through the shadows in silence. He was feeling apprehensive and he knew it had to do with the energy of the city seeping into his soul. He had almost been caught twice already. His heart was pounding loudly. Driven as always by the unseen force within himself, he moved steadily toward the Welcome Center.

Hidden, he watched as the group exited the Welcome Center. Samantha was not with them. Solomon didn't know why she was still inside, but he was going to get her. He wondered only briefly where Lucas was. He felt that everything was going fine for Lucas, but he was definitely worried about Samantha.

He entered the Center unnoticed and quickly scanned the room. There were two women near the back of the room, both seemed to be nurses and they were filing, oblivious to Solomon's presence. Solomon closed his eyes and reached out, looking for Samantha. Suddenly he heard her in the bathroom, she was sick. He smiled, now understanding what had kept her.

Moving stealthily he crossed the room and slipped into the restroom. It was a large room with at least six stalls and marble tiling on the walls and floor. He immediately spotted Paul leaning against the wall, a grimace on his face. Solomon could see that there was another nurse in the stall with Samantha. Indecision gripped his heart as he searched for an answer to this newest dilemma.

He hesitated for only a moment; then with the speed of a jaguar he was in the stall. Before she could gasp in surprise his arm was around the nurse's neck. He closed his eyes, snapped it and killed her. He pulled her body from the stall and laid her on the floor. With a choked sob he stood, hands on his knees, trying to fight his own wave of nausea.

Paul moved to lock the bathroom door and then he held out his hand to Solomon. Solomon swallowed, pulled himself upright and faced him. The two men regarded each other and then, with timid smiles, embraced. "Have we met before?" Paul asked him. Solomon smiled, "It's possible." Samantha leaned out of the stall with an immense look of relief on her face. "I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep that up! Thank God you're here."

Both men moved to her and helped her to her feet. She looked at the dead nurse with some regret, "She was really a nice lady, it seems too bad that we had to do that." "I couldn't think of any other way…" Solomon trailed off. Samantha rinsed her face and mouth in the sink and turned to Paul. "Now what?"

Chapter 96:

Quinn was lying in her bed, the covers pulled up to her nose. She had a flicker of intuition stirring in her stomach and she couldn't sleep. She knew something was going on around her, something secret. Every fiber of her being was quivering with excitement and dread. Her breathing was shallow and she felt like the covers alone were holding her to the Earth.

So much had happened in the past few days. She couldn't stop to allow herself to dwell on it or her heart would break and she would be useless. Lucas was alive, and coming to find her. It was the only thing that gave her hope. She repeated it in her mind, like a mantra of faith. Everything would be okay once Lucas got here…unless of course, it wasn't.

She still couldn't believe that Xander had become such a monster. She was terrified of him now, and she hated him for being so weak. With him, her emotions ran the gambit. She couldn't trust any of them it seemed. In the days before his drowning incident she had found him very attractive, but the horror of who he was kept her mind in check. She couldn't forget the people he had murdered in cold blood, all because he was hunting her. The memory of his vicious smile when Joe was slaughtered froze her heart.

When he almost drowned she felt sure that he had changed, her anger had been swept away because she felt that God had threatened him and he was strong enough to change himself. She had been wrong. Quinn tried to block out the time she had spent in his arms, by his side, talking companionably with him. She thought that his obsession and desire for her had really saved him. It was juvenile she knew, but her growing love for him had drowned out all common sense.

She had made love to him. She knew every inch of his body intimately. If only she had been able to stop herself…or him. When they arrived in Central City she thought for sure that they would escape, that things would be fine and maybe they would spend the rest of their lives running, but they would be together. She knew now she was only deceiving herself. Still, she had never expected Xander to revert back to his old self…or maybe this was an even worse Xander.

He had carelessly talked about her murder, made love to her and then cast her off like his personal whore. She felt her face warm with humiliation and pulled the covers over her eyes. She would never forget the murderous look on his face when he burst into the room and she was in Billy's arms. He wanted to kill her, he wanted her dead. Perhaps she had been mistaken all along and it wasn't really love he felt for her at all, maybe it was simple lust and that was it.

Quinn began to build a little invisible wall of brick around her heart right then and there. "I was happier when I was completely alone." She muttered to herself, hoping she would believe it. She knew that Lucas was a pure man with only good intentions, and if he was in fact alive, he would truly want to save her. But she would never allow herself to love him. From this moment on she vowed she would not allow herself to love anyone.

She had convinced Billy that she would do anything he asked of her if he would leave her alive. She knew that he was a man as much as any other and could be persuaded to see things her way eventually. Prophet was watching her now, closely. She got a bad feeling from him. Although he was kind enough to her, there was a look in his eyes as if he were on the verge of sanity. Quinn didn't like it much.

Just at that moment there was a knock on her door and she jumped up. She peeked out and saw that it was indeed Prophet at the door right now. She opened it and allowed him in. "You're dressed…that's good. Billy wants to see you." "Okay," Quinn agreed, the butterflies in her stomach taking flight, "Let's go."

They took off down the hallway toward the escalators. As they rounded the corner Quinn caught sight of an attractive young man of the Chosen headed toward them. His partner dropped to one knee and began to mess with his shoe laces. Quinn couldn't really see him, but she felt her heart lurch slightly at the sight of the golden blond hair on his head. "Hey Chazz…" Prophet nodded at him as they passed.

"Who's this?" the man named Chazz asked, giving Quinn the once over. "None of your business…" Prophet said playfully, continuing down the hallway to the elevators. Chazz reached out and took Quinn's hand, holding her in place, "Pretty lady, you must tell me who you are." She glanced at Prophet who was facing the elevators and chuckling so that his shoulders moved up and down, "Ignore him Quinn, he's a heartbreaker." "Don't listen to Prophet, he's just an old fart!" Chazz protested. Lucas stood up behind Chazz, blocking Prophet's view.

"Quinn." He whispered. But she didn't need to hear him, she had known from the first second. No one stood that tall above her, no one else had hair that golden. Her heart was beating so furiously she was sure they could see it through her clothing. She wanted to scream, "Lucas! You're alive! How?" Instead, she focused her attention back on Chazz, "I'm Quinn, and you are?" "Smitten…" Chazz said back to her. He gripped her hand tightly and smiled at her.

Prophet busied himself with lighting a cigarette, ignoring the young people and their mindless flirtations. Lucas glanced quickly up and down the hallway. Seeing no one, he made a split second decision and rushed at Prophet. He brought the butt of Chazz's gun down hard into the back of Prophet's head. Prophet moaned and slumped to the floor, dropping his cigarette.

The elevator dinged open and the three of them jumped in and headed toward the first floor. "This is gonna be bad." Chazz said softly as the door closed, hiding Prophet from view.

Chapter 97:

David wanted to laugh out loud. Central City was directly in front of them. He didn't think they were going to make it in time. After his run in with Lucas he had been stunned for what felt like days. He was sure Sally was either going to run or kill him, but she had done neither. Instead, when he finally gained consciousness she had been nursing his bleeding head. Her face was not filled with compassion, but it was not full of the hatred he expected either.

They had stolen a horse and finished the journey quickly. Sally seemed as anxious to get there as he was. He wondered if she knew Samantha was there and something in her serene spirit told him that she was already aware of that fact. This angered him, but more than that, the situation with Billy infuriated him. Sally was nearly forgotten as they entered the City.

David pulled Sally behind him he entered his building. Strangely, they did not encounter anyone on the way to his rooms. David feared the worst. He felt completely cut off from his energy source. He steeled himself for whatever shock he was about to receive, however, nothing had changed. No one was living here, he had not been fully replaced. He took Sally to the bathroom and told her to take her time cleaning up, that he had work to do. She acquiesced.

David left the suite, locking the door behind him and headed to Prophet's building. It was no more than a block, but in the time it took to walk that far, all hell broke loose.

Ahead of him there was massive confusion and panic. David rushed forward, trying to see what was going on. The apartment building which served as home to Prophet and all of the Chosen was on fire. The conflagration was raging out of control. David stood there in shock, unable to believe this was happening.

"Is anyone in there?" People were screaming, "Somebody do something! Help them!" David had not planned for fires. Apparently, no one had. There was nothing to be done but watch it burn and pray that nothing else caught fire. That seemed unlikely and for a moment David wondered if all of Central City was doomed to burn.

A movement in the shadows caught his eyes and he saw Lucas disappearing behind a church. Fury, hotter than the burning building, consumed David and he ran after them. He rounded the corner carelessly, not thinking of the fact that it might have been a trap. They had disappeared. "NO!" David screamed, turning around and around, looking for them. "Quinn!" David screamed at the top of his lungs, "Don't do this!"

"You and your little crushes make me ill." David turned slowly to face his nemesis. Billy had a crooked grin, a shit-eating grin that made David want to pull his lips off his face. "Looks like this place is going to hell in a hand basket Davey." David stood there, so far beyond rage that he could not even think of any words to say. His face a blank mask, unreadable. Billy felt a momentary pang of doubt. He had not expected this cool exterior.

David closed his eyes and began to breathe, deeply. His mind cleared, his concentration sharpened. He felt the familiar pull begin in the bottom of his belly. "What the?" He heard Billy gasp and then it fell silent as David whisked them away from the Earthly plane. David had decided it was time to show Billy the real man in charge.

Chapter 98:

Prophet felt as though an anvil were on his chest. He couldn't breathe. He tried to open his eyes, but all around him was darkness. He opened his mouth to yell for help, his words were noiseless, swallowed by a deadly pungent cloud. Prophet was aware of a stinging sensation in his throat and lungs, as if he had taken a pull off a rolly. He tried to raise his head and look around but he was unable to move.

He noticed something pushing at his feet, something that began to hurt. Belatedly, he realized that it was not so much a pressure as a heat. It was flame. Prophet's clothing caught on fire and he began to scream. He could feel the flames singeing his clothing, melting his skin and it was the most horrifying thing he had ever experienced. He was crying out now, in terror, in pain, in revulsion. The smell was nauseating, his smell. He could not believe that he was experiencing this.

After what seemed like hours, his soul began to rise. Prophet felt the immediate relief as the pain slid off him like a snake shedding his skin. The guilt and shame of so many years blew away like dead cells, leaving him with a peace he had never known. "Thank God it's over…" His last thought came softly. He was floating high above the scene below, not exactly "up" but more of a feeling that he had shifted somehow and was going toward someplace that felt safe and warm. A new place that felt like home.

Chapter 99:

Lucas, Quinn and Chazz dashed away from the conflagration. Lucas held Quinn's hand, dragging her along behind. She felt numb, unable to believe what was happening to her. Ahead she saw four horses, her heart leapt with joy as she realized Lucas had somehow planned this whole thing. They were going to escape. Just then she heard David behind them. She heard his voice, but more than that she felt him inside her head, he was screaming her name. They stopped and turned, breathing hard.

"He's here." She turned to Lucas, "David's here. How did he…" Lucas was shaking his head slowly, trying to figure it out. Chazz grabbed Lucas's arm and whirled him around, "Snap out of it man before he catches up…C'mon you guys!!" Quinn was frozen in place, she could feel David in her head, in her body…He was looking for her, and she was paralyzed with fear. "No, no, no, this can't be happening." Lucas looked at her with concern and then making a split second decision he hauled her up and over his shoulder.

They ran on, Quinn looking up every now and then to see if David was there. She could feel him coming after them, it was an eerie feeling like going up basement steps in the dark, knowing that at the last moment something will grab your ankle and haul you back. Everyone in town was running past them, toward the fire. As they reached the horses, Lucas literally threw Quinn onto hers. He was breathing hard, his body aching from the exertion. He swung atop his horse with ease and they headed toward the school.

Chazz was sweating with fear and trepidation. His son was all that mattered and he kept repeating it in his head. Behind him, Lucas was riding hard and urging his horse on. Quinn was a little terrified of the huge horse she was riding, but her legs gripped it fiercely and she kept up with Lucas and his friend. She knew they were not heading out of town.

"Quinn? Where are you my love?" She heard David's voice purring inside her, filling her with his desire for her and his longing to have her at last. It burned her like hot grease, but she could not pull away. She could not shut him out as she had Billy. David had the key to her mind, and she could not lock him out. "No, no, no…" over and over the words filled her mind, "hate you, hate you, leave me alone."

"Where are you headed? Why are you running? Quinn? If you leave here I will kill Xander. You know that don't you Quinn? I will murder him and send his body to you." Her heart lurched, she tried to cover it up, to bury it with some other thought but he was too quick and he felt her love and anger surge. "I also have Solomon you know."

The words were simple, and spoken calmly. Quinn didn't know what to believe. "Lucas? Where is Solomon?" Quinn yelled. Lucas turned, "He's here, he's…he's helping a friend. Why?" Quinn's face fell, "Could David have him?" Lucas looked away, thinking. "Lucas!" Quinn sounded almost hysterical, "could David have Solomon? Is there any way?" "He could." Lucas looked her directly in the eyes, "Yes, it's possible." Quinn rubbed her face in frustration, "Where are we going?" "The school. We're getting Chazz's son. We can't go back, Quinn. Even if he has Solomon, we can't go back."

"Yeah, okay…" Lucas watched her, not sure what she was thinking. They reached the school building. There were the faces of children filling the windows, looking toward the mayhem. There were no teachers outside the building, no Chosen. Chazz raced toward the doors. Lucas swung down from his horse, keeping his eyes on Quinn's face. She seemed almost dazed. "Quinn? We need you to hold the horses while we get his son. Okay? Quinn?" She looked blankly at him and nodded.

Chazz bolted back to her horse and grabbed her leg, "Quinn, look I need you, my son needs you…WE need you to do this for us. Please. He's all I have." Quinn smiled weakly, "I'm here for you, it's gonna be fine. Please hurry." She turned to Lucas, and he nodded at her, his eyebrows drawn in concern. "We won't be long Quinn, okay? I promise, we're gonna get out of here."

She watched the two men disappear into the school. Her stomach was wound so tightly she felt that it might bust out through the front of her body. She began singing, trying to block the sound of David from her mind. It wasn't working very well. "Quinn, where are you dear? I can just about picture it. Why don't you let me see where you are?" Quinn closed her eyes and began to picture the outside of a restaurant they had passed. She tried to imagine every inch of it, and project that to David.

He laughed, a warm liquid sound the heated her like a shot of whiskey. "Thank you my love, that wasn't so hard, was it?" She felt him pull away from her and the relief was deep and immediate. "Solomon! Where are you?" She cried out with all of her being and prayed he would hear her.

Chapter 100:

Samantha held Paul close to her for a moment, enjoying the feel of his broad back and thick shoulders. Her brother. It was like a dream come true that they were together. She pulled away and smiled at him, she felt so happy. She hugged Solomon as well, enjoying the feel of his body against her for many different reasons. There was a feeling to his body, much like a tuning fork. It was like a low level vibration that hummed through him and when she was against him it moved through her. She had never experienced anything like it. The closest thing she could compare it to was the purr of a cat against her chest, but it made her feel content in a way nothing else ever had.

"We need to get moving, things are happening fast now and we only have a small window of time left." His voice reverberated in Sam's ears and again it reminded her of a cat purring. She gave him a curious look and stepped away. "What do we need to do?" Paul rubbed his hands together with some anxiety, "We need some horses. We need to get some horses." "Yes, and we need to move quickly."

They opened the door to the bathroom slowly, peering out into the waiting room. It was empty. The threesome moved quickly to the door and out into the evening air. "What's burning?" Samantha asked, holding her nose and trying not to gag. "It's the…it looks like the dorm." Paul replied, craning to see more clearly. "It is the dorm," Solomon confirmed.

People were rushing toward the fire, there was a large amount of yelling and screaming. They stood there transfixed, watching the confusion, watching the people. "Is this for us? Is this somehow to help us?" Paul asked Solomon. Solomon smiled, the edges of his lips barely lifting, "I think it might be partially for us, yes." They moved toward the stabling area which was about three blocks away. They were moving against the crowds, but no one noticed them at all. Paul rushed inside and began to saddle up 3 horses, ordering Samantha to fill some feed bags and strap them on as well.

Solomon stood outside, watching, waiting. He could feel that something good was going on but it also felt as if something really horrible could happen any moment. His chest felt heavy, and his eyes were burning with the smoke from the building. He knew there was no time left for hesitation.

He heard Quinn calling for him. It was crystal clear and he immediately sensed her terror. Her doubts, her fears, they were blocking her and he knew she would never hear him if he answered her. He felt that they must get to her as quickly as possible. He closed his eyes, reaching out to her. He could see her on a horse, she was watching the front doors of a building. "What are you doing Quinn? What are you…"

He understood suddenly that she was worried about him. She was considering coming to find him. She couldn't do that. She could not come back toward town or David would find her. That much was certain. "HURRY!" Solomon yelled to Paul, "Hurry! My God, we haven't got much time! It's almost too late!"

Chapter 101:

Billy was unfamiliar with David's power. He had experienced the feeling of leaving the earth plane; had actually worked to develop this skill and felt rather pleased with himself for becoming quite good at it. Being moved by David was completely new. David was deeper somehow, darker and it made Billy nervous. There were things about David, things like love and passion that made him more than dangerous.

In Billy's limited experience, moving between planes was comparable to having your body disintegrate and blow through the air to rebuild itself in a new place. With David he felt like molten lava, and at the core of this heat was David's essence. Billy understood that for all of his sarcasm and surface bravado he was no match for David. David was a loosely sealed nuclear device, and the worst of it was David already knew this.

Billy immediately pulled up short, trying to halt the pull. David allowed it only because he had Billy where he wanted him. Billy had a sense of blackness. A complete want of light. There was a swirling of noise around him, some terrifying unidentifiable white noise. There were flashing images of things he could not recognize. "How do you like it?" David asked. Billy wanted to shout out with fright, but he blinked, or rather tried to blink because it was apparent that he had no eyes.

"What is this place?" Billy demanded in the tone of a haughty seventeen year old. "This is where you will spend the rest of your…whatever." David said calmly. "Billy, you used to worry me. I was afraid that I had been replaced. I began to lose touch with the darkness that created me. I began to lose sight of my vision. I was confused I guess. Somehow, seeing my home, MY city again reminded me of what I had forgotten. I was sent to destroy certain things, certain…people. I was doing a damn good job of it too…"

"If you were doing such a good job, why was I sent? Huh? Why was I created?" David chuckled, a deep rumbling that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere all at once. "Who do you think created you child? Where do you think you came from? You are me…you are part of me anyway. At some level I knew that I had been…distracted, by Quinn, by Samantha… Call yourself a `split' part of my personality why don't you?" Billy shook his head, "No! I'm not part of you, I have my own memories, my own body, my own life. I was sent by the darkness to finish the job you couldn't handle!"

"What are your memories? What do you remember?" David's voice felt like part of Billy, vibrating in every cell. "I was…I woke up and there were…" Uncertainty seeped into him. "You don't remember anything before you woke up in Central City do you?" Billy thought hard, but realized David was right, he had no memories that didn't include being in Central City. He felt a dull anger rising in him, he didn't like the thought of being part of someone else's mind.

"What kind of a freak are you? What kind of a…devil or monstrosity? What are you trying to prove?" David laughed again in a condescending manner. "It's alright to be angry with me. I'm sorry if I led you to believe you were your own entity. But now I need you, I need your energy to get Quinn. So I'm afraid, Billy, that you will have to come home." Billy tried desperately to pull away, to return himself to Central City, but there was nothing. The white noise around him was becoming louder, and he realized it was voices. Millions of voices talking over each other. The swirling patterns of light around him crystallized and he could see scenes, snippets of movies or something…

"Memories." David spoke quietly to him now as if he were a naughty toddler, "They are all the memories I have collected Billy and you belong with them. You are a part of them, and you have served me well. I appreciate what you did with Xander and how you handled Quinn. You have done well." Billy was in anguish…he could feel the molten lava swallowing him up, melting him into the memories, the sounds, the voices…until he was a part of them and nothing else remained.

Chapter 102:

David opened his eyes, they were burning from the smoke that seemed to fill every corner of his city like a London fog. He could feel the darkness calling to him. It wanted to talk to him, needed to touch base with him. But he did not have time for that right now. He wanted to find Quinn. If he did not move now he knew he would lose her again and it would take another lifetime to find her. He had seen the restaurant, but felt almost sure that Quinn had misled him. It was too easy.

He had to move away from the fire, he had to put some distance between himself and the crazy energy surrounding the lone burning building. He knew it was some sort of distraction, could feel that the whole town was wrapped up in fear, afraid that the whole place would go up in flames. It wouldn't, David had seen the future and he knew he was in it. His concern right now was stopping Quinn, delaying her at the very least.

He began to jog toward the furthest edge of town, running faster and faster, his body thrilling with the rush of adrenaline and blood pounding in his ears. As he ran, the air began to clear and with it his head. He breathed deeply, filling himself with life, with energy and with strength. He began to reach out ahead of himself again, calling to Quinn, filling himself with the passion and desire he felt for her, using it to touch her soul. Using it to trap her.

Chapter 103:

Chazz was not sure what he had expected to find when he entered the school, but the line of young men with guns aimed at his chest had never even entered his imagination. He halted immediately and Lucas slammed into him, nearly knocking them both to the floor. In front of them were about 10 boys between the ages of 10 and 13, each of them armed. They looked scared of the grown men, scared of the guns and scared of being alone. Chazz thought quickly, pulling himself upright. Luckily he was still in uniform, so they had no idea why he was there.

"The fire is spreading," he began, "You need to pack up some things and get out of here. Help the younger boys…and move quickly!" His voice sounded nervous to his own ears, but the boys heard the authority and commanding tone and immediately appeared relieved that there was a grown-up in charge once again. They paused for a split second and then took off at a run yelling out orders to the younger boys.

Chazz moved to the directory and spotted Wyatt's name immediately. "He's on the 4th floor." He told Lucas and they hit the staircase at a run. As they went, young men were streaming past them and out the door. "I hope Quinn can handle all the commotion." Lucas glanced back worriedly over his shoulder, "She didn't look too good, did she?" "She'll be fine. She's tougher than you think she is." Chazz shouted to him. Lucas felt a slight surge of jealousy. Why did Chazz feel that he knew her better than Lucas? It was crazy, but then, this whole situation was making him nuts.

On the 4th floor there was bedlam. Apparently the younger boys were moving as rapidly as possible and making a mess of it. Chazz was scanning the boys, looking for his son. Lucas turned in the opposite direction and immediately spotted Wyatt. The boy was stocky just like his father, with black hair, brown eyes and a cleft in his chin he looked exactly like a miniature Chazz. "Wyatt!" Lucas yelled and the boy looked up.

Chazz turned at Lucas's voice and when he saw his son his eyes filled with tears. He made a choking noise and put out his arms, unable to move the rest of his body. Wyatt began running and was in his father's arms in moments. Both of them were sobbing and hugging and Lucas felt oddly alone. "Daddy, daddy," Wyatt was crying into Chazz's shoulder. "C'mon, we're going." Chazz ordered his son in a strong, loving tone. "We're leaving the City." Wyatt looked up in disbelief, "Forever?" Chazz nodded and relief filled Wyatt's face making him look about 6 years old.

"Can Simon come with us Dad?" Wyatt gestured to a boy standing in a doorway at the end of the hall. He was standing strangely still, watching the flurry of movement without the least bit of interest. "He can't take care of himself and he's my friend." Chazz glanced at Lucas who raised his eyebrows as if to say, "What's one more?" "Okay, but we need to hurry." Wyatt ran to the boy and took his hand, pulling him gently back toward Chazz and Lucas.

The boy had pale blonde hair and enormous blue eyes. His face looked haunted and Lucas felt an involuntary shiver pass through his body. Lucas took his hand from Wyatt, and the foursome began the descent down the stairs. The noise was dissipating and the boys seemed to be nearly gone. It was not reassuring at all and Lucas felt that something terrible was about to happen. "We need to hurry…" Chazz said quietly, echoing Lucas's inner fear.

Chapter 104:

Xander wasn't feeling like himself at all this morning. He had barely escaped being burned alive in the towering inferno that used to be his home. He had exited without being seen by anyone else, and he hoped they thought he was dead. It would be ideal. He couldn't stop to think of what was going on - he needed to get out NOW and get a s far as he could before anyone had an inkling that he might still be living. He knew Quinn was beyond him just now, but he was not so stupid as to believe that she would still be in Central City come daylight. If he was out of here, if he put some distance between himself and these city walls, he knew he could think more clearly. He could regroup, form a plan, and that was just what he intended to do.

He pressed on, leaving the "back way" as it were - taking the last train to Clarkesville. He was on horseback (thank God for that), and moving further away with each passing minute but he could still feel the heat of the city on his back - real or imagined, the heat persisted. His face was stung by the freezing wind, and the nip of snowflakes. The wind was picking up and he felt sure there was a blizzard coming. Xander had a momentary wish that he had brought something for shelter, something to eat and something warm to wrap himself in. However, the need to be as far away as possible burned brightly in his mind and he rode on - into the surrounding bluffs, into the night and far from the insanity that had warped his mind just lately. The buzzing madness that had gripped his brain seemed to cease as he rode...and so he kept on going.

At the top of the next rise, he turned his horse around. He could still see the buildings painted in red and topped with a black top looked like there were more structures burning. It seemed like poetic justice to Xander and he felt an urge to laugh. But he didn't, and knew he wouldn't do that for some time. He was tempting fate at every turn, riding a think line between good and evil, beauty and darkness, love and hate...he continued to be a man at war with himself. It was not easy to breathe, to live in this skin so tightly stretched over so many beliefs and feelings.

He saluted Central City, and then flipped them off - riding once again into the great abyss. "Once more into the ? my friends," he called to the night. Then he was struck with the most terrifying thought he had ever had. He had no friends. He was utterly and completely alone.


Chapter 105:

For the millionth time, Quinn's eyes searched the door to the school. There was still no sign of Lucas or Chazz and she didnt' feel she could wait even one more minute. She could feel David breathing down her back. "Solomon, Solomon!" Her mind continued its hue and cry. Mindlessly, Quinn tethered the other horses and turned her own into the icy wind. She rode off at break-neck speed, her only thought was Solomon...and she was heading straight towards him.

David slowed his running when he felt Quinn coming. It was hard to miss a ray of sinlight beaming through the night and he knew it was unmistakably her. He crouched behind a hedge, trying to slow his breathing. "YOU FOOL!" The words slammed into his brain like a mallet. "YOU ARE LOSING HER AGAIN!!" "I'm not," David cried aloud. Feeling the world begin to slow around him as it always did when he moved into their presence.

The snowflakes ceased their falling and began to hover, he could hear each crackle of the flames licking his buildings. The wind was now a cool carress instead of the icy viper of moments before. As the sense of unrealityh slipped over him like a fuzzy sweatshirt he knew he was not alone, had in fact never been alone. Their coldness seeped into his veins, coated him like morning dew and he felt lke a child. "WE GIVE YOU CHANCE AFTER CHANCE AND STILL YOU HAVE NOT SUCCEEDED. IS IT SO DIFFICULT? TO KILL ONE WOMAN? JUST KILL HER. DO YOU NEED US TO SPELL THIS OUT FOR YOU?" David could not respond verbally so he shook his head, hell, if they had some great idea he'd love to hear it just now.

"FOOL HER, THAT SHOULD BE EASY FOR YOU. TRICK HER, USE HER LOVE AGAINST HER. BECOME THE FACE OF SOMEONE SHE LOVES, SOMEONE SHE TRUSTS...AND DO IT QUICKLY!" The simplicity of the ideas was mind numbing. "Yes, I can do that..." David sighed, knowing what he had to do. She was looking for Solomon, so Solomon was who she would find.

David became aware of his physical form again, sliding into it like a well-worn pair of shoes. He pulled from the well of energy within and his body began to respond to his commands. It lengthened and then slimmed down, his hair changed texture and his eyes deepened and darkened. He smiled and his teeth were whiter, sharper and he glanced into the window behind him, seeing that he was indeed Solomon.

Quinn thundered past and he leapt out at her waving his arms, "Quinn! Here!" She turned and saw him, nearly unseating herself. "Whoa!" She jerked hard on the reins and pulled her horse around. She began to ride toward him, smiling with joy. David fet incredibly angry when he saw that smile. It was one he had seen when he first knew her. When she had seemed self-reliant, and defiant, independent of all around her. It was a loving smile she bestowed on her loved ones, and in no time he had lost that love, that trust and most importantly that smile. He stepped forward, smiling back at her and running a hand through his hair in a way that appeared to be Solomon, but it was a gesture belonging to David.

As soon as she had seen him, her tension and terror had begun to ebb. She felt herself breathing more deeply, and consequently the wall she had put up around her mind shifted and collapsed. She heard Solomon now, clearly for the first time. "Quinn? Are you there? I think you're there...I'm okay. Please believe me, everything is okay. You need to GO Quinn, now! Go with Lucas, get out of's not safe for any of us right now. David could be anywhere."

"Hup..." Quinn pulled up a bit on the reins...slowing her advance toward David/Solomon. "Where are you?" Her heart was beating a tad faster than it had been only moments ago... and keeping her mind clear was taking every ounce of her strength. Solomon felt relief when he heard her respond. He didn't know what had calmed her, but praise to all that is he thought. "I'm just outside the stables. I'm with ..." He paused, feeling her tension rising again. "'re not anywhere near a real estate office?" David stepped forward slowly, not sure what was happening. Quinn hadn't said a word but her face was shifting as though she was thinking seriously about something.

He began talking to her, calmly - trying to soothe her, to numb her...he was no more than five steps from her. His heart was beating rabidly. "No! I'm at the stables. Quinn, why?" Quinn blinked...David/Solomon breathed slowly...four steps..."I can see you right in front of me, right now." ...three... "Quinn, I'm not...I don't see..." ...two... He trailed off...and then Quinn heard several things at once. She heard gun shots behind her, and horses and yelling. She felt the warmth of David/Solomon's hand as it closed around her calf.

Suddenly, it felt like everything was moving in old fashioned slo-mo...and she heard a voice, like a clap of thunder deep with in her mind, and Solomon and Lucas all at the same time..."Quinn!!! Rrrruuuunnnn!" The explosion of voices with her mind was such that blood squirted from her nose...and the liquid heat of her life's blood felt no different to her than the sickly heat of the bastard whose hand was gripping her leg.

David turned toward Lucas, still gripping Quinn's leg in his hand. He hated him with every cell of his being. He was helpless to stop Lucas, could not even slow him down since all of his energy was focused on the Solomon facade. Quinn watched David/Solomon...saw him turn his hatred on Lucas, saw the subtle shift in Solomon's outer shell and saw David clearly underneath him. She could hear Lucas yelling, but could not make out the words. Solomon's voice was gone from her head which was now a hornets nest of buzzing anger. The booming voice was also gone, no trace remaining except the blood now freezing on her face.

She blinked once, and drew in a slow breath, pulling her leg easily from David's grip she drew it back and kicked out at him with all of her being. Her foot connected with his jaw with such force that he was lifted from the ground and thrown backward. He flew, unbelieving, through the air, into the hedge...his head cracking against the building and his vision clouding briefly. The force of the kick unseated Quinn and she landed in a bank of snow, stunned. For the first time in months she had felt like her self. Strong, brave, self-sufficient and it felt good to feel the strenght wthin her once again.

Suddenly time sped up again, and she could hear Lucas clearly, he sounded nearly hysterical, "Go! Quinn, Go!! Come on!" She could hear the horses, at least four of them coming her way, and she tried to stand up but it seemed her body at least was stuck in the slow motion mode. She knew she had only a few seconds before David was up again, and he could pin her down if she was still in the snow...he could hold her for sure. Lucas was over her now, looking like a giant knight on his horse, he smiled down at her, looking slightly nerve wracked...and reached out his arm to her. She grasped his hand and he pulled her up and she was almost to her feet when she felt a wrenching pain in her left shoulder.

Crying out she let go of Lucas and tumbled once more into the snow. It was cold on her face which was now covered in fresh tears. The pain was intense and centralized in her shoulder. Lucas was down now, on the ground with her and extremely vulnerable. He put his arms around her waist and hoisted her up. She cried out, but he kept going until she was on her horse, and then he climbed up behind her. He wrapped one arm tightly around her and spurred the horse on, kicking up snow everywhere. Quinn did not look back over her shoulder to see if David would follow. She was in a cocoon of pain and extremely thankful that Lucas was here.

Chazz was suddenly beside them, "Is she okay?" Lucas nodded, but the look on his face said he wasn't sure. Chazz nodded back. The boys were directly behind them, each on his own horse. They were excellent riders, and had no trouble keeping pace with Lucas and Chazz. Quinn seemed to fade in and out of consciousness...not quite sure what was going on around her and for right now that was just fine.


Chapter 106:

Solomon felt as though they were in a period of radio silence. He could feel Quinn but could not hear her. He could sense that Lucas was near her but couldn't tell if he was helping her or just in the area. It was dreadfully irritating. He heard Paul directly behind him and turned. Samantha was just getting onto her horse and as she seated herself she looked down at Paul. A look of such loving passed between them that Solomon felt empty inside. He had never known a look like that. He had never felt the love of family and normally it didn't bother him a bit...but in this place of sadness and loss he felt it accutely.

Paul handed him the reins to his own horse and they were off smoothly into the night. It felt a little too easy. So much had happened around them. He knew there was no way for him to see Quinn, know that she was alright, but he had to content himself with the knowledge that Lucas was with her. He knew Lucas had been "blessed" for lack of a better word, and having him there was almost as good as being there himself.

He looked at Samantha, and she appeared amazingly calm. She turned to him and her eyes settled on his. "It's going to be fine." she reassured. Solomon nodded, not sure if he actually believed her or not. "It may be..." He knew they were unaware of the situation with Quinn. He wasn't sure if they would care. He supposed they were thinking of other things just now and that was okay. They were nearly out of town before Solomon was aware of it. He looked around in amazement, expecting a fleet of soldiers to descend on them at any moment.

He looked at Paul and it dawned on him that Paul was still in uniform. No wonder there were no disturbances. He was just a Chosen escorting two people to ...wherever. Paul was sitting proudly in his seat, staring straight ahead. Solomon was amazed at the beauty of the two of them. They were almost carbon copies, and yet they looked nothing alike. Generations of genetics flowed between them...aeons of dna mixing and blending and compiling the two people he saw today. It was amazing to him and he could not comprehend what it must be like to be in the same form for a lifetime.

"Solomon?" Solomon jerked, startled by the voice within him. "Lucas?" "Where are you?" Lucas took a better look around and then looked to Paul, "Where are we Paul? How much further til we're out of here?" "It's about a 10 minute ride if we go slow. I think we should go slow. Then another 15 minutes or so until we hit some hills that will offer us some protection." Solomon mentally relayed the information to Lucas, "Is Quinn with you? Is she alright?" There was an unsettling pause, "She's hurt. I'm not sure how badly. It's her arm I think, or her shoulder...she fell on it. It's so damn cold out here I'm worried about her going into shock."

Solomon nodded. Paul gave Samantha a questioning look, but she only shook her head as if to say "Hush". "I don't think it's safe for all of us to meet up here...we should continue East for a day or so and meet up then. What are your thoughts?" "Oh, I agree with you." Lucas sounded adamant, "I'm just not sure how Quinn is going to do for that long. I know we can't stop but...oh, I'm just not sure. This feels like the toughest decision I've had to make yet." Solomon nodded again. "Give me a minute Lucas."

He turned to Paul. "I need to leave you two for a bit. It may be as long as a day. Keep my horse with you. I'll be back. I need to help Quinn." With that he leapt off the horse and disappeared into the night. "What the hell?" Samantha laughed, "Life just keeps getting wierder doesn't it?" "Let's ride a little faster," Paul urged. "We need to get as far away as we can. Will he be able to find us?" "I believe he will," Samantha spoke softly, "He is an amazing creature." Paul gave her one last look before they increased their pace. It was only a few hours until daylight.


Chapter 107:

It took Solomon a few moments to shift back into the more comfortable shape of the cat. He rolled about in the snow, feeling happy to be in this timeless shape. Stretching his muscles quickly he began his dash back into the city. With four legs it went quickly and once inside the city it took only a few moments for him to pick up Quinn's scent. He passed the real estate office where David was still lying unconscious. Solomon wished he had the time to scratch the shit out of him just for fun.

At top speed it took him about an hour to catch up with Quinn's party. He leapt onto Lucas's horse, scaring the shit out of him. "Jesus! Solomon! What the hell?" "You need to stop now. We need to care for Quinn." "Where the hell did that cat come from?" Chazz looked at Lucas with wide eyes. "I've never seen anything like that." "It's a friend, believe it or not." Lucas half-laughed. "Trust me, we need him now." Chazz nodded. "We need to stop care for Quinn. If you want to go on ahead of us, I'll understand." Chazz glanced back at the boys. "No, you were there for me. If you stop, I stop too. Besides, the boys could use a rest."

They pulled under a gathering of trees. The ground here was bare as the full limbs had captured most of the fallen snow. The tethered the horses and Lucas lowered Quinn gently to the ground. Even that small amount of movement made her moan in pain and Solomon rubbed himself on her cheeks, wanting to ease her grief. She opened her eyes a slit, "Solomon?" He meowed loudly and she pulled him to her with her good arm. "Oh, Solomon...I thought we were lost from each other." He purred loudly and rubbed his face back and forth along her cheeks.

Lucas pulled a blanket from the pack and covered Quinn. Chazz did the same for the boys who immediately dropped into a solid slumber. He looked down on them with tears in his eyes and then ran his hands over his face. "I can't believe I've got him back. It's like a dream, I'm afraid I'm gonna wake up." Lucas put a bracing hand on his shoulder. "It's no dream. It may not be easy from here on out. You're a deserter now you know." Chazz nodded, "Screw 'em. They'll have to kill me before they take him away again. I hope the whole friggin' city goes up in flames." Chazz took a moment to strap the feed bags on the horses and then settled down next to Wyatt. In moments he too was fast asleep.

"Now we have work to do," Solomon said. Lucas looked up at him and watched in amazement as he grew out and up and into a man. "How do you?" "I can't explain it today. It's a long story for another time." Lucas looked on dumbly, "Yeah....sure." We need to make some heat here. "A fire? Won't they see?" "No, not a fire...some heat. We are going to have to rely on the old masters for this one. Can you do that? Can you believe in something like that?" "I can believe in anything today." "Good. Sit with me. Take my hands, and repeat after me. Spell on you, spell on me. I wish you warmth. So mote it be."

Lucas giggled, "I have to say that?" "This is serious." Solomon scolded. "We should have three but we will just assume that Quinn is working with us. Okay? Now we have to keep saying this spell until we feel the warmth. It's a simple spell so we shouldn't mess it up, but I need you to believe we can do it. Okay?" Lucas cleared his throat. "Okay. Spell on you, spell on me. I wish you warmth. So mote it be." Both men's voices repeated together, over and over until neither of them was aware of anything but their own beating hearts, the sound of their voices and the rhythm of the chant. "Spell on you, spell on me. I wish you warmth. So mote it be."

Lucas felt like he was spinning. Like the top of his head had become the center of his universe and he was being held down by nothing. He felt as though his head, and Solomon's were somehow connected and they were spinning around and around like the hands of a clock. He opened his eyes, almost afraid of what he would see. His eyes met Solomon's and he felt as though he were being sucked into Solomon. Ooozing deep into his eyes...becoming a part of Solomon? Could that be right? "Spell on you, spell on me. I wish you warmth. So mote it be." On and on they repeated the chant. As Lucas felt the last of himself disappearing into Solomon he realized that somehow their (souls?) has become one. "We are one." The thought slid through his mind like a knife in warm butter...warm butter...warm butter... That's what he felt like.

"Warm butter." he said aloud, breaking the chant. "I feel like warm butter." He blinked. He was sitting cross legged across from Solomon right where he had started. Solomon was also blinking. Lucas looked around, and realized the snow was dripping off the tree limbs overhead. "It's warm?" Lucas looked at Solomon in disbelief. "That was the plan," Solomon purred. "You know you sound like a cat even when you aren't a cat?" Solomon smiled. "We have to help Quinn."

Sitting her up they pulled off her coat and sweater. Her arm was bruised and swollen just above the elbow and again at the shoulder. "It looks like she fractured her arm, and maybe even dislocated it." Lucas's eyebrows were knight together in frustration. "Should we set it? Splint it? What?" "Well, I would say 'Yes' to those things, but we need to move on these horses and I just don't see how she can do that with a broken arm." Solomon breathed deeply and tapped his hands on his legs in irritation. "You can..." he stopped, not sure if he even wanted to finish the sentence. "I can what?" "You her, speed up the healing. But it's gonna take a lot out of you and I'm not sure we should do that either." "I can what? How can I help her do that? What is it another spell or something?"

"Sort of." Solomon stood and leaned against the tree facing away from Lucas. "I'm not sure we should do that." "Do what?" Lucas pulled him around, "Do what? How can I help her? You know I'll do anything Solomon. I love her." Solomon raised his eyes, "You love her?" "Of course I love her, God. I thought that was painfully obvious. Disgustingly, oozingly obvious." Solomon smiled, "Apparently not that obvious to me anyway. Does she know?" "No, I don't think she does. I don't think she wants me to love her. But I don't care. If she needs anything that I can give...I'll do it."

They sat back down, one on each side of Quinn. They took each others hands above her body. "When you were injured. You were dead. You know that right?" Lucas nodded. "Okay, well when you were 'fixed' some of what they fixed you with stays inside. Not a lot of it, but enough to help Quinn and maybe even some after that. You have to be willing to give it to her...which you said you are. But your heart has to feel that way too...and all we can do is try. There is another spell and it goes like this: Wrap thee in cotton, Bind thee with love, Protection from pain, Power sent from above. May the brightest of blessings surround thee this night. For thou art cared for, healing love sent in flight... You got that?"

Lucas nodded, "Wrap thee in cotton, Bind thee with love, Protection from pain, Power sent from above. May the brightest of blessings surround thee this night. For thou art cared for, healing love sent in flight... " Solomon nodded and they began to repeat it over and over the same as they had done before. The pulling from the top of his head began much more quickly this time and Lucas surrendered to it. He closed his eyes and relaxed and listened to his own voice filling the quiet night. It seemed that they continued in this fashion for nearly an hour and nothing much happened. Lucas was beginning to feel a little tired, and his muscles were aching from sitting on the ground for so long.

He was about to tell Solomon it wasn't working when there was a loud snapping sound and his hands began to burn. His eyes flew open and he saw Solomon do the same. Between their hands was a purple spark. It seemed about the size of a quarter, but when they pulled their hands apart it grew. It was flat like a disk, and spinning, crackling and popping with electricity. "That's it." Solomon said, "That's what we need." "Now what?" Solomon looked down at Quinn. Her eyes were open and she was gazing at the purple light. "We put it on her arm...or we try to put it on her arm..." "Nooo..." Quinn spoke softly, as if she were miles and miles from them, "it goes on my head. It goes where life comes from."

The men looked at each other. "That spinning place?" Lucas was out of his league here. "Yeah, that must be it." Solomon agreed. They moved together and placed their hands above her head. As if sensing it was nearer it's destination the purple thingy began to spin and pop and crackle even more than before and it literally leapt out of their hands and hung suspended above Quinn for moments. Both men watched in awe. It lit something they had never seen before, it lit a thick column above Quinn's head. Directly in the center of her head, the soft spot on a baby's head, there was a column of light or energy, something neither of them could describe. It was about an inch across and seemed to rise up out of her and into the heavens above further than they could see...and that was where the purple went.

It changed color, if it had possessed a color before absorbed the purple and dispersed the color, the healing the crackling...whatever it was. Quinn's eyes rolled into her head and her body arched off the ground. Her arm seemed to swell and there was another loud snapping sound and it reset itself. Both men's mouths were hanging open in disbelief and they were still crouched above her, hands clasped. Quinn sighed deeply, and a purplish mist escaped with her breath. As quickly as it had come, the color vanished and all was quiet. After a few moments of silence Lucas pulled away and began to re-dress Quinn. It seemed as though their heat spell was quickly fading as well.

He didn't feel as tired as he had expected, but the ache in his muscles was more acute. Solomon was just sitting there. Finally he looked up at Lucas with such awe and admiration in his face that Lucas paused. "You humans. You're so miraculous. I spend so much time feeling that I am somehow above you because I can become whatever I want to be. But you are connected with your maker all the time? I never knew. I never dreamt it was so pure. I cannot help but feel now that it is you who are above me. I know nothing of your kind." Tears were rolling down his cheeks and Lucas was not sure what to say to him. "But now you know, and we can both start from here right? Isnt' that what we're doing? Starting over?"

Solomon nodded and wiped the tears from his cheeks with some embarrassment. "I need to go now. Paul and Samantha will be needing me." He leaned down and kissed Quinn on the lips. "Sleep well my human. I hope I have served you well." He stood and took Lucas's arm firmly in his. "Be safe until we meet again." "We again won't we?" Solomon smiled at him, "Of course." And he disappeared into the early morning light, right before Lucas's astounded eyes.


Chapter 108:

David awoke with his head on fire. He was in his room, and Sally was leaning over him tending his injuries. He had no memory of getting back here. He could not understand why Sally was still with him. He looked at her with some amazement, and then closed his eyes to retreat into his own inner silence.

He knew she had slipped away again. He could not believe it, but it had happened. His hand could still feel the shape of her leg inside it. What else had he lost? How many buildings? How many Chosen? He couldn't think of it right now. It made him angry and the anger made his head feel like it would pop like an overfilled balloon.

He opened his eyes and starred at Sally until she returned his attention. "I'm not sure why you're still here." She smoothed a hand over his forehead, gently touching the lump on the back of his head. "Well, Prophet is gone. You need someone to look after you. I guess I can do that as well as anyone." David nodded and then cried out when that movement brought fresh pain. "You need to rest. There is much to be done. Tomorrow is a new day and you can try again." Her voice was filled with sincerity, her heart also felt sincere to him. It was a mystery. "Yes, there will always be a tomorrow won't there? There will always be another opportunity. Until one of us tires of the game." "Or one of you dies..." Sally added.

"That is another possibility...but one I don't seriously entertain. Quinn is lost even to herself. She says she wants one thing but her heart longs for another." Sally laughed, "You say that as if it's a surprise to you. Most humans behave that way. You have a lot to learn about how to ensnare a human. I think you suspected it would be easy. Have you changed your view on that yet?" David grinned wryly, "No, my views are not changed by much. Human longing will continue - a need to be led, a need to have boundaries, a need to be together. These are as predictable as the setting sun. As long as Quinn lives she will have longing, and this is the weakness I will forever use against her."

"What will you do with her once you have her?" Sally concentrated on his response, feeling that what he might say and what he was thinking were two different views. "You don't know the whole of it yet, my dear. You only think you know where this is headed. You see, the things you don't know are many and this has only been the beginning of the story. There are many chapters yet to come." Sally lay down beside him on the bed and curled herself around him, "Okay, then you will tell me the rest. I'll begin it for you...Once upon a time..." She rested her head on his chest as David told her about his own beginnings, and of the many things to come...and it was a long, long story whose ending had not yet been written.

The End



Council Bluffs, Iowa